Irina Pochinok 9 hónapja
1 módosított fájl, 33 hozzáadás és 4 törlés
  1. 33 4

+ 33 - 4

@@ -10,8 +10,37 @@ The repository contains in vivo single unit activity (SUA) and local field poten
 the hippocampal CA1 area (HP) and the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) of developing mice (4-12 postnatal days).
 The data is split into four folders based on the type of an experiment:
-1. baseline: spontaneous activity (P4-12 mice).
-2. optogenetic: optogenetic stimulation of PYRs in the CA1 area (P8-12 mice).
-3. chemogenetic: chemogenetic silencing of INs in the CA1 area (P11-12 mice).
-4. movement_controls: spontaneous activity with video tracking (P11-12 mice).
+1. baseline: spontaneous activity (P4-12 mice, 111 mice).
+2. optogenetic: optogenetic stimulation of PYRs in the CA1 area (P8-12 mice, 27 mice).
+3. chemogenetic: chemogenetic silencing of INs in the CA1 area (P11-12 mice, 15 mice).
+4. movement_controls: spontaneous activity with video tracking (P11-12 mice, 7 mice).
+All folders include dataset_info.csv file with mice information. Opto dataset includes 
+a description of stimulation protocol (opto_stim_protocol.txt) and file with stimulation periods (stim_periods_control_group.txt 
+and stim_periods_opsin_group.txt). Movement_controls dataset includes a configuration files for video frames and ephys data
+alignment (movement_ephys_alignment).
+##### Electrode geometry 
+The HP data has been recorded using a laminar probe, with 50 micrometers between channels. For both LFP and SUA data 
+from 7 channels are given: channel 4 corresponds to the channel with LFP signal "reversal" observed in the stratum pyramidale, 
+channels 1:3 are above and channels 5:7 are below.
+The PFC data has been recorded using a 4x4 4-shank probe, with 100 micrometers of spacing between recording sites on the 
+same shank and 125 micrometers between shanks. Channels 1-4 are on the most medial shank, channels 13-16 are on the most 
+lateral shank, channels 1-5-9-16 are the most dorsal ones, and channels 4-8-12-16 are the most ventral ones.
+##### LFP 
+LFP data is provided as .mat files, file name starts with the dataset unique animal_id. Each .mat file contains 2d array, 
+n_channels x n_timepoints. The sampling frequency is 1000Hz. 
+##### SUA
+SUA data is provided as .mat files, file name starts with the dataset unique animal_id. Each .mat file contains a 
+structure with spiking data. The spike timepoints are in sampling frequency 32kHz. 
+For every question and/or further data request, please don't hesitate in contacting me ( or