123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import os
- import re
- import sys
- import shutil
- from subprocess import run, CalledProcessError
- from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
- from pathlib import Path
- from lxml import etree
- from nbformat import read, NO_CONVERT
- from itertools import chain, zip_longest
- from jinja2 import Template
- from datetime import datetime
- title_font_size = 12
- item_font_size = 9
- head_margin = 3
- text_margin = 2
- title_font_color = 'rgb(255,140,0)'
- text_font_color = 'rgb(0,0,0)'
- SVG_TEXT = '{http://www.w3.org/2000/svg}text'
- SVG_RECT = '{http://www.w3.org/2000/svg}rect'
- def parse_headers(nb_path):
- nb = read(str(nb_path), as_version=NO_CONVERT)
- # Notebookのセルからmarkdownの部分を取り出し、行ごとのリストにする
- lines = [
- line.strip()
- for line in chain.from_iterable(
- cell['source'].split('\n')
- for cell in nb.cells
- if cell['cell_type'] == 'markdown'
- )
- if len(line.strip()) > 0 and not line.startswith('---')
- ]
- # h1, h2 の行とその次行の最初の1文を取り出す
- headers = [
- (' '.join(line0.split()[1:]),
- line1.split("。")[0] if line1 is not None else '')
- for (line0, line1) in zip_longest(lines, lines[1:])
- if line0.startswith('# ') or line0.startswith('## ')
- ]
- # 最初の見出しはtitle, 残りはheadersとして返す
- return {
- 'path': nb_path.as_posix(),
- 'title': {
- 'text': _to_title_text(nb_path, headers[0][0]),
- 'summary': headers[0][1],
- },
- 'headers': [
- {
- 'text': text,
- 'summary': (
- summary if not re.match(r'(?:#|!\[)', summary) else ''),
- }
- for (text, summary) in headers[1:]
- ],
- }
- def _to_title_text(nb_path, text):
- no = nb_path.name.split('-')[0]
- title = text if not text.startswith('About:') else text[6:]
- return f'{title}'
- def _get_notebook_headers(nb_dir):
- return dict([
- (nb.name, parse_headers(nb))
- for nb in nb_dir.glob("*.ipynb")
- ])
- def notebooks_toc(nb_dir):
- nb_headers = sorted(
- _get_notebook_headers(Path(nb_dir)).items(),
- key=lambda x: x[0])
- return "\n".join(chain.from_iterable([
- [
- f'* [{headers["title"]["text"]}]({nb_dir}/{str(nb)})'
- ] + list(chain.from_iterable([
- [
- f' - {header["text"]}',
- (f' - {header["summary"]}'
- if len(header["summary"]) > 0 else ''),
- ]
- for header in headers['headers']
- ]))
- for nb, headers in nb_headers
- ]))
- import json
- JSON = ""
- def load_json(PATH):
- with open(PATH) as f:
- JSON = json.load(f)
- return JSON
- def generate_svg_diag(
- output='WORKFLOW/images/notebooks.svg',
- diag='WORKFLOW/images/notebooks.diag',
- dir_util='WORKFLOW/FLOW/util',
- dir_01='WORKFLOW/FLOW/01_preparation_phase',
- dir_02='WORKFLOW/FLOW/02_experimental_phase',
- dir_03='WORKFLOW/FLOW/03_after_research_phase',
- font='.fonts/ipag.ttf',
- ):
- with TemporaryDirectory() as workdir:
- skeleton = Path(workdir) / 'skeleton.svg'
- _generate_skeleton(skeleton, Path(diag), Path(font))
- _embed_detail_information(Path(output), skeleton, Path(dir_util), Path(dir_01), Path(dir_02), Path(dir_03))
- return output
- def _generate_skeleton(output, diag, font):
- run(['blockdiag', '-f', font, '-Tsvg', '-o', output, diag], check=True)
- def setup_python_path():
- ver = sys.version_info
- lib_path = f'~/.local/lib/python{ver.major}.{ver.minor}/site-packages'
- lib_path = str(Path(lib_path).expanduser())
- if lib_path not in sys.path:
- sys.path.append(lib_path)
- def _embed_detail_information(output, skeleton, dir_util, dir_01, dir_02, dir_03):
- # Notebookのヘッダ取得
- nb_headers = _get_notebook_headers(dir_util)
- nb_headers.update(_get_notebook_headers(dir_01))
- nb_headers.update(_get_notebook_headers(dir_02))
- nb_headers.update(_get_notebook_headers(dir_03))
- # 雛形の読み込み
- tree = etree.parse(str(skeleton))
- # 雛形をNotebook情報で置き換え
- for elem in list(tree.findall(SVG_TEXT)):
- if _is_target_rect(elem, nb_headers.keys()):
- nb_name = _find_matching_notebook(nb_headers.keys(), elem.text)
- _embed_info_in_one_rect(elem, nb_headers, Path('WORKFLOW/FLOW'), nb_name)
- # SVGの保存
- output.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- with output.open(mode='wb') as f:
- f.write(etree.tostring(tree, method='xml', pretty_print=True))
- def _is_target_rect(elem, notebooks):
- return (
- elem.getprevious() is not None and
- elem.getprevious().tag == SVG_RECT and
- len(elem.text) > 0 and
- _find_matching_notebook(notebooks, elem.text) is not None)
- def _find_matching_notebook(notebooks, title):
- for nb in notebooks:
- if nb.startswith(title):
- return nb
- def _embed_info_in_one_rect(elem, nb_headers, nb_dir, nb_name):
- headers = nb_headers[nb_name]
- nb_file = nb_headers[nb_name]['path']
- nb_file = nb_file.replace('WORKFLOW/FLOW/', '')
- rect_elem = elem.getprevious()
- rect = (
- (int(rect_elem.attrib['x']), int(rect_elem.attrib['y'])),
- (int(rect_elem.attrib['width']), int(rect_elem.attrib['height'])))
- childpos = elem.getparent().index(elem)
- parent_elem = elem.getparent()
- remove_texts(elem)
- title = headers['title']['text']
- if elem.text.find(':') >= 0:
- title = title + ' - ' + elem.text.split(':')[1]
- line_num = insert_title(parent_elem, childpos, rect, title, str(nb_file))
- insert_headers(parent_elem, childpos, rect, headers['headers'], line_num)
- def remove_texts(elem):
- old_text = elem
- while old_text is not None:
- if (old_text.getnext() is not None and
- old_text.getnext().tag == SVG_TEXT):
- next_text = old_text.getnext()
- else:
- next_text = None
- old_text.getparent().remove(old_text)
- old_text = next_text
- def insert_title(parent_elem, childpos, rect, title, link):
- height_title = (
- text_margin + (title_font_size + text_margin) * 2 + head_margin * 2)
- lines = split_title(title)
- if len(lines) == 2:
- text_elem = create_text(rect, title_font_size, font_weight='bold', font_color=title_font_color)
- text_elem.text = lines[0]
- text_elem.attrib['y'] = str(
- rect[0][1] + head_margin + text_margin + title_font_size)
- text_elems = [text_elem]
- text_elem = create_text(rect, title_font_size, font_weight='bold', font_color=title_font_color)
- text_elem.text = lines[1]
- text_elem.attrib['y'] = str(
- rect[0][1] + height_title - text_margin - head_margin)
- text_elems.append(text_elem)
- else:
- text_elem = create_text(rect, title_font_size, font_weight='bold', font_color=title_font_color)
- text_elem.text = title
- text_elem.attrib['y'] = str(
- rect[0][1] + height_title // 2 + title_font_size // 2)
- text_elems = [text_elem]
- parent_elem.insert(childpos, create_anchor(text_elems, link))
- return len(lines)
- def insert_headers(parent_elem, childpos, rect, headers, title_lines):
- offset_y = (
- text_margin +
- (title_font_size + text_margin) * (title_lines + 1) +
- head_margin * 2 + text_margin)
- for i, header in enumerate(headers):
- text_elem = create_text(rect, item_font_size, font_color=text_font_color)
- text_elem.text = header['text']
- text_elem.attrib['y'] = str(
- rect[0][1] + offset_y + (item_font_size + text_margin) * i +
- item_font_size)
- parent_elem.insert(childpos, text_elem)
- def split_title(title):
- if u':' in title:
- return [title[:title.index(u':') + 1], title[title.index(u':') + 1:]]
- elif len(title) >= 15:
- words = re.split(r'([-((])', title, 1)
- ret = words[0:1] + [''.join(x) for x in zip(words[1::2], words[2::2])]
- return [re.sub(r'^--', '- ', x) for x in ret]
- else:
- return [title]
- def create_text(rect, font_size, font_color, font_weight='normal', font_style='normal'):
- text_elem = etree.Element(SVG_TEXT)
- text_elem.attrib['fill'] = font_color
- text_elem.attrib['font-family'] = 'sans-serif'
- text_elem.attrib['font-size'] = str(font_size)
- text_elem.attrib['font-style'] = font_style
- text_elem.attrib['font-weight'] = font_weight
- text_elem.attrib['font-anchor'] = 'middle'
- text_elem.attrib['x'] = str(rect[0][0] + text_margin)
- text_elem.attrib['width'] = str(rect[1][0] - text_margin * 2)
- text_elem.attrib['inline-size'] = '400px'
- return text_elem
- def create_anchor(elems, link):
- a_elem = etree.Element('a')
- a_elem.attrib['{http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink}href'] = link
- for elem in elems:
- a_elem.append(elem)
- return a_elem
- # refs: https://note.nkmk.me/python-if-name-main/
- # maDMP.ipynbからコマンドライン引数でdiagファイルのパスが渡されてくる
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- generate_svg_diag(diag=sys.argv[1])