7.5 KB

  1. import pandas as pd
  2. import pandas as pd
  3. import pickle
  4. import numpy as np
  5. from scipy.stats import entropy
  6. from os.path import join as opj, exists
  7. import argparse
  8. import textwrap
  9. from sklearn.preprocessing import MultiLabelBinarizer
  10. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
  11. parser.add_argument("--input")
  12. parser.add_argument("--dataset", default="inspire-harvest/database")
  13. args = parser.parse_args()
  14. ngrams = pd.read_csv(opj(args.input, "ngrams.csv"))
  15. articles = pd.read_parquet(opj(args.dataset, "articles.parquet"))[["article_id", "date_created", "pacs_codes", "curated"]]
  16. articles = articles[articles["date_created"].str.len() >= 4]
  17. articles["year"] = articles["date_created"].str[:4].astype(int)-2000
  18. articles["article_id"] = articles.article_id.astype(int)
  19. _articles = pd.read_csv(opj(args.input, "articles.csv"))
  20. articles = _articles.merge(articles, how="inner")
  21. years = articles["year"].values
  22. topics = pd.read_csv(opj(args.input, "topics.csv"))
  23. is_junk_topic = np.array(topics["label"].str.contains("Junk"))
  24. pacs_description = pd.read_csv(opj(args.dataset, "pacs_codes.csv")).set_index("code")["description"].to_dict()
  25. codes = set(pacs_description.keys())
  26. has_pacs_code = articles["pacs_codes"].map(lambda l: set(l)&codes).map(len) > 0
  27. articles = articles[has_pacs_code]
  28. binarizer = MultiLabelBinarizer()
  29. pacs = binarizer.fit_transform(articles["pacs_codes"])
  30. n_categories = pacs.shape[1]
  31. print((pacs-pacs.mean(axis=0)).shape)
  32. cat_classes = np.array([np.identity(n_categories)[cl] for cl in range(n_categories)])
  33. cat_labels = binarizer.inverse_transform(cat_classes)
  34. with open(opj(args.input, "etm_instance.pickle"), "rb") as handle:
  35. etm_instance = pickle.load(handle)
  36. if not exists(opj(args.input, "theta.npy")):
  37. theta = etm_instance.get_document_topic_dist()
  38., "theta.npy"), theta)
  39. else:
  40. theta = np.load(opj(args.input, "theta.npy"))
  41. print(theta[:,~is_junk_topic].mean(axis=0).sum())
  42. topic_matrix = np.load(opj(args.input, "topics_counts.npy"))
  43. print("Theta average entropy:", np.exp(entropy(theta[:,~is_junk_topic], axis=1)).mean())
  44. print("Topic matrix average entropy:", np.nanmean(np.exp(np.nan_to_num(entropy(topic_matrix, axis=1)))))
  45. theta = theta[has_pacs_code,:]
  46. n_articles = theta.shape[0]
  47. R = (theta-theta.mean(axis=0)).T@(pacs-pacs.mean(axis=0))/n_articles
  48. R /= np.outer(theta.std(axis=0), pacs.std(axis=0))
  49. print(R.shape)
  50. print(R)
  51. topics["top_pacs"] = ""
  52. topics["relevant"] = 1
  53. topics.loc[is_junk_topic, "label"] = "Uninterpretable"
  54. topics.loc[is_junk_topic, "relevant"] = 0
  55. for i in range(R.shape[0]):
  56. ind = np.argsort(R[i,:])
  57. top = np.array(ind[-5:])[::-1]
  58. topics.loc[i, "top_pacs"] = "\\\\ ".join([f"{textwrap.shorten(pacs_description[cat_labels[j][0]], width=40)} ({R[i,j]:.2f})" for j in top if cat_labels[j][0] in pacs_description])
  59. topics["top_words"] = topics["top_words"].str.replace(",", ", ")
  60. topics["top_words"] = topics["top_words"].str.replace("_", "\\_")
  61. # topics["top_words"] = topics["top_words"].str.replace(r"(^(.*)-ray)|((.*)-ray)", "$\\gamma$-ray", regex=True)
  62. # topics["top_words"] = topics["top_words"].apply(lambda s: "\\\\ ".join(textwrap.wrap(s, width=45, break_long_words=False)))
  63. # topics["top_words"] = topics["top_words"].apply(lambda s: '\\begin{tabular}{l}' + s +'\\end{tabular}')
  64. topics["top_pacs"] = topics["top_pacs"].apply(lambda s: '\\shortstack[l]{' + s +'}')
  65. topics.sort_values(["relevant", "label"], ascending=[False, True], inplace=True)
  66. pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)
  67. latex = topics.to_latex(
  68. columns=["label", "top_words", "top_pacs"],
  69. header = ["Research area", "Top words", "Most correlated PACS categories"],
  70. index=False,
  71. multirow=True,
  72. multicolumn=True,
  73. longtable=True,
  74. column_format='p{0.15\\textwidth}|b{0.425\\textwidth}|b{0.425\\textwidth}',
  75. escape=False,
  76. caption="Research areas, their top-words, and their correlation with a standard classification (PACS).",
  77. label="table:research_areas"
  78. )
  79. latex = latex.replace(')} \\\\\n', ')}\\\\ \\hline\n')
  80. with open(opj(args.input, "topics.tex"), "w+") as fp:
  81. fp.write(latex)
  82. keep_pacs = pacs.sum(axis=0)>=100
  83. R = R[:,keep_pacs]
  84. R = R[~is_junk_topic]
  85. labels = [cat_labels[i][0] for i in range(len(keep_pacs)) if keep_pacs[i]]
  86. breaks_1 = np.array([True if (i==0 or labels[i-1][:5]!=labels[i][:5]) else False for i in range(len(labels))])
  87. breaks_2 = np.array([True if (i==0 or labels[i-1][:2]!=labels[i][:2]) else False for i in range(len(labels))])
  88. order = np.load(opj(args.input, "topics_order.npy"))
  89. print(order)
  90. R = R[order,:]
  91. import seaborn as sns
  92. import matplotlib
  93. from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
  94. matplotlib.use("pgf")
  95. matplotlib.rcParams.update(
  96. {
  97. "pgf.texsystem": "xelatex",
  98. "": "serif",
  99. "font.serif": "Times New Roman",
  100. "text.usetex": True,
  101. "pgf.rcfonts": False,
  102. }
  103. )
  104. plt.rcParams["text.latex.preamble"].join([
  105. r"\usepackage{amsmath}",
  106. r"\setmainfont{amssymb}",
  107. ])
  108. from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
  109. plt.clf()
  110. fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6.4*2, 6.4*2.5))
  111. gs = GridSpec(9,8,hspace=0,wspace=0)
  112. ax_heatmap = fig.add_subplot(gs[0:8,2:8])
  113. sns.heatmap(
  114. R.T,
  115. cmap="RdBu",
  116. vmin=-0.5, vmax=+0.5,
  117. square=False,
  118. ax=ax_heatmap,
  119. cbar_kws={"shrink": 0.25}
  120. )
  121. ax_heatmap.invert_yaxis()
  122. ax_heatmap.yaxis.set_visible(False)
  123. topics = pd.read_csv(opj(args.input, "topics.csv"))
  124. topics = topics[~topics["label"].str.contains("Junk")]["label"].tolist()
  125. ordered_topics = [topics[i] for i in order]
  126. ax_heatmap.set_xticklabels(ordered_topics, rotation = 90)
  127. xmin, xmax = ax_heatmap.get_xlim()
  128. ymin, ymax = ax_heatmap.get_ylim()
  129. ax_breaks = fig.add_subplot(gs[0:8,0:2])
  130. ax_breaks.set_xlim(0,8)
  131. ax_breaks.set_ylim(ymin,ymax)
  132. ax_breaks.axis("off")
  133. import re
  134. html = open(opj(args.dataset, "pacs.html"), "r").read()
  135. # Regex pattern to extract the code and label
  136. pattern = r'<span class="pacs_num">(\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{2})</span>\s*(.*?)</h2>'
  137. matches = re.findall(pattern, html)
  138. matches = {
  139. matches[i][0][:2]: matches[i][1]
  140. for i in range(len(matches))
  141. }
  142. import textwrap
  143. prev_break = 0
  144. for i in range(len(breaks_1)):
  145. if breaks_1[i] == True:
  146. ax_heatmap.hlines(y=i-0.5, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, color="lightgray", lw=0.125/2)
  147. if breaks_2[i] == True or i == len(breaks_1)-1:
  148. ax_breaks.hlines(y=i-0.5, xmin=2, xmax=10, color="lightgray", lw=0.125)
  149. ax_heatmap.hlines(y=i-0.5, xmin=xmin, xmax=xmax, color="lightgray", lw=0.125)
  150. print(prev_break, i, labels[i], prev_break+(i-prev_break)/2.0)
  151. if prev_break != i:
  152. text = textwrap.shorten(matches[labels[i-1][:2]], width=35*3)
  153. lines = textwrap.wrap(text, width=35)
  154. too_small = len(lines) >= 0.35*(i-prev_break-2)
  155. if too_small:
  156. text = textwrap.shorten(matches[labels[i-1][:2]], width=35*2)
  157. lines = textwrap.wrap(text, width=35)
  158. too_small = len(lines) >= 0.35*(i-prev_break-2)
  159. if too_small:
  160. text = textwrap.shorten(matches[labels[i-1][:2]], width=35)
  161. lines = textwrap.wrap(text, width=35)
  162. too_small = len(lines) >= 0.5*(i-prev_break-2)
  163. if (not too_small) or i == len(breaks_1)-1:
  164. ax_breaks.text(
  165. 7.5,
  166. prev_break+(i-prev_break)/2.0,
  167. "\n".join(lines),
  168. ha="right",
  169. va="center",
  170. fontsize=8
  171. )
  172. prev_break = i
  173. plt.savefig(opj(args.input, "pacs_clustermap.eps"), bbox_inches="tight")