Readme.TXT 1.9 KB

  1. The data were stored in BrainVision Format. The following stimuli were used:
  2. -> T — Target stimulus
  3. -> N — Non-Target stimulus
  4. -> D — Distractor stimulus
  5. The following files were stored:
  6. Data files:
  7. -> LED_DD_MM_YYYY_EXP-ID.eeg - a binary file containing raw data
  8. -> LED_DD_MM_YYYY_EXP-ID-T.avg - a binary file containing averaged raw data related to the marker "T" (i.e. epochs)
  9. -> LED_DD_MM_YYYY_EXP-ID-N.avg - a binary file containing averaged raw data related to the marker "N" (i.e. epochs)
  10. -> LED_DD_MM_YYYY_EXP-ID-D.avg - a binary file containing averaged raw data related to the marker "D" (i.e. epochs)
  11. Header files:
  12. -> LED_DD_MM_YYYY_EXP-ID.vhdr - a text file containing metadata describing raw data in the .eeg file
  13. -> LED_DD_MM_YYYY_EXP-ID-T.vhdr - a text file containing metadata describing raw data in the .eeg file related to the marker "T"
  14. -> LED_DD_MM_YYYY_EXP-ID-N.vhdr - a text file containing metadata describing raw data in the .eeg file related to the marker "N"
  15. -> LED_DD_MM_YYYY_EXP-ID-D.vhdr - a text file containing metadata describing raw data in the .eeg file related to the marker "D"
  16. -> LED_DD_MM_YYYY_EXP-ID.vmrk - a text file containing markers used in the experiment
  17. -> LED_DD_MM_YYYY_EXP-ID-T.vmrk - a text file containing markers used in the experiment related to the marker "T"
  18. -> LED_DD_MM_YYYY_EXP-ID-N.vmrk - a text file containing markers used in the experiment related to the marker "N"
  19. -> LED_DD_MM_YYYY_EXP-ID-D.vmrk - a text file containing markers used in the experiment related to the marker "D"
  20. Recording Software
  21. For recording and storing the EEG/ERP data, the BrainVision Recorder 1.2 was used. The Recorder was initialized using the following parameters:
  22. 1) the sampling rate was set to 1 kHz
  23. 2) the number of channels was set to 19
  24. 3) the resolution was set to 0.1 µV
  25. 4) a low-pass filter was set with the cut-off frequency of 250 Hz