nac17_20120629_53189_003_GoelFinal_3_FSPGR_3D_sin_asset_info.txt 789 B

  1. Series UID: 1.2.840.113619.2.176.3596.11022020.8986.1340988255.874
  2. Study date: 20120629
  3. Study time: 174503
  4. Series date: 20120629
  5. Series time: 174756
  6. Subject: nac17
  7. Subject birth date:
  8. Series description: FSPGR 3D.sin asset
  9. Manufacturer: GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS
  10. Model name: SIGNA EXCITE
  11. Study id: 53189
  12. Series number: 3
  13. Repetition time (ms): 8.716
  14. Echo time[0] (ms):
  15. Echo time[1] (ms): 1.736
  16. Inversion time (ms): 650
  17. Flip angle: 12
  18. Number of averages: 1
  19. Slice thickness (mm): 1
  20. Slice spacing (mm): 1
  21. Image columns: 256
  22. Image rows: 256
  23. Number of frames:
  24. Phase encoding direction: ROW
  25. Voxel size x (mm): 0.9766
  26. Voxel size y (mm): 0.9766
  27. Number of volumes: 1
  28. Number of slices: 196
  29. Number of files: 196
  30. Number of frames: 0
  31. Slice duration (ms) : 0
  32. Orientation: sag