Jan Sedivy f957b11257 NIX datasets upload 4 years ago
Creative_Commons_Attribution_4.0_International_CC_BY_4.0.pdf f957b11257 NIX datasets upload 4 years ago
Readme(1).TXT f957b11257 NIX datasets upload 4 years ago
Readme.TXT f957b11257 NIX datasets upload 4 years ago


The data were stored in BrainVision Format. The following stimuli were used:

-> T — Target stimulus
-> N — Non-Target stimulus
-> D — Distractor stimulus

The following files were stored:

Data files:
-> LED_DD_MM_YYYY_EXP-ID.eeg - a binary file containing raw data

-> LED_DD_MM_YYYY_EXP-ID-T.avg - a binary file containing averaged raw data related to the marker "T" (i.e. epochs)
-> LED_DD_MM_YYYY_EXP-ID-N.avg - a binary file containing averaged raw data related to the marker "N" (i.e. epochs)
-> LED_DD_MM_YYYY_EXP-ID-D.avg - a binary file containing averaged raw data related to the marker "D" (i.e. epochs)

Header files:
-> LED_DD_MM_YYYY_EXP-ID.vhdr - a text file containing metadata describing raw data in the .eeg file
-> LED_DD_MM_YYYY_EXP-ID-T.vhdr - a text file containing metadata describing raw data in the .eeg file related to the marker "T"
-> LED_DD_MM_YYYY_EXP-ID-N.vhdr - a text file containing metadata describing raw data in the .eeg file related to the marker "N"
-> LED_DD_MM_YYYY_EXP-ID-D.vhdr - a text file containing metadata describing raw data in the .eeg file related to the marker "D"

-> LED_DD_MM_YYYY_EXP-ID.vmrk - a text file containing markers used in the experiment
-> LED_DD_MM_YYYY_EXP-ID-T.vmrk - a text file containing markers used in the experiment related to the marker "T"
-> LED_DD_MM_YYYY_EXP-ID-N.vmrk - a text file containing markers used in the experiment related to the marker "N"
-> LED_DD_MM_YYYY_EXP-ID-D.vmrk - a text file containing markers used in the experiment related to the marker "D"

Recording Software
For recording and storing the EEG/ERP data, the BrainVision Recorder 1.2 was used. The Recorder was initialized using the following parameters:

1) the sampling rate was set to 1 kHz
2) the number of channels was set to 19
3) the resolution was set to 0.1 µV
4) a low-pass filter was set with the cut-off frequency of 250 Hz

Title Event-related potential datasets based on three-stimulus-paradigm
Authors Vařeka,Lukáš;Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia
Brůha,Petr;Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia
Description Event-related potential datasets based on three-stimulus-paradigm The datasets have been converted into NIX from the original experiment shared in the EEGBase portal
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Keywords Neuroscience
Resource Type Dataset