highspeed-masks-docs.Rmd 1.5 KB

  1. ---
  2. title: "Faster than thought: Detecting sub-second activation sequences with sequential fMRI pattern analysis"
  3. subtitle: "Short project title: highspeed"
  4. author:
  5. - Lennart Wittkuhn^[Max Planck Institute for Human Development, wittkuhn@mpib-berlin.mpg.de]
  6. - Nicolas W. Schuck^[Max Planck Institute for Human Development, schuck@mpib-berlin.mpg.de]
  7. date: "Last update: `r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`"
  8. output:
  9. html_document:
  10. toc: true
  11. self_contained: true
  12. toc_float: true
  13. toc_depth: 3
  14. number_sections: true
  15. highlight: pygments
  16. theme: cosmo
  17. df_print: paged
  18. fig_caption: true
  19. fig.align: "center"
  20. header-includes:
  21. - \usepackage{fontspec}
  22. - \setmainfont{AgfaRotisSansSerif}
  23. email: wittkuhn@mpib-berlin.mpg.de
  24. ---
  25. ```{r, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, include=FALSE}
  26. if (!requireNamespace("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")
  27. packages_cran <- c("here")
  28. pacman::p_load(char = packages_cran)
  29. if (basename(here::here()) == "highspeed"){
  30. path_root = here::here("highspeed-masks")
  31. } else {
  32. path_root = here::here()
  33. }
  34. ```
  35. # Creating binary masks
  36. ### Code and software
  37. #### Creating binary masks using `highspeed-masks.py`
  38. ```{python, echo=TRUE, code=readLines(file.path(path_root, "code", "masks", "highspeed-masks.py")), eval=FALSE, python.reticulate=FALSE}
  39. ```
  40. #### Plotting masked data using `highspeed-masks-plot.py`
  41. ```{python, echo=TRUE, code=readLines(file.path(path_root, "code", "masks", "highspeed-masks-plot.py")), eval=FALSE, python.reticulate=FALSE}
  42. ```