survey_answers.csv 8.3 KB

  1. "Timestamp","Project number","New data will be collected or generated ?","Will secondary data be used","Samples (plasmids, viruses, transgenics,...) generated?","Does the project handle personal data?","data obtained from children?","Rechtsgrundlage der Datenverarbeitung","Data backup plan","Data sharing plan inside the SFB","Data publication plan","Data archive plan (10 years)","Who else should be involved in the project in your labs /institutions?","What other tools you would like us to implement /is in use in your lab ?","Are you interested to participate in the INF project development/writing.","How would you like to work with the INF project during the SFB funding phase","Free commenting","For each data type: write size, known standard format, known metadata, standard file structure, standard analysis pipeline."
  2. "2021/03/15 2:30:34 PM GMT+2","N02","Yes","No","yes","No","No","","","","","need to discuss this","no","benchlink, onenote","no","The paid researcher will be asked to have dedicated time for data management (1-2h/week);The paid researcher will have time dedicated to share his knowledge to the lab (1-2h/week)","",""
  3. "2021/03/15 3:37:52 PM GMT+2","A05","Yes","No","no","No","","","MDC - file repository- shared network drive","C project (york), need to see when writing the grant.","none so far","MDC","florian rau, Sarah El-GEbali",", ELN (Rspace)","ask for help if really needed","A researcher in your group will have dedicated time for data management (1-2h/week);A researcher in your group will have time dedicated to share his knowledge to the lab (1-2h/week)","Advise people about tools and open infrastructure.",""
  4. "2021/03/15 4:52:43 PM GMT+2","C01","Yes","No","yes","No","","","institutional server charite- personal computers","characterisation of tools- give the tool- ","not our responsability","not yet","thorsten Trimbuch, Anisha Dayaram","labfolder","","As little as necessary.;A researcher in your group will have dedicated time for data management (1-2h/week)","",""
  5. "2021/03/15 6:29:14 PM GMT+2","A07","Yes","Yes","no","No","No","","hard drives so far, charite network","email","","charite network possible","Eric Raynolds","dropbox slack","no","A researcher in your group will have dedicated time for data management (1-2h/week)","start analysis from scratch also for teaching reasons",""
  6. "2021/03/16 3:24:19 PM GMT+2","N01","Yes","No","no","No","","","charite network","give caglar access was very difficult","so far only processed data shared. on the publisher site","charite","phillipp van Kronenberg","","no","A researcher in your group will have dedicated time for data management (1-2h/week);A researcher in your group will have time dedicated to share his knowledge to the lab (1-2h/week);I would like to volunteer to implement the tools and workflow in my whole lab.","",""
  7. "2021/03/16 6:29:16 PM GMT+2","A06","Yes","","no","No","","","ITB: gitlab, MPI server","Users have access to both data centers","depends on the researcher's preference, publically available repositories. ","MPI server, ITB backup systems","Rike, michael Harbich","Gitlab, ","no","As little as necessary.","We have a systems that works for the time being.",""
  8. "2021/03/18 12:27:55 PM GMT+2","A01,A02,B01","Yes","Yes","yes","No","","","Charite network, GitHub, ITB server, itb gitlab","charite network, copied on Bernstein center ITB servers for analysis","no plan","open for alternatives, / stored at the ITB for 10 years","RIke","gitlab, onenote (not labfolder)","will read, and give feedback.","A researcher in your group will have dedicated time for data management (1-2h/week)","Need Dietmar advice, Anne would be interested. form ITB: question about what they can teach, what they can learn. Coordination between wet lab and computer lab.",""
  9. "2021/03/22 9:51:31 AM GMT+2","B04","Yes","No","no;saliva sample may be taken","Yes","Yes","IRB approvable, data protection service charite","charite server + secondary harddrives + frankfurt server","with other B project, share programs (to collect data), secure transfer (only anonimised data)","osf, interested to switch to VRE","Charite, Frankfurt university server","MRI data specialist: Martin Bauer (charite), send presentation + follow up call)","Gitlab (+ ask martin) (python, R, matlab)","happy to talk, not feeling qualified, ","A researcher in your group will have dedicated time for data management (1-2h/week);A researcher in your group will have time dedicated to share his knowledge to the lab (1-2h/week);I would like to volunteer to implement the tools and workflow in my whole lab.","interested to generalise, but needs to bettter understand what it would mean.
  10. ",""
  11. "2021/03/22 11:27:24 AM GMT+2","N03","Yes","No","no","Yes","No","Forschung, ethical approval.","data server Charite (different for clinical)","no sharing needed (collection and analysis done by the same person)","zenodo (GitHub);github, at the publisher, open for suggestion, (data publication). ""data in brief""","Charite server","mareike Vermehren","Github, labfolder, ","","A researcher in your group will have dedicated time for data management (1-2h/week);A researcher in your group will have time dedicated to share his knowledge to the lab (1-2h/week)","will try to keep you inform when I see similar initiatives.",""
  12. "2021/03/22 5:26:00 PM GMT+2","B05","Yes","No","no","Yes","No","GDPR, Berlin datenschutzgesetzt, ethics approval","VRE;Charite servers (t and s drives)","no plan for sharing so far, suggestion welcome.","VRE core;need legal audit (restricted access).","chartie servers","Patrizia Maier, Deetje Iggena","","not possible","A researcher in your group will have dedicated time for data management (1-2h/week);A researcher in your group will have time dedicated to share his knowledge to the lab (1-2h/week)","2-4h a week is a lotno",""
  13. "2021/03/24 11:23:34 AM GMT+2","A08","Yes","No","yes","No","","","zedat solution, bioinformatics","planned but no tech solution yet","open for suggestion, + proteomics , RNAseq","hard disk","alexander neumann, david toppe","ELN (name forgotten)","happy to comment on it.","A researcher in your group will have dedicated time for data management (1-2h/week);A researcher in your group will have time dedicated to share his knowledge to the lab (1-2h/week)","bad experience from the charite.",""
  14. "2021/03/26 2:34:29 PM GMT+2","B06","Yes","No","no","Yes","No","need something particular for this project. consent form should allow data sharing.","computing center magdeburg.","would be happy to, but there is no plan at the moment.","would share, but no policy or prefered repository. Via our library.","local computing center","oliver speck","datalad","kept in the loop","A researcher in your group will have dedicated time for data management (1-2h/week)","test tool for future implementatino on whole lab possible",""
  15. "2021/03/29 10:48:43 AM GMT+2","A04","Yes","No","C02 will do that","No","","","in discussion, internal solution?","GIN maybe, no real plan so far, HU box, google","GIN;VRE core;zenodo (GitHub);free form at the moment, we should talk about it","all of the above, nothing systematic","robert sachdev, Marti Ritter","","reviewer anyway. should not be an author.","A researcher in your group will have dedicated time for data management (1-2h/week);I would like to volunteer to implement the tools and workflow in my whole lab.","share knowledge yes, but not that much time can be asked. implementation at the whole lab yes, but it should be natural (needs to be discussed, and tested). would be happy to pioneer that work.
  16. smartfigure could be an entry point, creating the json-ld metadata. ",""
  17. "2021/04/20 10:23:29 AM GMT+2","A03","Yes","No","maybe","Yes","No","need help","BCCN","mabe (marina), large dataset MRscans","GIN;need to be more systematic","BCCN","BCCN IT: Willy Schiegel","","","As little as necessary.","Data backup work, data sharing would need more help. ",""
  18. "2021/04/20 11:36:07 AM GMT+2","C02","Yes","No","no","No","","","not systematically, server at biology department","open to a plan","zenodo (GitHub);vladi is the expert","no plan","Vladi, katarina","GitHub,","","","Working toward Standardisation, scripts on GitHub. no researcher funded by the SFB, but overall interest in participating.",""
  19. "2021/04/20 11:47:54 AM GMT+2","Additional notes","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","Tool to share 3d images/rendering as specific research outputs.
  20. hardware publication with York.",""