123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848849850851852853854855856857858859860861862863864865866867868869870871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903904905906907908909910911912913914915916917918919920921922923924925926927928929930931932933934935936937938939940941942943944945946947948949950951952953954955956957958959960961962963964965966967968969970971972973974975976977978979980981982983984985986987988989990991992993994 |
- local({
- # the requested version of renv
- version <- "0.16.0"
- # the project directory
- project <- getwd()
- # figure out whether the autoloader is enabled
- enabled <- local({
- # first, check config option
- override <- getOption("renv.config.autoloader.enabled")
- if (!is.null(override))
- return(override)
- # next, check environment variables
- # TODO: prefer using the configuration one in the future
- envvars <- c(
- )
- for (envvar in envvars) {
- envval <- Sys.getenv(envvar, unset = NA)
- if (!is.na(envval))
- return(tolower(envval) %in% c("true", "t", "1"))
- }
- # enable by default
- })
- if (!enabled)
- return(FALSE)
- # avoid recursion
- if (identical(getOption("renv.autoloader.running"), TRUE)) {
- warning("ignoring recursive attempt to run renv autoloader")
- return(invisible(TRUE))
- }
- # signal that we're loading renv during R startup
- options(renv.autoloader.running = TRUE)
- on.exit(options(renv.autoloader.running = NULL), add = TRUE)
- # signal that we've consented to use renv
- options(renv.consent = TRUE)
- # load the 'utils' package eagerly -- this ensures that renv shims, which
- # mask 'utils' packages, will come first on the search path
- library(utils, lib.loc = .Library)
- # unload renv if it's already been loaded
- if ("renv" %in% loadedNamespaces())
- unloadNamespace("renv")
- # load bootstrap tools
- `%||%` <- function(x, y) {
- if (is.environment(x) || length(x)) x else y
- }
- bootstrap <- function(version, library) {
- # attempt to download renv
- tarball <- tryCatch(renv_bootstrap_download(version), error = identity)
- if (inherits(tarball, "error"))
- stop("failed to download renv ", version)
- # now attempt to install
- status <- tryCatch(renv_bootstrap_install(version, tarball, library), error = identity)
- if (inherits(status, "error"))
- stop("failed to install renv ", version)
- }
- renv_bootstrap_tests_running <- function() {
- getOption("renv.tests.running", default = FALSE)
- }
- renv_bootstrap_repos <- function() {
- # check for repos override
- repos <- Sys.getenv("RENV_CONFIG_REPOS_OVERRIDE", unset = NA)
- if (!is.na(repos))
- return(repos)
- # check for lockfile repositories
- repos <- tryCatch(renv_bootstrap_repos_lockfile(), error = identity)
- if (!inherits(repos, "error") && length(repos))
- return(repos)
- # if we're testing, re-use the test repositories
- if (renv_bootstrap_tests_running())
- return(getOption("renv.tests.repos"))
- # retrieve current repos
- repos <- getOption("repos")
- # ensure @CRAN@ entries are resolved
- repos[repos == "@CRAN@"] <- getOption(
- "renv.repos.cran",
- "https://cloud.r-project.org"
- )
- # add in renv.bootstrap.repos if set
- default <- c(FALLBACK = "https://cloud.r-project.org")
- extra <- getOption("renv.bootstrap.repos", default = default)
- repos <- c(repos, extra)
- # remove duplicates that might've snuck in
- dupes <- duplicated(repos) | duplicated(names(repos))
- repos[!dupes]
- }
- renv_bootstrap_repos_lockfile <- function() {
- lockpath <- Sys.getenv("RENV_PATHS_LOCKFILE", unset = "renv.lock")
- if (!file.exists(lockpath))
- return(NULL)
- lockfile <- tryCatch(renv_json_read(lockpath), error = identity)
- if (inherits(lockfile, "error")) {
- warning(lockfile)
- return(NULL)
- }
- repos <- lockfile$R$Repositories
- if (length(repos) == 0)
- return(NULL)
- keys <- vapply(repos, `[[`, "Name", FUN.VALUE = character(1))
- vals <- vapply(repos, `[[`, "URL", FUN.VALUE = character(1))
- names(vals) <- keys
- return(vals)
- }
- renv_bootstrap_download <- function(version) {
- # if the renv version number has 4 components, assume it must
- # be retrieved via github
- nv <- numeric_version(version)
- components <- unclass(nv)[[1]]
- # if this appears to be a development version of 'renv', we'll
- # try to restore from github
- dev <- length(components) == 4L
- # begin collecting different methods for finding renv
- methods <- c(
- renv_bootstrap_download_tarball,
- if (dev)
- renv_bootstrap_download_github
- else c(
- renv_bootstrap_download_cran_latest,
- renv_bootstrap_download_cran_archive
- )
- )
- for (method in methods) {
- path <- tryCatch(method(version), error = identity)
- if (is.character(path) && file.exists(path))
- return(path)
- }
- stop("failed to download renv ", version)
- }
- renv_bootstrap_download_impl <- function(url, destfile) {
- mode <- "wb"
- # https://bugs.r-project.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=17715
- fixup <-
- Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows" &&
- substring(url, 1L, 5L) == "file:"
- if (fixup)
- mode <- "w+b"
- args <- list(
- url = url,
- destfile = destfile,
- mode = mode,
- quiet = TRUE
- )
- if ("headers" %in% names(formals(utils::download.file)))
- args$headers <- renv_bootstrap_download_custom_headers(url)
- do.call(utils::download.file, args)
- }
- renv_bootstrap_download_custom_headers <- function(url) {
- headers <- getOption("renv.download.headers")
- if (is.null(headers))
- return(character())
- if (!is.function(headers))
- stopf("'renv.download.headers' is not a function")
- headers <- headers(url)
- if (length(headers) == 0L)
- return(character())
- if (is.list(headers))
- headers <- unlist(headers, recursive = FALSE, use.names = TRUE)
- ok <-
- is.character(headers) &&
- is.character(names(headers)) &&
- all(nzchar(names(headers)))
- if (!ok)
- stop("invocation of 'renv.download.headers' did not return a named character vector")
- headers
- }
- renv_bootstrap_download_cran_latest <- function(version) {
- spec <- renv_bootstrap_download_cran_latest_find(version)
- type <- spec$type
- repos <- spec$repos
- message("* Downloading renv ", version, " ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
- baseurl <- utils::contrib.url(repos = repos, type = type)
- ext <- if (identical(type, "source"))
- ".tar.gz"
- else if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows")
- ".zip"
- else
- ".tgz"
- name <- sprintf("renv_%s%s", version, ext)
- url <- paste(baseurl, name, sep = "/")
- destfile <- file.path(tempdir(), name)
- status <- tryCatch(
- renv_bootstrap_download_impl(url, destfile),
- condition = identity
- )
- if (inherits(status, "condition")) {
- message("FAILED")
- return(FALSE)
- }
- # report success and return
- message("OK (downloaded ", type, ")")
- destfile
- }
- renv_bootstrap_download_cran_latest_find <- function(version) {
- # check whether binaries are supported on this system
- binary <-
- getOption("renv.bootstrap.binary", default = TRUE) &&
- !identical(.Platform$pkgType, "source") &&
- !identical(getOption("pkgType"), "source") &&
- Sys.info()[["sysname"]] %in% c("Darwin", "Windows")
- types <- c(if (binary) "binary", "source")
- # iterate over types + repositories
- for (type in types) {
- for (repos in renv_bootstrap_repos()) {
- # retrieve package database
- db <- tryCatch(
- as.data.frame(
- utils::available.packages(type = type, repos = repos),
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE
- ),
- error = identity
- )
- if (inherits(db, "error"))
- next
- # check for compatible entry
- entry <- db[db$Package %in% "renv" & db$Version %in% version, ]
- if (nrow(entry) == 0)
- next
- # found it; return spec to caller
- spec <- list(entry = entry, type = type, repos = repos)
- return(spec)
- }
- }
- # if we got here, we failed to find renv
- fmt <- "renv %s is not available from your declared package repositories"
- stop(sprintf(fmt, version))
- }
- renv_bootstrap_download_cran_archive <- function(version) {
- name <- sprintf("renv_%s.tar.gz", version)
- repos <- renv_bootstrap_repos()
- urls <- file.path(repos, "src/contrib/Archive/renv", name)
- destfile <- file.path(tempdir(), name)
- message("* Downloading renv ", version, " ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
- for (url in urls) {
- status <- tryCatch(
- renv_bootstrap_download_impl(url, destfile),
- condition = identity
- )
- if (identical(status, 0L)) {
- message("OK")
- return(destfile)
- }
- }
- message("FAILED")
- return(FALSE)
- }
- renv_bootstrap_download_tarball <- function(version) {
- # if the user has provided the path to a tarball via
- # an environment variable, then use it
- tarball <- Sys.getenv("RENV_BOOTSTRAP_TARBALL", unset = NA)
- if (is.na(tarball))
- return()
- # allow directories
- info <- file.info(tarball, extra_cols = FALSE)
- if (identical(info$isdir, TRUE)) {
- name <- sprintf("renv_%s.tar.gz", version)
- tarball <- file.path(tarball, name)
- }
- # bail if it doesn't exist
- if (!file.exists(tarball)) {
- # let the user know we weren't able to honour their request
- fmt <- "* RENV_BOOTSTRAP_TARBALL is set (%s) but does not exist."
- msg <- sprintf(fmt, tarball)
- warning(msg)
- # bail
- return()
- }
- fmt <- "* Bootstrapping with tarball at path '%s'."
- msg <- sprintf(fmt, tarball)
- message(msg)
- tarball
- }
- renv_bootstrap_download_github <- function(version) {
- enabled <- Sys.getenv("RENV_BOOTSTRAP_FROM_GITHUB", unset = "TRUE")
- if (!identical(enabled, "TRUE"))
- return(FALSE)
- # prepare download options
- pat <- Sys.getenv("GITHUB_PAT")
- if (nzchar(Sys.which("curl")) && nzchar(pat)) {
- fmt <- "--location --fail --header \"Authorization: token %s\""
- extra <- sprintf(fmt, pat)
- saved <- options("download.file.method", "download.file.extra")
- options(download.file.method = "curl", download.file.extra = extra)
- on.exit(do.call(base::options, saved), add = TRUE)
- } else if (nzchar(Sys.which("wget")) && nzchar(pat)) {
- fmt <- "--header=\"Authorization: token %s\""
- extra <- sprintf(fmt, pat)
- saved <- options("download.file.method", "download.file.extra")
- options(download.file.method = "wget", download.file.extra = extra)
- on.exit(do.call(base::options, saved), add = TRUE)
- }
- message("* Downloading renv ", version, " from GitHub ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
- url <- file.path("https://api.github.com/repos/rstudio/renv/tarball", version)
- name <- sprintf("renv_%s.tar.gz", version)
- destfile <- file.path(tempdir(), name)
- status <- tryCatch(
- renv_bootstrap_download_impl(url, destfile),
- condition = identity
- )
- if (!identical(status, 0L)) {
- message("FAILED")
- return(FALSE)
- }
- message("OK")
- return(destfile)
- }
- renv_bootstrap_install <- function(version, tarball, library) {
- # attempt to install it into project library
- message("* Installing renv ", version, " ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
- dir.create(library, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
- # invoke using system2 so we can capture and report output
- bin <- R.home("bin")
- exe <- if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows") "R.exe" else "R"
- r <- file.path(bin, exe)
- args <- c(
- "--vanilla", "CMD", "INSTALL", "--no-multiarch",
- "-l", shQuote(path.expand(library)),
- shQuote(path.expand(tarball))
- )
- output <- system2(r, args, stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE)
- message("Done!")
- # check for successful install
- status <- attr(output, "status")
- if (is.numeric(status) && !identical(status, 0L)) {
- header <- "Error installing renv:"
- lines <- paste(rep.int("=", nchar(header)), collapse = "")
- text <- c(header, lines, output)
- writeLines(text, con = stderr())
- }
- status
- }
- renv_bootstrap_platform_prefix <- function() {
- # construct version prefix
- version <- paste(R.version$major, R.version$minor, sep = ".")
- prefix <- paste("R", numeric_version(version)[1, 1:2], sep = "-")
- # include SVN revision for development versions of R
- # (to avoid sharing platform-specific artefacts with released versions of R)
- devel <-
- identical(R.version[["status"]], "Under development (unstable)") ||
- identical(R.version[["nickname"]], "Unsuffered Consequences")
- if (devel)
- prefix <- paste(prefix, R.version[["svn rev"]], sep = "-r")
- # build list of path components
- components <- c(prefix, R.version$platform)
- # include prefix if provided by user
- prefix <- renv_bootstrap_platform_prefix_impl()
- if (!is.na(prefix) && nzchar(prefix))
- components <- c(prefix, components)
- # build prefix
- paste(components, collapse = "/")
- }
- renv_bootstrap_platform_prefix_impl <- function() {
- # if an explicit prefix has been supplied, use it
- prefix <- Sys.getenv("RENV_PATHS_PREFIX", unset = NA)
- if (!is.na(prefix))
- return(prefix)
- # if the user has requested an automatic prefix, generate it
- auto <- Sys.getenv("RENV_PATHS_PREFIX_AUTO", unset = NA)
- if (auto %in% c("TRUE", "True", "true", "1"))
- return(renv_bootstrap_platform_prefix_auto())
- # empty string on failure
- ""
- }
- renv_bootstrap_platform_prefix_auto <- function() {
- prefix <- tryCatch(renv_bootstrap_platform_os(), error = identity)
- if (inherits(prefix, "error") || prefix %in% "unknown") {
- msg <- paste(
- "failed to infer current operating system",
- "please file a bug report at https://github.com/rstudio/renv/issues",
- sep = "; "
- )
- warning(msg)
- }
- prefix
- }
- renv_bootstrap_platform_os <- function() {
- sysinfo <- Sys.info()
- sysname <- sysinfo[["sysname"]]
- # handle Windows + macOS up front
- if (sysname == "Windows")
- return("windows")
- else if (sysname == "Darwin")
- return("macos")
- # check for os-release files
- for (file in c("/etc/os-release", "/usr/lib/os-release"))
- if (file.exists(file))
- return(renv_bootstrap_platform_os_via_os_release(file, sysinfo))
- # check for redhat-release files
- if (file.exists("/etc/redhat-release"))
- return(renv_bootstrap_platform_os_via_redhat_release())
- "unknown"
- }
- renv_bootstrap_platform_os_via_os_release <- function(file, sysinfo) {
- # read /etc/os-release
- release <- utils::read.table(
- file = file,
- sep = "=",
- quote = c("\"", "'"),
- col.names = c("Key", "Value"),
- comment.char = "#",
- stringsAsFactors = FALSE
- )
- vars <- as.list(release$Value)
- names(vars) <- release$Key
- # get os name
- os <- tolower(sysinfo[["sysname"]])
- # read id
- id <- "unknown"
- for (field in c("ID", "ID_LIKE")) {
- if (field %in% names(vars) && nzchar(vars[[field]])) {
- id <- vars[[field]]
- break
- }
- }
- # read version
- version <- "unknown"
- if (field %in% names(vars) && nzchar(vars[[field]])) {
- version <- vars[[field]]
- break
- }
- }
- # join together
- paste(c(os, id, version), collapse = "-")
- }
- renv_bootstrap_platform_os_via_redhat_release <- function() {
- # read /etc/redhat-release
- contents <- readLines("/etc/redhat-release", warn = FALSE)
- # infer id
- id <- if (grepl("centos", contents, ignore.case = TRUE))
- "centos"
- else if (grepl("redhat", contents, ignore.case = TRUE))
- "redhat"
- else
- "unknown"
- # try to find a version component (very hacky)
- version <- "unknown"
- parts <- strsplit(contents, "[[:space:]]")[[1L]]
- for (part in parts) {
- nv <- tryCatch(numeric_version(part), error = identity)
- if (inherits(nv, "error"))
- next
- version <- nv[1, 1]
- break
- }
- paste(c("linux", id, version), collapse = "-")
- }
- renv_bootstrap_library_root_name <- function(project) {
- # use project name as-is if requested
- asis <- Sys.getenv("RENV_PATHS_LIBRARY_ROOT_ASIS", unset = "FALSE")
- if (asis)
- return(basename(project))
- # otherwise, disambiguate based on project's path
- id <- substring(renv_bootstrap_hash_text(project), 1L, 8L)
- paste(basename(project), id, sep = "-")
- }
- renv_bootstrap_library_root <- function(project) {
- prefix <- renv_bootstrap_profile_prefix()
- path <- Sys.getenv("RENV_PATHS_LIBRARY", unset = NA)
- if (!is.na(path))
- return(paste(c(path, prefix), collapse = "/"))
- path <- renv_bootstrap_library_root_impl(project)
- if (!is.null(path)) {
- name <- renv_bootstrap_library_root_name(project)
- return(paste(c(path, prefix, name), collapse = "/"))
- }
- renv_bootstrap_paths_renv("library", project = project)
- }
- renv_bootstrap_library_root_impl <- function(project) {
- root <- Sys.getenv("RENV_PATHS_LIBRARY_ROOT", unset = NA)
- if (!is.na(root))
- return(root)
- type <- renv_bootstrap_project_type(project)
- if (identical(type, "package")) {
- userdir <- renv_bootstrap_user_dir()
- return(file.path(userdir, "library"))
- }
- }
- renv_bootstrap_validate_version <- function(version) {
- loadedversion <- utils::packageDescription("renv", fields = "Version")
- if (version == loadedversion)
- return(TRUE)
- # assume four-component versions are from GitHub; three-component
- # versions are from CRAN
- components <- strsplit(loadedversion, "[.-]")[[1]]
- remote <- if (length(components) == 4L)
- paste("rstudio/renv", loadedversion, sep = "@")
- else
- paste("renv", loadedversion, sep = "@")
- fmt <- paste(
- "renv %1$s was loaded from project library, but this project is configured to use renv %2$s.",
- "Use `renv::record(\"%3$s\")` to record renv %1$s in the lockfile.",
- "Use `renv::restore(packages = \"renv\")` to install renv %2$s into the project library.",
- sep = "\n"
- )
- msg <- sprintf(fmt, loadedversion, version, remote)
- warning(msg, call. = FALSE)
- }
- renv_bootstrap_hash_text <- function(text) {
- hashfile <- tempfile("renv-hash-")
- on.exit(unlink(hashfile), add = TRUE)
- writeLines(text, con = hashfile)
- tools::md5sum(hashfile)
- }
- renv_bootstrap_load <- function(project, libpath, version) {
- # try to load renv from the project library
- if (!requireNamespace("renv", lib.loc = libpath, quietly = TRUE))
- return(FALSE)
- # warn if the version of renv loaded does not match
- renv_bootstrap_validate_version(version)
- # load the project
- renv::load(project)
- }
- renv_bootstrap_profile_load <- function(project) {
- # if RENV_PROFILE is already set, just use that
- profile <- Sys.getenv("RENV_PROFILE", unset = NA)
- if (!is.na(profile) && nzchar(profile))
- return(profile)
- # check for a profile file (nothing to do if it doesn't exist)
- path <- renv_bootstrap_paths_renv("profile", profile = FALSE, project = project)
- if (!file.exists(path))
- return(NULL)
- # read the profile, and set it if it exists
- contents <- readLines(path, warn = FALSE)
- if (length(contents) == 0L)
- return(NULL)
- profile <- contents[[1L]]
- if (!profile %in% c("", "default"))
- Sys.setenv(RENV_PROFILE = profile)
- profile
- }
- renv_bootstrap_profile_prefix <- function() {
- profile <- renv_bootstrap_profile_get()
- if (!is.null(profile))
- return(file.path("profiles", profile, "renv"))
- }
- renv_bootstrap_profile_get <- function() {
- profile <- Sys.getenv("RENV_PROFILE", unset = "")
- renv_bootstrap_profile_normalize(profile)
- }
- renv_bootstrap_profile_set <- function(profile) {
- profile <- renv_bootstrap_profile_normalize(profile)
- if (is.null(profile))
- Sys.unsetenv("RENV_PROFILE")
- else
- Sys.setenv(RENV_PROFILE = profile)
- }
- renv_bootstrap_profile_normalize <- function(profile) {
- if (is.null(profile) || profile %in% c("", "default"))
- return(NULL)
- profile
- }
- renv_bootstrap_path_absolute <- function(path) {
- substr(path, 1L, 1L) %in% c("~", "/", "\\") || (
- substr(path, 1L, 1L) %in% c(letters, LETTERS) &&
- substr(path, 2L, 3L) %in% c(":/", ":\\")
- )
- }
- renv_bootstrap_paths_renv <- function(..., profile = TRUE, project = NULL) {
- renv <- Sys.getenv("RENV_PATHS_RENV", unset = "renv")
- root <- if (renv_bootstrap_path_absolute(renv)) NULL else project
- prefix <- if (profile) renv_bootstrap_profile_prefix()
- components <- c(root, renv, prefix, ...)
- paste(components, collapse = "/")
- }
- renv_bootstrap_project_type <- function(path) {
- descpath <- file.path(path, "DESCRIPTION")
- if (!file.exists(descpath))
- return("unknown")
- desc <- tryCatch(
- read.dcf(descpath, all = TRUE),
- error = identity
- )
- if (inherits(desc, "error"))
- return("unknown")
- type <- desc$Type
- if (!is.null(type))
- return(tolower(type))
- package <- desc$Package
- if (!is.null(package))
- return("package")
- "unknown"
- }
- renv_bootstrap_user_dir <- function() {
- dir <- renv_bootstrap_user_dir_impl()
- path.expand(chartr("\\", "/", dir))
- }
- renv_bootstrap_user_dir_impl <- function() {
- # use local override if set
- override <- getOption("renv.userdir.override")
- if (!is.null(override))
- return(override)
- # use R_user_dir if available
- tools <- asNamespace("tools")
- if (is.function(tools$R_user_dir))
- return(tools$R_user_dir("renv", "cache"))
- # try using our own backfill for older versions of R
- envvars <- c("R_USER_CACHE_DIR", "XDG_CACHE_HOME")
- for (envvar in envvars) {
- root <- Sys.getenv(envvar, unset = NA)
- if (!is.na(root))
- return(file.path(root, "R/renv"))
- }
- # use platform-specific default fallbacks
- if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Windows")
- file.path(Sys.getenv("LOCALAPPDATA"), "R/cache/R/renv")
- else if (Sys.info()[["sysname"]] == "Darwin")
- "~/Library/Caches/org.R-project.R/R/renv"
- else
- "~/.cache/R/renv"
- }
- renv_json_read <- function(file = NULL, text = NULL) {
- # if jsonlite is loaded, use that instead
- if ("jsonlite" %in% loadedNamespaces())
- renv_json_read_jsonlite(file, text)
- else
- renv_json_read_default(file, text)
- }
- renv_json_read_jsonlite <- function(file = NULL, text = NULL) {
- text <- paste(text %||% read(file), collapse = "\n")
- jsonlite::fromJSON(txt = text, simplifyVector = FALSE)
- }
- renv_json_read_default <- function(file = NULL, text = NULL) {
- # find strings in the JSON
- text <- paste(text %||% read(file), collapse = "\n")
- pattern <- '["](?:(?:\\\\.)|(?:[^"\\\\]))*?["]'
- locs <- gregexpr(pattern, text, perl = TRUE)[[1]]
- # if any are found, replace them with placeholders
- replaced <- text
- strings <- character()
- replacements <- character()
- if (!identical(c(locs), -1L)) {
- # get the string values
- starts <- locs
- ends <- locs + attr(locs, "match.length") - 1L
- strings <- substring(text, starts, ends)
- # only keep those requiring escaping
- strings <- grep("[[\\]{}:]", strings, perl = TRUE, value = TRUE)
- # compute replacements
- replacements <- sprintf('"\032%i\032"', seq_along(strings))
- # replace the strings
- mapply(function(string, replacement) {
- replaced <<- sub(string, replacement, replaced, fixed = TRUE)
- }, strings, replacements)
- }
- # transform the JSON into something the R parser understands
- transformed <- replaced
- transformed <- gsub("{}", "`names<-`(list(), character())", transformed, fixed = TRUE)
- transformed <- gsub("[[{]", "list(", transformed, perl = TRUE)
- transformed <- gsub("[]}]", ")", transformed, perl = TRUE)
- transformed <- gsub(":", "=", transformed, fixed = TRUE)
- text <- paste(transformed, collapse = "\n")
- # parse it
- json <- parse(text = text, keep.source = FALSE, srcfile = NULL)[[1L]]
- # construct map between source strings, replaced strings
- map <- as.character(parse(text = strings))
- names(map) <- as.character(parse(text = replacements))
- # convert to list
- map <- as.list(map)
- # remap strings in object
- remapped <- renv_json_remap(json, map)
- # evaluate
- eval(remapped, envir = baseenv())
- }
- renv_json_remap <- function(json, map) {
- # fix names
- if (!is.null(names(json))) {
- lhs <- match(names(json), names(map), nomatch = 0L)
- rhs <- match(names(map), names(json), nomatch = 0L)
- names(json)[rhs] <- map[lhs]
- }
- # fix values
- if (is.character(json))
- return(map[[json]] %||% json)
- # handle true, false, null
- if (is.name(json)) {
- text <- as.character(json)
- if (text == "true")
- return(TRUE)
- else if (text == "false")
- return(FALSE)
- else if (text == "null")
- return(NULL)
- }
- # recurse
- if (is.recursive(json)) {
- for (i in seq_along(json)) {
- json[i] <- list(renv_json_remap(json[[i]], map))
- }
- }
- json
- }
- # load the renv profile, if any
- renv_bootstrap_profile_load(project)
- # construct path to library root
- root <- renv_bootstrap_library_root(project)
- # construct library prefix for platform
- prefix <- renv_bootstrap_platform_prefix()
- # construct full libpath
- libpath <- file.path(root, prefix)
- # attempt to load
- if (renv_bootstrap_load(project, libpath, version))
- return(TRUE)
- # load failed; inform user we're about to bootstrap
- prefix <- paste("# Bootstrapping renv", version)
- postfix <- paste(rep.int("-", 77L - nchar(prefix)), collapse = "")
- header <- paste(prefix, postfix)
- message(header)
- # perform bootstrap
- bootstrap(version, libpath)
- # exit early if we're just testing bootstrap
- if (!is.na(Sys.getenv("RENV_BOOTSTRAP_INSTALL_ONLY", unset = NA)))
- return(TRUE)
- # try again to load
- if (requireNamespace("renv", lib.loc = libpath, quietly = TRUE)) {
- message("* Successfully installed and loaded renv ", version, ".")
- return(renv::load())
- }
- # failed to download or load renv; warn the user
- msg <- c(
- "Failed to find an renv installation: the project will not be loaded.",
- "Use `renv::activate()` to re-initialize the project."
- )
- warning(paste(msg, collapse = "\n"), call. = FALSE)
- })