@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+import os.path
+import nilearn
+from nilearn import image
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+import nibabel as nib
+import nibabel.processing as npr
+def subsample_img(img, f):
+ """Reduce resample_to_img features of a 3D array by a given factor f."""
+ data = img.get_fdata()
+ mask = np.zeros(img.shape)
+ mask[::f, ::f, ::f] = 1
+ data = data * mask
+ return nib.Nifti1Image(data, img.affine, img.header)
+def binarize_3d(img, threshold):
+ """binarize 3D spatial image"""
+ return nib.Nifti1Image(
+ np.where(img.get_fdata() > threshold, 1, 0), img.affine, img.header
+ )
+def calculate_voxelwise_features(phenotype_file, mask_file, smooth_fwhm, resample_size):
+ """Calculate voxelwise features for the subjects
+ Args:
+ phenotype_file (csv or txt): A csv or text file with path to subject images
+ mask_file (nii): The GM mask file to be used to extract features
+ smooth_fwhm (int): Smooth images by applying a Gaussian filter by given FWHM (mm)
+ resample_size (int): Resample image to given voxel size
+ Returns:
+ data_resampled (dataframe): pandas dataframe of features (N subjects by M features)
+ """
+ phenotype = pd.read_csv(phenotype_file, header=None)
+ # don't need this anymore
+ # filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(phenotype_file)
+ # if file_extension == ".txt":
+ # phenotype = pd.read_csv(phenotype_file, header=None)
+ # elif file_extension == ".csv":
+ # phenotype = pd.read_csv(phenotype_file, sep=",", header=None)
+ # else:
+ # raise ValueError("Wrong file. Please imput either a csv or text file")
+ print(phenotype.shape)
+ print(phenotype.head())
+# phenotype = phenotype.iloc[0:15]
+ data_resampled = np.array([]) # array to save resampled features from subjects mri
+ count = 0
+ for index, row in phenotype.iterrows(): # iterate over each row
+ sub_file = row.values[0]
+ if os.path.exists(sub_file):
+ print(f"\n-----Processing subject number {count}------")
+ sub_img = nib.load(sub_file) # load subject image
+ mask_img = nib.load(mask_file) # load mask image
+ print("Subject and mask image loaded")
+ print("sub affine original \n", sub_img.affine, sub_img.shape)
+ print("mask affine original \n", mask_img.affine, mask_img.shape)
+ print("Perform smoothing")
+ sub_img = image.smooth_img(
+ sub_img, smooth_fwhm
+ ) # smooth the image with 4 mm FWHM
+ print("Perform resampling")
+ # trying to match Gaser
+ mask_img_rs = npr.resample_to_output(
+ mask_img, [resample_size] * len(mask_img.shape), order=1
+ ) # resample mask
+ print(
+ "mask affine after resampling\n",
+ mask_img_rs.affine,
+ mask_img_rs.shape,
+ )
+ sub_img_rs = image.resample_to_img(
+ sub_img, mask_img_rs, interpolation="linear"
+ ) # resample subject
+ print(
+ "sub affine after resampling\n",
+ sub_img_rs.affine,
+ sub_img_rs.shape,
+ )
+ binary_mask_img_rs = binarize_3d(mask_img_rs, 0.5) # binarize the mask
+ mask_rs = binary_mask_img_rs.get_fdata().astype(bool)
+ sub_data_rs = sub_img_rs.get_fdata()[
+ mask_rs
+ ] # extract voxel using the binarized mask
+ sub_data_rs = sub_data_rs.reshape(1, -1)
+ if data_resampled.size == 0:
+ data_resampled = sub_data_rs
+ else:
+ data_resampled = np.concatenate((data_resampled, sub_data_rs), axis=0)
+ count = count + 1
+ print(data_resampled.shape)
+ print("\n *** Feature extraction done ***")
+ # renaming the columns and convering to dataframe
+ data_resampled = pd.DataFrame(data_resampled)
+ data_resampled.rename(columns=lambda X: "f_" + str(X), inplace=True)
+ print('Feature names:', data_resampled.columns)
+ print(f"The size of the feature space is {data_resampled.shape}")
+ return data_resampled
+def calculate_parcelwise_features(phenotype_file, mask_dir, num_parcels):
+ """Calculate parcelwise features for the subjects
+ Args:
+ phenotype_file (csv or text): A csv or text file with path to subject images
+ mask_dir (_type_): The GM mask file to be used to extract features
+ num_parcels (_type_): Number of parcels
+ Returns:
+ data_parcels (dataframe): pandas dataframe of features (N subjects by M parcels)
+ """
+ phenotype = pd.read_csv(phenotype_file, header=None)
+ # filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(phenotype_file)
+ # if file_extension == '.txt':
+ # phenotype = pd.read_csv(phenotype_file, header=None)
+ # elif file_extension == '.csv':
+ # phenotype = pd.read_csv(phenotype_file, sep=',', header=None)
+ # else:
+ # raise ValueError("Wrong file. Please imput either a csv or text file")
+ print(phenotype.shape)
+ print(phenotype.head())
+# phenotype = phenotype.iloc[0:15]
+ data_parcels = [] #np.array([]) # array to save resampled features from subjects mri
+ count = 0
+ for index, row in phenotype.iterrows(): # iterate over each row
+ sub_file = row.values[0]
+ if os.path.exists(sub_file):
+ print(f'\nProcessing subject number {count}')
+ sub_img = nib.load(sub_file) # load subject image
+ mask_img = nib.load(mask_dir) # load mask image
+ print ('Subject and mask image loaded')
+ print(sub_file, sub_img.affine, mask_img.affine)
+ sub_data = sub_img.get_fdata()
+ sub_data[sub_data == 0] = np.nan # replace zeros with Nan
+ sub_data_parcels = []
+ if not np.array_equal(sub_img.affine, mask_img.affine):
+ mask_img = nilearn.image.resample_to_img(mask_img, sub_img, interpolation='linear')
+ else:
+ print("Subject and mask have same affine")
+ for num in range(1, int(num_parcels) + 1):
+ itemindex = np.where(mask_img.get_fdata() == num) # get indices from the mask for a parcel
+ sub_mat = sub_data[itemindex]
+ if np.all(np.isnan(sub_mat)):
+ sub_agg = 0
+ else:
+ sub_agg = np.nanmean(sub_mat) # mean the data from the indices to get GM volume
+ sub_data_parcels.append(sub_agg)
+ data_parcels.append(sub_data_parcels)
+ print(len(data_parcels))
+ count = count + 1
+ print('\n *** Feature extraction done ***')
+ data_parcels = pd.DataFrame(data_parcels)
+ data_parcels.rename(columns=lambda X :'f_' + str(X), inplace=True)
+ print(data_parcels.columns)
+ print('final dataframe shape', data_parcels.shape)
+ return data_parcels