release_notes.rst 5.8 KB

  1. *************
  2. Release Notes
  3. *************
  4. Elephant 0.6.0 release notes
  5. ============================
  6. October 12th 2018
  7. New functions
  8. -------------
  9. * `cell_assembly_detection` module
  10. * New function to detect higher-order correlation structures such as patterns in parallel spike trains based on Russo et al, 2017.
  11. * **wavelet_transform()** function in `signal_prosessing.py` module
  12. * Function for computing wavelet transform of a given time series based on Le van Quyen et al. (2001)
  13. Other changes
  14. -------------
  15. * Switched to multiple `requirements.txt` files which are directly read into the `setup.py`
  16. * `instantaneous_rate()` accepts now list of spiketrains
  17. * Minor bug fixes
  18. Elephant 0.5.0 release notes
  19. ============================
  20. April 4nd 2018
  21. New functions
  22. -------------
  23. * `change_point_detection` module:
  24. * New function to detect changes in the firing rate
  25. * `spike_train_correlation` module:
  26. * New function to calculate the spike time tiling coefficient
  27. * `phase_analysis` module:
  28. * New function to extract spike-triggered phases of an AnalogSignal
  29. * `unitary_event_analysis` module:
  30. * Added new unit test to the UE function to verify the method based on data of a recent [Re]Science publication
  31. Other changes
  32. -------------
  33. * Minor bug fixes
  34. Elephant 0.4.3 release notes
  35. ============================
  36. March 2nd 2018
  37. Other changes
  38. -------------
  39. * Bug fixes in `spade` module:
  40. * Fixed an incompatibility with the latest version of an external library
  41. Elephant 0.4.2 release notes
  42. ============================
  43. March 1st 2018
  44. New functions
  45. -------------
  46. * `spike_train_generation` module:
  47. * **inhomogeneous_poisson()** function
  48. * Modules for Spatio Temporal Pattern Detection (SPADE) `spade_src`:
  49. * Module SPADE: `spade.py`
  50. * Module `statistics.py`:
  51. * Added CV2 (coefficient of variation for non-stationary time series)
  52. * Module `spike_train_correlation.py`:
  53. * Added normalization in **cross-correlation histogram()** (CCH)
  54. Other changes
  55. -------------
  56. * Adapted the `setup.py` to automatically install the spade modules including the compiled `C` files `fim.so`
  57. * Included testing environment for MPI in `travis.yml`
  58. * Changed function arguments in `current_source_density.py` to `neo.AnalogSignal` instead list of `neo.AnalogSignal` objects
  59. * Fixes to travis and setup configuration files
  60. * Fixed bug in ISI function `isi()`, `statistics.py` module
  61. * Fixed bug in `dither_spikes()`, `spike_train_surrogates.py`
  62. * Minor bug fixes
  63. Elephant 0.4.1 release notes
  64. ============================
  65. March 23rd 2017
  66. Other changes
  67. -------------
  68. * Fix in `setup.py` to correctly import the current source density module
  69. Elephant 0.4.0 release notes
  70. ============================
  71. March 22nd 2017
  72. New functions
  73. -------------
  74. * `spike_train_generation` module:
  75. * peak detection: **peak_detection()**
  76. * Modules for Current Source Density: `current_source_density_src`
  77. * Module Current Source Density: `KCSD.py`
  78. * Module for Inverse Current Source Density: `icsd.py`
  79. API changes
  80. -----------
  81. * Interoperability between Neo 0.5.0 and Elephant
  82. * Elephant has adapted its functions to the changes in Neo 0.5.0,
  83. most of the functionality behaves as before
  84. * See Neo documentation for recent changes: http://neo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/whatisnew.html
  85. Other changes
  86. -------------
  87. * Fixes to travis and setup configuration files.
  88. * Minor bug fixes.
  89. * Added module `six` for Python 2.7 backwards compatibility
  90. Elephant 0.3.0 release notes
  91. ============================
  92. April 12st 2016
  93. New functions
  94. -------------
  95. * `spike_train_correlation` module:
  96. * cross correlation histogram: **cross_correlation_histogram()**
  97. * `spike_train_generation` module:
  98. * single interaction process (SIP): **single_interaction_process()**
  99. * compound Poisson process (CPP): **compound_poisson_process()**
  100. * `signal_processing` module:
  101. * analytic signal: **hilbert()**
  102. * `sta` module:
  103. * spike field coherence: **spike_field_coherence()**
  104. * Module to represent kernels: `kernels` module
  105. * Spike train metrics / dissimilarity / synchrony measures: `spike_train_dissimilarity` module
  106. * Unitary Event (UE) analysis: `unitary_event_analysis` module
  107. * Analysis of Sequences of Synchronous EvenTs (ASSET): `asset` module
  108. API changes
  109. -----------
  110. * Function **instantaneous_rate()** now uses kernels as objects defined in the `kernels` module. The previous implementation of the function using the `make_kernel()` function is deprecated, but still temporarily available as `oldfct_instantaneous_rate()`.
  111. Other changes
  112. -------------
  113. * Fixes to travis and readthedocs configuration files.
  114. Elephant 0.2.1 release notes
  115. ============================
  116. February 18th 2016
  117. Other changes
  118. -------------
  119. Minor bug fixes.
  120. Elephant 0.2.0 release notes
  121. ============================
  122. September 22nd 2015
  123. New functions
  124. -------------
  125. * Added covariance function **covariance()** in the `spike_train_correlation` module
  126. * Added complexity pdf **complexity_pdf()** in the `statistics` module
  127. * Added spike train extraction from analog signals via threshold detection the in `spike_train_generation` module
  128. * Added **coherence()** function for analog signals in the `spectral` module
  129. * Added **Cumulant Based Inference for higher-order of Correlation (CuBIC)** in the `cubic` module for correlation analysis of parallel recorded spike trains
  130. API changes
  131. -----------
  132. * **Optimized kernel bandwidth** in `rate_estimation` function: Calculates the optimized kernel width when the paramter kernel width is specified as `auto`
  133. Other changes
  134. -------------
  135. * **Optimized creation of sparse matrices**: The creation speed of the sparse matrix inside the `BinnedSpikeTrain` class is optimized
  136. * Added **Izhikevich neuron simulator** in the `make_spike_extraction_test_data` module
  137. * Minor improvements to the test and continous integration infrastructure