README.txt 8.1 KB

  1. This is version 2.2 of the AFNI FATCAT (Functional And Tractographic
  2. Connectivity Analysis Toolbox) demo set (Taylor & Saad, 2013, in Brain
  3. Connectivity).
  4. * In updating from v2.1 -> v2.2, the scripts around the ROI selection
  5. for post-FreeSurfer/connectomic tracking have changed. There have
  6. also been a few naming changes, reflecting some changes in AFNI
  7. program functionality. *
  8. This demo set consists of DWI and RS-FMRI data, as well as example
  9. HARDI-reconstructions, some of which has been processed using AFNI,
  10. FSL (such melodic for ICA), dcm2nii and DSI-Studio (for
  11. HARDI-modeling) programs.
  12. The FATCAT programs run from commandlines. Here, short examples and
  13. scripts of several, but not all, programs and features are given in
  14. the Do_* files. The primary purpose of these scripts is to provide a
  15. number of realistic and/or didactic examples for using FATCAT programs
  16. in MRI analysis. Thus, there are descriptions, musings and suggestions
  17. in the comments in each Do_* file.
  18. There are roughly three sets of analyses, which are not really
  19. independent. There is one for DTI, one for HARDI and one for RSFC.
  20. Particularly for DTI and HARDI outputs, there are a number of script
  21. examples for viewing results nicely in SUMA, courtesy of ZS
  22. Saad. Users are encouraged to check the outputs of each program, even
  23. when scripts are not given.
  24. Work is currently being done for a tutorial using the
  25. SUMA-visualization tools, though some scripts are provided here for
  26. viewing features. Additionally, work will continue on the HARDI
  27. features, for example for including a more rigorous method for
  28. treating directional uncertainty.
  29. ***********************************************************************
  30. To run a script, one should simply be able to type, for example, the
  31. followin in a commandline:
  32. $ tcsh Do_01_RUNdti_convert_grads.tcsh
  33. or
  34. $ ./Do_01_RUNdti_convert_grads.tcsh
  35. and similarly for each Do_* file.
  36. Some of these scripts use existing AFNI programs, such as 3dDWItoDT
  37. and 3dcalc, as well. They should generally be run in the order of
  38. enumeration (first Do_01*, then Do_02*, etc.) since outputs from some
  39. steps become inputs for others. If you want a shortcut to run all
  40. calculations-scripts, but not the visualization ones, then run
  41. Do_00_PRESTO*.tcsh. Even so, it's worth reading through some of the
  42. comments and descriptions in the comments of each file.
  43. Questions/comments/suggestions are always welcome, either on the AFNI
  44. Message Board website, or via email:
  45. PA Taylor:
  46. ZS Saad:
  47. ***********************************************************************
  48. + SCRIPTS to run (more detailed description in comments of each):
  49. Do_00_PRESTO_ALL_RUNS.tcsh :Execute all Do_*RUN*.tcsh scripts
  50. Do_01_RUNdti_convert_grads.tcsh :turn outputs from dcm2nii into usable
  51. gradient columns, includes component
  52. flipping and b0 removal
  53. Do_01_RUNhardi_convert_grads.tcsh :turn outputs from dcm2nii into usable
  54. b-table columns for DSI-Studio
  55. Do_02_RUNdti_DW_to_DTI.tcsh :calculate tensor and associate parameters
  56. from DWIs (stored in directory called
  57. DTI).
  58. Do_03_RUNdti_make_network_ROIs.tcsh :estimate ROIs for tractography from RS-
  59. FMRI data contained in SOME*, which
  60. contains some ICA output components
  61. (NB: file SOME* has been mapped into
  62. native DW space).
  63. Do_04_RUNdti_match_network_ROIs.tcsh :match IC Z-score maps of individual's data
  64. with a reference set
  65. Do_05_RUNdti_DET_tracking.tcsh :deterministic tractography examples for
  66. DTI model data, highlighting various
  67. options and user-control features
  68. Do_05_RUNhardi_DET_tracking.tcsh :deterministic tractography examples for
  69. HARDI model data, highlighting various
  70. options and user-control features
  71. Do_06_VISdti_SUMA_visual.tcsh :fun SUMA visualization of tract output,
  72. as well as WM-ROI statistics, all in one.
  73. Do_07_RUNdti_uncertainty_est.tcsh :in preparation for both mini- and full-
  74. probabilistic tracking, here we
  75. calculate uncertainty estimates of some
  76. DT parameters.
  77. Do_07_RUNhardi_uncertainty_est.tcsh :since the HARDI modeling is not currently
  78. performed in AFNI/FATCAT, there isn't a
  79. program for calculating uncertainty of
  80. parameters, such as there is for DTI using
  81. 3dDWUncert. This describes a *very*
  82. simplistic method for assigning approx.
  83. values of uncertainty for parameters.
  84. Do_08_RUNdti_miniprob_track.tcsh :simple extension of deterministic tracking
  85. to include some tensor perturbations +
  86. Monte Carlo iterations; output is
  87. essentially the same style as for purely
  88. deterministic, but gives a broader
  89. picture of potential tract estimations
  90. including tensor uncertainty
  91. Do_08_RUNhardi_miniprob_track.tcsh :simple extension of deterministic tracking
  92. (as above) for HARDI case
  93. Do_09_VIS*tcsh :more visualization & comparison
  94. Do_10_RUNdti_fullprob_track.tcsh :run probabilistic tractography for DTI
  95. data
  96. Do_10_RUNhardi_fullprob_track.tcsh :run probabilistic tractography for HARDI
  97. data
  98. Do_11_VIS*tcsh :more visualization of probabilistic output
  99. Do_12_RUNrsfc_netw_corr.tcsh :calculate correlation matrices of
  100. functional ROI networks, particularly for
  101. accompanying some of the statistical WM-
  102. ROI output obtained from tractography
  103. Do_13_RUNrsfc_RSFCfilt_param.tcsh :final step of processing for resting state
  104. time series, bandpassing to low frequency
  105. fluctuations (LFFs); at this step, several
  106. spectral coefficients can be calculated
  107. such as ALFF, fALFF, etc.
  108. Do_14_RUNrsfc_ReHo_param.tcsh :calculate Kendall's W (coefficient of
  109. concordance, or ReHo=Regional Homogeneity)
  110. for functional LFFs output by RSFCfilt
  111. ***********************************************************************
  112. Briefly, the data files contained in this demo are:
  113. + DWI data from scanning:
  114. AVEB0_DWI.nii.gz
  115. mask_DWI+orig.*
  116. bval
  117. bvec
  118. + RS-FMRI from scanning, processing, and also ICA (NB: mapped into DWI space):
  119. REST_in_DWI.nii.gz
  120. SOME_ICA_NETS_in_DWI+orig.*
  121. + ANATOMICAL data and skull-stripped surface:
  122. mprage+orig.*
  123. toy.gii
  124. + PARAMETER files for running deterministic and probabilistic tractography (with
  125. some important differences in formats between the *.niml.opts and *dat):
  126. ALGOPTS_DET.niml.opts
  127. ALGOPTS_PROB.dat
  128. + MNI reference IC bricks mapped into DWI for reference:
  129. MULTISITE_in_DWI+orig*
  130. + HARDI-modeled data (from the same AVEB0_DWI.nii.gz) from DSI-Studio,
  131. using GQI reconstruction; also included is the example script of DSI-Studio
  132. commands used for constructing and converting the data to NIFTI files:
  133. HARDI/GQI*.nii.gz
  134. HARDI/do_dsistudio.tcsh