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Data for Gill & Chiel 2020: Rapid Adaptation to Changing Mechanical Load by Ordered Recruitment of Identified Motor Neurons

This repository holds data needed for analyses published in

Gill, J. P., & Chiel, H. J. (2020). Rapid Adaptation to Changing Mechanical Load by Ordered Recruitment of Identified Motor Neurons. eNeuro, 7(3).

Code that uses these data to perform analyses and generate figures for the publication is stored in a sister repository on GitHub:


This dataset (total size: ~97 MB) contains extracellular nerve and muscle recordings of the feeding system of the marine mollusc Aplysia californica, obtained from intact freely behaving animals, with accompanying measurements of swallowing force and synchronized video of behavior. Animals were fed both uniform strips of seaweed without imposed load and uniform, unbreakable strips of seaweed anchored to a force transducer.

Recommended Method for Viewing the Data

To download and view the data using neurotic:

  1. Install neurotic (version 1.4.0 or later):
  2. Download the file Gill-Chiel-eNeuro-2020-metadata.yml from this repository.
  3. Start neurotic, click "Open metadata", and select the downloaded file.
  4. Diamond icons to the left of each data set are filled (◆) if the data files are already on your computer, and empty (◇) if not.
  5. To download data, select a data set with an empty diamond (◇) and click "Download data". Download progress is reported in the console window.
  6. To view the data, select a data set with a filled diamond (◆) and click "Launch".
  7. To optionally enable extra data processing, including spike detection, disable "Fast loading" from the Options menu before clicking "Launch".


The contents of this repository are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License.