123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258 |
- ---
- title: "Spacek et al., 2021, Figure 2"
- output: pdf_document
- ---
- ```{r setup, include=FALSE}
- knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
- library(arm)
- library(lmerTest)
- library(tidyverse)
- source('get_data.R')
- ```
- ```{r read_data, include=FALSE}
- tib = get_data("../csv/fig2.csv")
- ```
- # Figure 2e
- ``` {r tidy_2e, include=FALSE}
- tb_all = tib %>% filter(fmode == "all" )
- ```
- ## (I) Fit intercept-only model to slope (all spikes)
- ``` {r fit_model_2e_slope}
- # Random intercept for neurons,
- # random intercept for experiments, nested in series
- lmer.2e_slope = lmer(slope ~ 1 + (1 | uid) + (1 | sid/eid),
- data = tb_all %>% drop_na(slope))
- display(lmer.2e_slope)
- ```
- ```{r, include=FALSE}
- print(paste("Intercept: ", format(fixef(lmer.2e_slope), digits=2), " [", format(fixef(lmer.2e_slope) - 2 * se.fixef(lmer.2e_slope), digits=2), ", ", format(fixef(lmer.2e_slope) + 2 * se.fixef(lmer.2e_slope), digits=2), "]", sep=""))
- ```
- ## 95-% confidence interval on slope
- `r format(fixef(lmer.2e_slope)[1], digits=2, nsmall=2)` $\pm$ `r format(2 * se.fixef(lmer.2e_slope)[1], digits=2, nsmall=2)` \newline
- n = `r nrow(tb_all %>% drop_na(slope) %>% count(uid))` neurons from `r nrow(tb_all %>% drop_na(slope) %>% count(mid))` mice
- \newpage
- ## (II) Fit intercept-only model to threshold (all spikes)
- ```{r, fit_model_2e_threshold}
- # Random intercept for neurons,
- # random intercept for experiments, nested in mice
- lmer.2e_thresh = lmer(thresh ~ 1 + (1 | uid) + (1 | mid/eid),
- data = tb_all %>% drop_na(thresh))
- display(lmer.2e_thresh)
- ```
- ```{r, include=FALSE}
- print(paste("Intercept: ", format(fixef(lmer.2e_thresh), digits=2), " [", format(fixef(lmer.2e_thresh) - 2 * se.fixef(lmer.2e_thresh) , digits=2), ", ", format(fixef(lmer.2e_thresh) + 2 * se.fixef(lmer.2e_thresh), digits=2), "]", sep=""))
- ```
- ## 95-% confidence interval on threshold
- `r format(fixef(lmer.2e_thresh)[1], digits=2, nsmall=2)` $\pm$ `r format(2 * se.fixef(lmer.2e_thresh)[1], digits=2, nsmall=2)` \newline
- n = `r nrow(tb_all %>% drop_na(thresh) %>% count(uid))` neurons from `r nrow(tb_all %>% drop_na(thresh) %>% count(mid))` mice
- \newpage
- # Figure 2f
- ## Goodness-of-fit vs burst ratio during suppression
- ``` {r, fit_model_2f}
- # Random intercept for neurons,
- # random intercept for experiments, nested in series
- lmer.2f = lmer(rsq ~ suppression_meanburstratio + (1 | uid) + (1 | sid/eid),
- data = tb_all %>% drop_na(rsq, suppression_meanburstratio))
- display(lmer.2f)
- anova(lmer.2f)
- ```
- ## 95-% confidence interval on slope
- `r format(fixef(lmer.2f)[2], digits=2, nsmall=2)` $\pm$ `r format(2 * se.fixef(lmer.2f)[2], digits=2, nsmall=2)` \newline
- n = `r nrow(tb_all %>% drop_na(rsq, suppression_meanburstratio) %>% count(uid))` neurons from `r nrow(tb_all %>% drop_na(rsq, suppression_meanburstratio) %>% count(mid))` mice
- ```{r, store_coeffs_2f, include=F}
- # store results in file
- coef_df = data.frame("intercept" = fixef(lmer.2f)[1], "slope" = fixef(lmer.2f)[2], row.names = "")
- write_csv(coef_df, "_stats/figure_2f_coefs.csv")
- ```
- \newpage
- # Figure 2g
- ## Goodness-of-fit with and without removal of burst spikes
- ``` {r tidy_2g, include = F}
- # Extract two firing modes: all spikes, and non-burst spikes, and turn them into numeric binary predictors
- tb <- tib %>% filter(fmode == "all" | fmode == 'nonburst') %>% mutate(allSpikes = ifelse(fmode == "all", 1, 0))
- ```
- ``` {r fit_model_2g}
- # Random intercept for neurons,
- # random intercept for experiments, nested in series
- lmer.2g = lmer(rsq ~ allSpikes + (1 | uid) + (1 | sid/eid),
- data = tb %>% drop_na(rsq, allSpikes))
- display(lmer.2g)
- anova(lmer.2g)
- ```
- ```{r get_predicted_average_effect_2g, include=F}
- mNonBurst = fixef(lmer.2g)[1]
- diffMeans = fixef(lmer.2g)[2]
- mAll = fixef(lmer.2g)[1] + diffMeans
- ```
- # Predicted average effect
- All spikes: $R^2$ = `r format(mAll, digits=2, nsmall=2)` \newline
- non-burst spikes: $R^2$ = `r format(mNonBurst, digits=2, nsmall=2)` \newline
- n = `r nrow(tb %>% drop_na(rsq, allSpikes) %>% count(uid))` neurons from `r nrow(tb %>% drop_na(rsq, allSpikes) %>% count(mid))` mice
- \newpage
- # Figure 2h
- ## Goodness of fit with and without removal of tonic spikes
- ``` {r tidy_2h, include=F}
- # Extract two firing modes: all spikes, and non-random spikes
- tb <- tib %>% filter(fmode == "all" | fmode == 'nonrand') %>% mutate(allSpikes = ifelse(fmode == "all", 1, 0))
- ```
- ``` {r fit_model_2h}
- # Random intercept for neurons,
- # random intercept for experiments, nested in series
- lmer.2h = lmer(rsq ~ allSpikes + (1 | uid) + (1 | sid/eid),
- data = tb %>% drop_na(rsq, allSpikes))
- display(lmer.2h)
- anova(lmer.2h)
- ```
- ```{r get_predicted_average_effect_2h, include=F}
- mNonRand = fixef(lmer.2h)[1]
- diffMeans = fixef(lmer.2h)[2]
- mAllSpikes = fixef(lmer.2h)[1] + diffMeans
- ```
- # Predicted average effect
- All spikes: $R^2$ = `r format(mAllSpikes, digits=2, nsmall=2)` \newline
- Randomly removed spikes: $R^2$ = `r format(mNonRand, digits=2, nsmall=2)` \newline
- n = `r nrow(tb %>% drop_na(rsq, allSpikes) %>% count(uid))` neurons from `r nrow(tb %>% drop_na(rsq, allSpikes) %>% count(mid))` mice
- \newpage
- # Figure 2i
- ``` {r tidy_2i, include=FALSE}
- tb_nonburst = tib %>% filter(fmode == "nonburst")
- ```
- ## (I) Fit intercept-only model to slope (non-burst spikes)
- ```{r, fit_model_2i_slope}
- # Random intercept for neurons,
- # random intercepts for experiments, nested in series
- lmer.2i_slope = lmer(slope ~ 1 + (1 | uid) + (1 | sid/eid),
- data = tb_nonburst %>% drop_na(slope))
- display(lmer.2i_slope)
- ```
- ## 95-% confidence interval
- ```{r, include=FALSE}
- print(paste("Intercept: ", format(fixef(lmer.2i_slope), digits=2), " [", format(fixef(lmer.2i_slope) - 2 * se.fixef(lmer.2i_slope), digits=2), ", ", format(fixef(lmer.2i_slope) + 2 * se.fixef(lmer.2i_slope), digits=2), "]", sep=""))
- ```
- Intercept of `r format(fixef(lmer.2i_slope)[1], digits=2, nsmall=2)` $\pm$ `r format(2 * se.fixef(lmer.2i_slope)[1], digits=1, nsmall=1)` \newline
- n = `r nrow(tb_nonburst %>% drop_na(slope) %>% count(uid))` neurons from `r nrow(tb_nonburst %>% drop_na(slope) %>% count(mid))` mice
- \newpage
- ## (II) Fit intercept-only model to threshold (non-burst spikes)
- ```{r, fit_model_2i_threshold}
- # Random intercept for neurons,
- # random intercept for experiments, nested in series, nested in mice
- lmer.2i_thresh = lmer(thresh ~ 1 + (1 | uid) + (1 | mid/sid/eid),
- data = tb_nonburst %>% drop_na(thresh))
- display(lmer.2i_thresh)
- ```
- ## 95-% confidence interval
- ```{r, include=FALSE}
- print(paste("Intercept: ", format(fixef(lmer.2i_thresh), digits=2), " [", format(fixef(lmer.2i_thresh) - 2 * se.fixef(lmer.2i_thresh), digits=2), ", ", format(fixef(lmer.2i_thresh) + 2 * se.fixef(lmer.2i_thresh), digits=2), "]", sep=""))
- ```
- Intercept of `r format(fixef(lmer.2i_thresh)[1], digits=1, nsmall=1)` $\pm$ `r format(2 * se.fixef(lmer.2i_thresh)[1], digits=1, nsmall=1)`
- \newpage
- # Fit a single model to Figures 2e and 2i
- ## (I) Predict slope based on firing mode (all spikes vs non-burst spikes)
- ```{r, tidy_2ei, include=FALSE}
- # (1) Fit a single model to panels e and i to examine changes in slope with firing mode as a binary predictor. We need to turn the strings (= factors, = categorical predictors) into binary predictors (numeric) first:
- tb = tib %>% filter(fmode == "all" | fmode == "nonburst") %>% mutate(allSpikes = ifelse(fmode == "all", 1, 0))
- ```
- ```{r fit_model_2ei_slope}
- # Random intercept for neurons,
- # random intercept for experiments, nested in series, nested in mice
- lmer.2ei_slope = lmer(slope ~ allSpikes + (1 | uid) + (1 | mid/sid/eid),
- data = tb %>% drop_na(slope, allSpikes))
- display(lmer.2ei_slope)
- anova(lmer.2ei_slope)
- ```
- \newpage
- ## (II) Predict threshold based on firing mode (all spikes vs non-burst spikes)
- ```{r, fit_model_2ei_threshold}
- # Random intercept for neurons,
- # random intercept for experiments, nested in series, nested in mice
- lmer.2ei_thresh = lmer(thresh ~ allSpikes + (1 | uid) + (1 | mid/sid/eid),
- data = tb %>% drop_na(thresh, allSpikes))
- display(lmer.2ei_thresh)
- anova(lmer.2ei_thresh)
- ```