SFBcontacts.r 3.0 KB

  1. #SFB contacts
  2. subject1 = "data management in neuroscience: standards and workflow"
  3. text1 ="
  4. I have recently started to work as a data curator for the SFB1315 (memory consolidataion, with studies spreading from fruit fly models to human). Half of my work is about creating tools to foster ideas and data dissemination inside the SFB, in collaboration with the sourcedata team (The result gallery project :https://github.com/smartfigures-dar/Project_description/blob/master/README.md) and half of my work is to foster data management and open FAIR data.
  5. As we probably face similar problems, I wanted to see whether we could use similar solutions, or build some together. In practice, there are particular issues I am trying to address and where I could use some help:
  6. - open standard in describing animals in animal studies: https://github.com/jcolomb/Description-of-Rodents-in-Scientific-Publications
  7. - microsocope data: workflow and data format for archiving (see https://librarycarpentry.org/Top-10-FAIR/2019/06/27/imaging/)
  8. - NWB standard: use and implementation (see https://www.nwb.org)
  9. I would be happy to get your feedback and discuss it further.
  10. Dr. Julien Colomb
  11. PS: A second email will follow concerning teaching research data management and other open science topics."
  12. subject2 = "data management in neuroscience: training"
  13. text2 = '
  14. I am part of the Access2perspective professional network of free-lancce trainers for researchers (https://access2perspectives.com), I am specialised in teaching principles and tools linked to open scholarship, reproducible research and research data management. I recently started a part-time position as a data curator in a neuroscience consortium (SFB1315), and my workshops were build with a large focus on neurosciences.
  15. I would like to present a novel concept of training experience we are developing in collaboration with a surf school in Rügen: the "surf and science” retreat (see documentation attached). As it is particularly focus on online collaboration tools and team building, we are convinced that it will be an effective way to foster collaboration between PhD students and postdocs inside the SFB.
  16. Alternatively, we also offer more conventional 2-days workshop (see https://access2perspectives.com/2019/04/research-data-management-a-workshop-review/). The content of the workshop can of course be discussed and adjusted to your particular need.
  17. I hope I could raise your interest and I am looking forward to read from you,
  18. '
  19. SFBcontact = data.frame(email="julien.colomb@fu-berlin.de", name= "colomb", sfb="sfb1315-self")
  20. text_2= ""
  21. for (i in c(1:nrow(SFBcontact))) {
  22. text =paste0("<a href='mailto:", SFBcontact$email[i],
  23. "?subject=",
  24. subject1
  25. ,"&body=Dear Prof. ",SFBcontact$name[i],",%0D%0A",
  26. gsub('&NewLine;','%0D%0A',textutils::HTMLencode(text1)),
  27. ", '> ",i,SFBcontact$sfb[i]," </a>")
  28. text_2 = paste0 (text_2, text, collapse = "<br>")
  29. }
  30. fileConn<-file("sfb1.html")
  31. writeLines(c(text_2), fileConn)
  32. close(fileConn)