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  1. authors:
  2. -
  3. firstname: Martin
  4. lastname: Spacek
  5. affiliation: 'LMU Munich'
  6. id: 0000-0002-9519-3284
  7. -
  8. firstname: Davide
  9. lastname: Crombie
  10. affiliation: 'LMU Munich'
  11. id: 0000-0003-3424-3249
  12. -
  13. firstname: Yannik
  14. lastname: Bauer
  15. affiliation: 'LMU Munich'
  16. id: 0000-0003-2613-6443
  17. -
  18. firstname: Gergory
  19. lastname: Born
  20. affiliation: 'LMU Munich'
  21. id: 0000-0003-0430-3052
  22. -
  23. firstname: Xinyu
  24. lastname: Liu
  25. affiliation: 'LMU Munich'
  26. id: 0000-0002-3527-6168
  27. -
  28. firstname: Steffen
  29. lastname: Katzner
  30. affiliation: 'LMU Munich'
  31. id: 0000-0002-4424-2197
  32. -
  33. firstname: Laura
  34. lastname: Busse
  35. affiliation: 'LMU Munich'
  36. id: 0000-0002-6127-7754
  37. title: 'Robust effects of corticothalamic feedback and behavioral state on movie responses in mouse dLGN'
  38. description: 'Data and Python code for regenerating plots in Spacek et. al., 2022, published in eLife ( Use `` to load data for all LGN optogenetic experiments as a function of stimulus type (movies, gratings), run state, and opto state. Data are loaded from pandas DataFrames, which are saved as Python pickles. Statistics are computed using the included R code.'
  39. keywords:
  40. - 'lateral geniculate nucleus'
  41. - 'corticothalamic feedback'
  42. - 'naturalistic movies'
  43. - locomotion
  44. - 'pupil dilation'
  45. - 'firing mode'
  46. license:
  47. name: 'Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication'
  48. url: ''
  49. funding:
  50. - 'DFG, SFB 1233 TP 13, project number 276693517'
  51. - 'DFG, SFB 870 TP 19, project number 118803580'
  52. - 'DFG, BU 1808/5-1'
  53. - 'Joachim Herz Stiftung (Joachim Herz Foundation)'
  54. references:
  55. -
  56. id: 'doi:10.7554/eLife.70469'
  57. reftype: IsSupplementTo
  58. citation: 'Spacek, M. A., Crombie, D., Bauer, Y., Born, G., Liu, X., Katzner, S., Busse, L. Robust effects of corticothalamic feedback and behavioral state on movie responses in mouse dLGN. eLife 11:e70469 (2022)'
  59. resourcetype: Dataset
  60. templateversion: 1.2