679 B

Human fMRI dataset for the Time-To-Contact project

Authors: Ignacio Polti ¤, Matthias Nau ¤, Raphael Kaplan, Virginie Van Wassenhove, Christian F. Doeller

¤ shared first-authors

Folder Structure

/Raw_fMRI_data: raw human fMRI dataset

. . . |--/sub-0xx: individual subject 0xx folder.

. . . . . . |--/anat: anatomy imaging data.

. . . . . . |--/fmap: fieldmap data.

. . . . . . |--/func: task imaging data.

Related Publications

  • Polti, I., Nau, M., Kaplan, R., van Wassenhove, V. & Doeller, C. F. (2021). Rapid encoding of task regularities in the human hippocampus guides sensorimotor timing. bioRxiv