123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233 |
- function [handle,Zi,grid,Xi,Yi] = cm_eeg_topoplot_20140226(Values,loc_file,MAPLIMITS)
- %% functions needed:
- % - THG_eeg_readlocs
- % - THG_eeg_finputcheck
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Set defaults %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % whitebk = 'on'; % by default, make gridplot background color = EEGLAB screen background color
- rmax = 0.5; % actual head radius - Don't change this!
- GRID_SCALE = 57; % plot map on a n x n grid
- CIRCGRID = 201; % number of angles to use in drawing circles
- AXHEADFAC = 1.3; % head to axes scaling factor
- CONTOURNUM = 6; % number of contour levels to plot
- STYLE = 'both'; % default 'style': both,straight,fill,contour,blank
- HEADCOLOR = [0 0 0]; % default head color (black = [0 0 0])
- BACKCOLOR = [1 1 1];
- ELECTRODES = 'on'; % default 'electrodes': on|off|label - set below
- EMARKER = '.'; % mark electrode locations with small disks
- ECOLOR = [0 0 0]; % default electrode color = black
- EMARKERLINEWIDTH = 1; % default edge linewidth for emarkers
- HLINEWIDTH = 1; % default linewidth for head, nose, ears
- BLANKINGRINGWIDTH = .05; % width of the blanking ring
- HEADRINGWIDTH = .01; % width of the cartoon head ring
- % SHADING = 'flat'; % default 'shading': flat|interp
- cmap = colormap;
- cmaplen = size(cmap,1);
- %% Read the channel location information
- [tmpeloc labels Th Rd indices] = cm_eeg_readlocs_20140226( loc_file );
- Th = pi/180*Th;
- allchansind = 1:length(Th);
- %% Channels to plot
- plotchans = indices;
- [x,y] = pol2cart(Th,Rd); % transform electrode locations from polar to cartesian coordinates
- plotchans = abs(plotchans); % reverse indicated channel polarities
- allchansind = allchansind(plotchans);
- Th = Th(plotchans);
- Rd = Rd(plotchans);
- x = x(plotchans);
- y = y(plotchans);
- labels = labels(plotchans); % remove labels for electrodes without locations
- labels = strvcat(labels); % make a label string matrix
- Values = Values(plotchans);
- %% Read plotting radius from chanlocs
- plotrad = min(1.0,max(Rd)*1.02); % default: just outside the outermost electrode location
- plotrad = max(plotrad,0.5); % default: plot out to the 0.5 head boundary
- default_intrad = 1; % indicator for (no) specified intrad
- intrad = min(1.0,max(Rd)*1.02); % default: just outside the outermost electrode location
- %% Set radius of head cartoon
- headrad = rmax; % (anatomically correct)
- %% Find plotting channels
- pltchans = find(Rd <= plotrad); % plot channels inside plotting circle
- intchans = find(x <= intrad & y <= intrad); % interpolate and plot channels inside interpolation square
- %% Eliminate channels not plotted
- allx = x;
- ally = y;
- intchans; % interpolate using only the 'intchans' channels
- pltchans; % plot using only indicated 'plotchans' channels
- intValues = Values(intchans);
- Values = Values(pltchans);
- % now channel parameters and values all refer to plotting channels only
- allchansind = allchansind(pltchans);
- intTh = Th(intchans); % eliminate channels outside the interpolation area
- intRd = Rd(intchans);
- intx = x(intchans);
- inty = y(intchans);
- Th = Th(pltchans); % eliminate channels outside the plotting area
- Rd = Rd(pltchans);
- x = x(pltchans);
- y = y(pltchans);
- labels = labels(pltchans,:);
- %% Squeeze channel locations to <= rmax
- squeezefac = rmax/plotrad;
- intRd = intRd*squeezefac; % squeeze electrode arc_lengths towards the vertex
- Rd = Rd*squeezefac; % squeeze electrode arc_lengths towards the vertex
- % to plot all inside the head cartoon
- intx = intx*squeezefac;
- inty = inty*squeezefac;
- x = x*squeezefac;
- y = y*squeezefac;
- allx = allx*squeezefac;
- ally = ally*squeezefac;
- % Note: Now outermost channel will be plotted just inside rmax
- % rotate channels based on chaninfo %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- rotate = 0;
- %% Make the plot
- xmin = min(-rmax,min(intx)); xmax = max(rmax,max(intx));
- ymin = min(-rmax,min(inty)); ymax = max(rmax,max(inty));
- % Interpolate scalp map data
- xi = linspace(xmin,xmax,GRID_SCALE); % x-axis description (row vector)
- yi = linspace(ymin,ymax,GRID_SCALE); % y-axis description (row vector)
- [Xi,Yi,Zi] = griddata(inty,intx,intValues,yi',xi,'cubic'); % interpolate data ('invdist' replaced by)
- % Mask out data outside the head
- mask = (sqrt(Xi.^2 + Yi.^2) <= rmax); % mask outside the plotting circle
- ii = find(mask == 0);
- Zi(ii) = NaN; % mask non-plotting voxels with NaNs
- grid = plotrad; % unless 'noplot', then 3rd output arg is plotrad
- % Colormap limits
- amin = MAPLIMITS(1);
- amax = MAPLIMITS(2);
- delta = xi(2)-xi(1); % length of grid entry
- % Scale the axes
- cla % clear current axis
- hold on
- h = gca; % uses current axes
- set(gca,'Xlim',[-rmax rmax]*AXHEADFAC,'Ylim',[-rmax rmax]*AXHEADFAC,'color','w','xcolor','w','ycolor','w','zcolor','w','xtick',[],'ytick',[]);
- %% plot
- tmph = surface(Xi-delta/2,Yi-delta/2,zeros(size(Zi)),Zi,'EdgeColor','none','FaceColor','flat'); % 'FaceColor','interp' or 'flat'
- colormap jet
- %% Set color axis
- caxis([amin amax]) % set coloraxis
- handle = gca;
- %% Plot filled ring to mask jagged grid boundary
- hwidth = HEADRINGWIDTH; % width of head ring
- hin = squeezefac*headrad*(1- hwidth/2); % inner head ring radius
- rwidth = BLANKINGRINGWIDTH; % width of blanking outer ring
- rin = rmax*(1-rwidth/2); % inner ring radius
- if hin>rin
- rin = hin; % don't blank inside the head ring
- end
- %% mask the jagged border around rmax
- circ = linspace(0,2*pi,CIRCGRID);
- rx = sin(circ);
- ry = cos(circ);
- ringx = [[rx(:)' rx(1) ]*(rin+rwidth) [rx(:)' rx(1)]*rin];
- ringy = [[ry(:)' ry(1) ]*(rin+rwidth) [ry(:)' ry(1)]*rin];
- ringh = patch(ringx,ringy,0.01*ones(size(ringx)),BACKCOLOR,'edgecolor','none'); hold on
- %% Plot head outline
- headx = [[rx(:)' rx(1) ]*(hin+hwidth) [rx(:)' rx(1)]*hin];
- heady = [[ry(:)' ry(1) ]*(hin+hwidth) [ry(:)' ry(1)]*hin];
- ringh = patch(headx,heady,ones(size(headx)),'k','edgecolor','none'); hold on
- %% Plot ears and nose
- base = rmax-.0046;
- basex = 0.18*rmax; % nose width
- tip = 1.15*rmax;
- tiphw = .04*rmax; % nose tip half width
- tipr = .01*rmax; % nose tip rounding
- q = .04; % ear lengthening
- EarX = [.497-.005 .510 .518 .5299 .5419 .54 .547 .532 .510 .489-.005]; % rmax = 0.5
- EarY = [q+.0555 q+.0775 q+.0783 q+.0746 q+.0555 -.0055 -.0932 -.1313 -.1384 -.1199];
- sf = headrad/plotrad; % squeeze the model ears and nose
- % by this factor
- plot3([basex;tiphw;0;-tiphw;-basex]*sf,[base;tip-tipr;tip;tip-tipr;base]*sf,...
- 2*ones(size([basex;tiphw;0;-tiphw;-basex])),...
- 'Color',HEADCOLOR,'LineWidth',HLINEWIDTH); % plot nose
- plot3(EarX*sf,EarY*sf,2*ones(size(EarX)),'color',HEADCOLOR,'LineWidth',HLINEWIDTH) % plot left ear
- plot3(-EarX*sf,EarY*sf,2*ones(size(EarY)),'color',HEADCOLOR,'LineWidth',HLINEWIDTH) % plot right ear
- %% Show electrode information
- plotax = gca;
- axis square
- axis off
- pos = get(gca,'position');
- xlm = get(gca,'xlim');
- ylm = get(gca,'ylim');
- axis square % make textax square
- pos = get(gca,'position');
- set(plotax,'position',pos);
- xlm = get(gca,'xlim');
- set(plotax,'xlim',xlm);
- ylm = get(gca,'ylim');
- set(plotax,'ylim',ylm); % copy position and axis limits again
- %% Mark electrode locations only
- ELECTRODE_HEIGHT = 2.1; % z value for plotting electrode information (above the surf)
- hp2 = plot3(y*.95,x*.95,ones(size(x))*ELECTRODE_HEIGHT,...
- %%%%%%%%%%%%% Set EEGLAB background color to match head border %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- hold off
- axis off
- return