readme.txt 3.9 KB

  1. MATLAB Compiler
  2. 1. Prerequisites for Deployment
  3. . Verify the MATLAB Runtime is installed and ensure you
  4. have installed version 9.1 (R2016b).
  5. . If the MATLAB Runtime is not installed, do the following:
  6. (1) enter
  7. >>mcrinstaller
  8. at MATLAB prompt. The MCRINSTALLER command displays the
  9. location of the MATLAB Runtime installer.
  10. (2) run the MATLAB Runtime installer.
  11. Or download the Linux 64-bit version of the MATLAB Runtime for R2016b
  12. from the MathWorks Web site by navigating to
  14. For more information about the MATLAB Runtime and the MATLAB Runtime installer, see
  15. Package and Distribute in the MATLAB Compiler documentation
  16. in the MathWorks Documentation Center.
  17. 2. Files to Deploy and Package
  18. Files to package for Standalone
  19. ================================
  20. -a6_automatic_artifact_correction
  21. (shell script for temporarily setting
  22. environment variables and executing the
  23. application)
  24. -to run the shell script, type
  25. ./ <mcr_directory> <argument_list>
  26. at Linux or Mac command prompt. <mcr_directory> is the directory
  27. where version 9.1 of the MATLAB Runtime is installed or the directory where
  28. MATLAB is installed on the machine. <argument_list> is all the
  29. arguments you want to pass to your application. For example,
  30. If you have version 9.1 of the MATLAB Runtime installed in
  31. /mathworks/home/application/v91, run the shell script as:
  32. ./ /mathworks/home/application/v91
  33. If you have MATLAB installed in /mathworks/devel/application/matlab,
  34. run the shell script as:
  35. ./ /mathworks/devel/application/matlab
  37. -if end users are unable to download the MATLAB Runtime using the above
  38. link, include it when building your component by clicking
  39. the "Runtime downloaded from web" link in the Deployment Tool
  40. -This readme file
  41. 3. Definitions
  42. For information on deployment terminology, go to
  43. Select MATLAB Compiler >
  44. Getting Started > About Application Deployment >
  45. Deployment Product Terms in the MathWorks Documentation
  46. Center.
  47. 4. Appendix
  48. A. Linux x86-64 systems:
  49. In the following directions, replace MCR_ROOT by the directory where the MATLAB Runtime
  50. is installed on the target machine.
  51. (1) Set the environment variable XAPPLRESDIR to this value:
  52. MCR_ROOT/v91/X11/app-defaults
  53. (2) If the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH is undefined, set it to the concatenation
  54. of the following strings:
  55. MCR_ROOT/v91/runtime/glnxa64:
  56. MCR_ROOT/v91/bin/glnxa64:
  57. MCR_ROOT/v91/sys/os/glnxa64:
  58. MCR_ROOT/v91/sys/opengl/lib/glnxa64
  59. If it is defined, set it to the concatenation of these strings:
  61. MCR_ROOT/v91/runtime/glnxa64:
  62. MCR_ROOT/v91/bin/glnxa64:
  63. MCR_ROOT/v91/sys/os/glnxa64:
  64. MCR_ROOT/v91/sys/opengl/lib/glnxa64
  65. For more detail information about setting the MATLAB Runtime paths, see Package and
  66. Distribute in the MATLAB Compiler documentation in the MathWorks Documentation Center.
  67. NOTE: To make these changes persistent after logout on Linux
  68. or Mac machines, modify the .cshrc file to include this
  69. setenv command.
  70. NOTE: The environment variable syntax utilizes forward
  71. slashes (/), delimited by colons (:).
  72. NOTE: When deploying standalone applications, it is possible
  73. to run the shell script file
  74. instead of setting environment variables. See
  75. section 2 "Files to Deploy and Package".