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add notes on projectoverview project

julien colomb 4 éve

+ 7 - 0

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+long version of first email to matthew (was kept to 1 line in the end)
+I put some thought into what you said about giving an overview of the lab projects. I looked at various lab websites and could not find a single nice example. In some case, we get a list of projects without any way to search them; sometimes in it organised in sections. Most of the time, it is only a paragraph text, which does not allow an overview of the lab, or a quick reminder of what it is about. The Larkum lab website is a nice example of how difficult it is to get an overview, (although some information is available).
+I do think using the SmartFigure gallery for this would not be very efficient, because the structure is not very flexible and the amount of text one can easily read is very limited. I would better try to look into simpler web solution, using the same technology I have been using for the website (with a different design, see this as a potential design: Representing each project with a blog post and visualising them on the overview page might be an (easy and) powerful implementation of what you want ? (it is also searchable with tags, and can be easily extended(from lab to sfb).
+I will  look into the larkum website project list and see if I can analyse what information to show and how to best organise it. I will come with a little prototype, hopefully in a not-distant future. Getting nice explanatory figures will probably be the most difficult part in such a project.