Keisuke Sehara преди 1 година
променени са 3 файла, в които са добавени 94 реда и са изтрити 2 реда
  1. 92 2
  2. 1 0
  3. 1 0

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-# Ronny_Bergmann_AirtrackMotorPlanning_RawData
+# Raw data for: Bergmann, Sehara _et al._, 2022
-The raw-data repository for the project "AirtrackMotorPlanning" (examines whether whiskers and pupil positions predict the animal's motor plans)
+The raw-data repository for the project "AirtrackMotorPlanning" (examines whether whiskers and pupil positions predict the animal's motor plans)
+### Contents
+- [File organization](#file-organization)
+- [Acquisition](#acquisition)
+- [Behavioral state annotation](#behavioral-state-annotation)
+## File organization
+### File names
+The files are organized as: `<ANIMAL>/<SESSION>/<DOMAIN>/<ANIMAL>_<SESSION>_<DOMAIN>_run<TRIAL>`, where:
+- `ANIMAL` representing the ID of the animal (in the pattern `MLAxxxxxx`).
+- `SESSION` being the name of the session (in the pattern `sessionYYYY-MM-DD-001`).
+- `DOMAIN` representing the domain of recording (see below).
+- `TRIAL` being the trial index during the session.
+### Domain names
+| Domain name | Description                                                  |
+| ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| top         | AVI files taken at 200 Hz using ZR View (a custom video acquisition software) under the near-UV lighting, trial-based. See [acquisition](#acquisition) for more details. |
+| states      | CSV files containing manual annotation of behavioral states based on the top-view videos, trial-based. See [behavioral state annotation](#behavioral-state-annotation) for more details. |
+| left-eye    | AVI files of left eye videos taken at 100 Hz using PylonPD (a custom video acquisition software) under the IR-lighting, trial-based. |
+| right-eye   | AVI files of right eye videos taken at 100 Hz using PylonPD (a custom video acquisition software) under the IR-lighting, trial-based. |
+## Acquisition
+Below is the schematics of acquisition. The "Start/Stop" signal from the Arduino Mega controls the timings of the beginning and the end of acquisition for each domain.
+![schematics of trial-based acquisition](resources/trial-based-acquisition.png)
+## Behavioral state annotation
+### Names of states
+Basically the idea is to take notes of the period of frames when the subject does a particular action:
+1. Standing still
+   - at the end of a corridor
+     - before starting another trial (`AtEnd`)
+     - waiting for the lick port to come (`Expect`)
+   - at the junction between a corridor and the central arena (`AtCenter`)
+   - in the midway in a corridor (`AtMidpoint`)
+2. Moving backward in a corridor (`Backward`)
+3. Moving forward in a corridor (`Forward`)
+4. Turning in the central arena
+   - in the left (`Left`)
+   - in the right (`Right`)
+5. Licking from the lick port (`Lick`)
+### Criteria of transition
+Transitions from `Backward` to `Left`, or vice versa, would be one of the the most difficult decisions. Sina used the level of the subject's eyes as the reference point, and considered "in the lane (i.e. `Backward` or `Forward`) if their eyes are still in the corridor.
+Another difficulty is determining on when the animal starts to move. You will have to decide case-by-case in accordance with e.g. consistency of motion and positions.
+### Format
+You can keep it as a CSV file, consisting of entries like below:
+| Trial | FromFrame | ToFrame | State    | notes                  |
+| ----- | --------- | ------- | -------- | ---------------------- |
+| 1     | 1         | 4036    | AtEnd    |                        |
+| 1     | 4037      | 4385    | Backward |                        |
+| 1     | 4386      | 4473    | Right    | (ambiguous transition) |
+| 1     | 4480      | 4702    | Forward  |                        |
+| ...   | ...       | ...     | ...      | ...                    |
+1. You can enter multiple trials in one file, if you want.
+   It is better to have a column holding the trial numbers, in any case.
+2. Frames start from one. This is in accordance with how ZR View works.
+3. Frames must contain the start (inclusive) and the stop (inclusive) indexes.
+   This is because it is sometimes hard to determine the transitions, and you
+   may want to skip some ambiguous frames for annotation.
+Copyright (c) 2022, Ronny Bergmann, [Keisuke Sehara](, Sina E. Dominiak, [Julien Colomb](, [Jens Kremkow](, [Matthew E. Larkum](, [Robert N. S. Sachdev](, [CC-BY 4.0](

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