Michael Denker d1f7f85689 Initial commit of data and code of the Reach-to-Grasp Experiment. 7 years ago
coretest d1f7f85689 Initial commit of data and code of the Reach-to-Grasp Experiment. 7 years ago
iotest d1f7f85689 Initial commit of data and code of the Reach-to-Grasp Experiment. 7 years ago
README.txt d1f7f85689 Initial commit of data and code of the Reach-to-Grasp Experiment. 7 years ago
__init__.py d1f7f85689 Initial commit of data and code of the Reach-to-Grasp Experiment. 7 years ago
generate_datasets.py d1f7f85689 Initial commit of data and code of the Reach-to-Grasp Experiment. 7 years ago
tools.py d1f7f85689 Initial commit of data and code of the Reach-to-Grasp Experiment. 7 years ago


To run all tests:

With Python 2.7 or 3.3:

$ python -m unittest discover

If you have nose installed:

$ nosetests

To run tests from an individual file:

$ python test_analogsignal.py

(in all Python versions)

For coverage
nosetests --with-coverage --cover-erase --cover-package=neo