julien colomb 5 роки тому
1 змінених файлів з 53 додано та 0 видалено
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+ 53 - 0

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+# Meeting outputs
+#Vorbereitung (not used)
+## 1. Socialising and intro
+- proving interoperability by having 2 software for same "data class" (.dar): it makes sure the implementation works.
+- early feedback: difficult to implement: need to work on researcher's motivation ?(see chapte 3). 
+- commenting is a key component, we need to talk and think about that more.
+## 2. Update project Berlin
+- shiny app: 
+    - working, leightweight, save .zip on dropbox, no xml implementation, based on a .rds file to access data, no installation needed
+    - putative server version: no problem
+    - Problem of css in iframe: will never look perfect.
+    - working on a different idea: instead of the website inside the shiny app, get the shiny app inside the website. 
+## 3. Communication research
+The problem: the figure alone is not sufficient to make if fast for people to grasp the idea behind the figure. A caption is also not much helping as it is normally only describing the figure. 
+- ABT story telling method: and but therefore. What we know (i.e introduction), the problem (scientific hypothesis), the answer (the figure ?)
+- usuale intro-method-result- conclusion ?
+*How to implement context integration ?*
+    - a blog post (image, video and text), figure gallery is then only a thumbnail image of the blog post: miss the point we want to make, but maybe good for outreach...
+    - One linked image to describe the research question + method used ):how to link + preview?
+    - Use text instead of images to make it easier?
+## 4. sourcedata status
+- UX
+- .dar standard ?
+## 5. Paper, collaboration
+Ideas and time plan: deadline is June 2021.
+## 6. other sfb
+would non-neuro sfb make more sense?