Scheduled service maintenance on November 22

On Friday, November 22, 2024, between 06:00 CET and 18:00 CET, GIN services will undergo planned maintenance. Extended service interruptions should be expected. We will try to keep downtimes to a minimum, but recommend that users avoid critical tasks, large data uploads, or DOI requests during this time.

We apologize for any inconvenience. 8.9 KB

  1. """Figure 1S2 and 5S1 eye position plots, use run -i"""
  2. index = pd.Index([], name='mseu') # init as empty
  3. iposmi = pd.DataFrame(index=index, columns=['stimtype', 'iposfmi', 'relfmi', 'iposrmi',
  4. 'relrmi', 'areafmi', 'meanratefmi',
  5. 'meanburstratiofmi'])
  6. maxiposedge, iposbinw = 10, 0.5
  7. iposedges = np.arange(0, maxiposedge+iposbinw, iposbinw)
  8. """Figure 1S2"""
  9. ## plot cross trial stdev PDFs for control and opto trials:
  10. for stimtype, stimtypei in zip(STIMTYPESPLUSALL, STIMTYPESPLUSALLI):
  11. f, a = plt.subplots(figsize=DEFAULTFIGURESIZE)
  12. wintitle('ipos_opto %s stdev cross trial PDF' % stimtype)
  13. stdctrl = ipos_opto['std_xpos_cross'][:, stimtypei, False]
  14. stdopto = ipos_opto['std_xpos_cross'][:, stimtypei, True]
  15. a.hist(stdctrl, bins=iposedges, histtype='step', lw=1.5,
  16. color=opto2clr[False], alpha=1, label=opto2fb[False])
  17. a.hist(stdopto, bins=iposedges, histtype='step', lw=1.5,
  18. color=opto2clr[True], alpha=1, label=opto2fb[True])
  19. a.set_xlabel('Eye position $\sigma$ ($\mathregular{\degree}$)')
  20. a.set_ylabel('Experiment count')
  21. #a.legend(frameon=False)
  22. print('opto %s std_cross:' % stimtype, wilcoxon(stdctrl, stdopto))
  23. ## plot cross trial stdev CDFs for control and opto trials:
  24. for stimtype, stimtypei in zip(STIMTYPESPLUSALL, STIMTYPESPLUSALLI):
  25. f, a = plt.subplots(figsize=DEFAULTFIGURESIZE)
  26. wintitle('ipos_opto %s stdev cross trial CDF' % stimtype)
  27. stdctrl = ipos_opto['std_xpos_cross'][:, stimtypei, False]
  28. stdopto = ipos_opto['std_xpos_cross'][:, stimtypei, True]
  29. stdctrlbins = list(np.unique(stdctrl)) + [maxiposedge]
  30. stdoptobins = list(np.unique(stdopto)) + [maxiposedge]
  31. a.hist(stdctrl, bins=stdctrlbins, density=True, cumulative=True, histtype='step',
  32. lw=1.5, color=opto2clr[False], alpha=1, label=opto2fb[False])
  33. a.hist(stdopto, bins=stdoptobins, density=True, cumulative=True, histtype='step',
  34. lw=1.5, color=opto2clr[True], alpha=1, label=opto2fb[True])
  35. a.set_xlabel('Eye position $\sigma$ ($\mathregular{\degree}$)')
  36. a.set_ylabel('Cumulative probability')
  37. a.set_xlim(0, 9.5)
  38. a.set_xticks([0, 5])
  39. a.set_yticks([0, 0.5, 1])
  40. #a.legend(frameon=False)
  41. _, KS_p = ks_2samp(stdctrl, stdopto)
  42. txt = '$\mathregular{p_{KS}=%.2g}$' % KS_p # prob that distribs are the same
  43. a.add_artist(AnchoredText(txt, loc='upper left', frameon=False))
  44. ## scatter plot movie reliability FMI vs eye position stdev FMI:
  45. # run reliability FMI for each movie mseu:
  46. mseus, relfmis = zip(*mviFMI['rel'][:, 'run'].items()) # unpack indices and relfmi values
  47. mseus, relfmis = np.array(mseus), np.array(relfmis)
  48. # across-trial eye position stdev FMI for all movie experiments:
  49. mseiposfmis = ((ipos_opto['std_xpos_cross'][:, 'mvi', False]
  50. - ipos_opto['std_xpos_cross'][:, 'mvi', True]) /
  51. (ipos_opto['std_xpos_cross'][:, 'mvi', False]
  52. + ipos_opto['std_xpos_cross'][:, 'mvi', True]))
  53. # get mse string of every mseu in mviFMI:
  54. mses = np.array(['_'.join(mseu.split('_')[:-1]) for mseu in mseus])
  55. # assign appropriate iposfmi to each mseu:
  56. iposfmis = np.tile(np.nan, len(mseus)) # init to nans
  57. for msei, mse in enumerate(mses):
  58. if mse in mseiposfmis.index:
  59. iposfmis[msei] = mseiposfmis[mse]
  60. # boolean indicating entries with non-NaN rel FMI & ipos FMI:
  61. valid = ~np.isnan(iposfmis) & ~np.isnan(relfmis)
  62. # scatter plot:
  63. figsize = DEFAULTFIGURESIZE[0]*1.05, DEFAULTFIGURESIZE[1] # tweak to make space for labels
  64. f, a = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
  65. wintitle('rel FMI vs ipos stdev FMI')
  66. a.scatter(iposfmis[valid], relfmis[valid], clip_on=False,
  67. marker='.', c='None', edgecolor='black', s=DEFSZ)
  68. # plot regression:
  69. fname = os.path.join('stats', 'figure_1_S2i_coefs.csv')
  70. try:
  71. df = pd.read_csv(fname)
  72. foundregression = True
  73. except FileNotFoundError:
  74. print('Missing file: %s' % fname)
  75. foundregression = False
  76. if foundregression:
  77. mm = df['slope'][0]
  78. b = df['intercept'][0]
  79. x = np.array([iposfmis[valid].min(), iposfmis[valid].max()])
  80. y = mm * x + b
  81. a.plot(x, y, '-', color='red') # plot linregress fit
  82. a.set_ylabel("Reliability FMI")
  83. a.set_xlabel("Eye position $\sigma$ FMI")
  84. xmin, xmax = -0.15, 0.15
  85. ymin, ymax = -1, 1
  86. a.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
  87. a.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
  88. a.set_xticks([xmin, 0, xmax])
  89. a.set_yticks([ymin, 0, ymax])
  90. a.spines['left'].set_position(('outward', 4))
  91. a.spines['bottom'].set_position(('outward', 4))
  92. # save to iposmi dataframe:
  93. for mseu, iposfmi, relfmi in zip(mseus, iposfmis, relfmis):
  94. iposmi.loc[mseu, 'stimtype'] = 'mvi'
  95. iposmi.loc[mseu, 'iposfmi'] = iposfmi
  96. iposmi.loc[mseu, 'relfmi'] = relfmi
  97. """Figure 5S1"""
  98. ## plot eye position stdev distributions:
  99. ## plot cross trial stdev PDFs for run and sit trials:
  100. for stimtype, stimtypei in zip(STIMTYPESPLUSALL, STIMTYPESPLUSALLI):
  101. f, a = plt.subplots(figsize=DEFAULTFIGURESIZE)
  102. wintitle('ipos_st8 %s stdev cross trial PDF' % stimtype)
  103. stdrun = ipos_st8['std_xpos_cross'][:, stimtypei, 'run']
  104. stdsit = ipos_st8['std_xpos_cross'][:, stimtypei, 'sit']
  105. a.hist(stdrun, bins=iposedges, histtype='step', lw=1.5,
  106. color=st82clr['run'], alpha=1, label='Run')
  107. a.hist(stdsit, bins=iposedges, histtype='step', lw=1.5,
  108. color=st82clr['sit'], alpha=1, label='Sit')
  109. a.set_xlabel('Eye position $\sigma$ ($\mathregular{\degree}$)')
  110. a.set_ylabel('Experiment count')
  111. #a.legend(frameon=False)
  112. print('st8 %s std_cross:' % stimtype, wilcoxon(stdrun, stdsit))
  113. ## plot cross trial stdev CDFs for run and sit trials:
  114. for stimtype, stimtypei in zip(STIMTYPESPLUSALL, STIMTYPESPLUSALLI):
  115. f, a = plt.subplots(figsize=DEFAULTFIGURESIZE)
  116. wintitle('ipos_st8 %s stdev cross trial CDF' % stimtype)
  117. stdrun = ipos_st8['std_xpos_cross'][:, stimtypei, 'run']
  118. stdsit = ipos_st8['std_xpos_cross'][:, stimtypei, 'sit']
  119. stdrunbins = list(np.unique(stdrun)) + [maxiposedge]
  120. stdsitbins = list(np.unique(stdsit)) + [maxiposedge]
  121. a.hist(stdrun, bins=stdrunbins, density=True, cumulative=True, histtype='step',
  122. lw=1.5, color=st82clr['run'], alpha=1, label='Run')
  123. a.hist(stdsit, bins=stdsitbins, density=True, cumulative=True, histtype='step',
  124. lw=1.5, color=st82clr['sit'], alpha=1, label='Sit')
  125. a.set_xlabel('Eye position $\sigma$ ($\mathregular{\degree}$)')
  126. a.set_ylabel('Cumulative probability')
  127. a.set_xlim(0, 8)
  128. a.set_xticks([0, 5])
  129. a.set_yticks([0, 0.5, 1])
  130. #a.legend(frameon=False)
  131. _, KS_p = ks_2samp(stdrun, stdsit)
  132. #_, MW_p = scipy.stats.mannwhitneyu(stdrun, stdsit)
  133. txt = '$\mathregular{p_{KS}=%.2g}$' % KS_p # prob that distribs are the same
  134. a.add_artist(AnchoredText(txt, loc='upper left', frameon=False))
  135. ## scatter plot movie reliability RMI vs eye position stdev FMI:
  136. # feedback reliability RMI for each movie mseu:
  137. mseus, relrmis = zip(*mviRMI['rel'][:, False].items()) # unpack indices and relrmi values
  138. mseus, relrmis = np.array(mseus), np.array(relrmis)
  139. # across-trial eye position stdev RMI for each experiment, 27 vals, 1 per exp:
  140. mseiposrmis = ((ipos_st8['std_xpos_cross'][:, 'mvi', 'run']
  141. - ipos_st8['std_xpos_cross'][:, 'mvi', 'sit']) /
  142. (ipos_st8['std_xpos_cross'][:, 'mvi', 'run']
  143. + ipos_st8['std_xpos_cross'][:, 'mvi', 'sit']))
  144. # get mse string of every mseu in mviRMI:
  145. mses = np.array(['_'.join(mseu.split('_')[:-1]) for mseu in mseus])
  146. # assign appropriate iposrmi to each mseu:
  147. iposrmis = np.tile(np.nan, len(mseus)) # init to nans
  148. for msei, mse in enumerate(mses):
  149. if mse in mseiposrmis.index:
  150. iposrmis[msei] = mseiposrmis[mse]
  151. # boolean indicating entries with non-NaN rel RMI & ipos RMI:
  152. valid = ~np.isnan(iposrmis) & ~np.isnan(relrmis)
  153. # scatter plot:
  154. figsize = DEFAULTFIGURESIZE[0]*1.05, DEFAULTFIGURESIZE[1] # tweak to make space for labels
  155. f, a = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
  156. wintitle('rel RMI vs ipos stdev RMI')
  157. a.scatter(iposrmis[valid], relrmis[valid], clip_on=False,
  158. marker='.', c='None', edgecolor='black', s=DEFSZ)
  159. # plot regression:
  160. fname = os.path.join('stats', 'figure_5_S1i_coefs.csv')
  161. try:
  162. df = pd.read_csv(fname)
  163. foundregression = True
  164. except FileNotFoundError:
  165. print('Missing file: %s' % fname)
  166. foundregression = False
  167. if foundregression:
  168. mm = df['slope'][0]
  169. b = df['intercept'][0]
  170. x = np.array([iposrmis[valid].min(), iposrmis[valid].max()])
  171. y = mm * x + b
  172. a.plot(x, y, '-', color='red') # plot linregress fit
  173. a.set_ylabel("Reliability RMI")
  174. a.set_xlabel("Eye position $\sigma$ RMI")
  175. ymin, ymax = -1, 1
  176. #a.set_xlim(-0.1, 0.6)
  177. a.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
  178. a.set_xticks([0, 0.5])
  179. a.set_yticks([ymin, 0, ymax])
  180. a.spines['left'].set_position(('outward', 4))
  181. a.spines['bottom'].set_position(('outward', 4))
  182. # save to iposmi dataframe:
  183. for mseu, iposrmi, relrmi in zip(mseus, iposrmis, relrmis):
  184. iposmi.loc[mseu, 'stimtype'] = 'mvi' # automatically adds a new mseu row if needed
  185. iposmi.loc[mseu, 'iposrmi'] = iposrmi
  186. iposmi.loc[mseu, 'relrmi'] = relrmi