123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104 |
- function [AllTimeStamps, AllWaveForms] = oedisc(data,ts,sr,thr,varargin)
- %OEDISC Unit discrimination.
- % [T W] = OEDISC(DATA,TS,SR,THR) performs threshold discrimination of
- % continuous timestamped (TS) unit data (DATA) sampled at the rate SR
- % using the specified threshold (THR). Peak times (T, 'TimeStamps') and
- % spike waveforms (W, 'WaveForms') are saved for each tetrode. A 750 us
- % censored period is applied and the larger spike is kept. Time window
- % for waveform data is set to -300 to 1000 us.
- %
- % OEDISC(DATA,TS,SR,THR,DR) saves the results in the specified directory
- % (DR). If DR is empty, the data is not saved.
- %
- % See also READ_INTAN_DATA.
- % Balazs Hangya, Institute of Experimental Medicine
- % hangya.balazs@koki.mta.hu
- % 30-Jan-2018
- % Default arguments
- prs = inputParser;
- addRequired(prs,'data',@isnumeric) % raw or filtered data
- addRequired(prs,'ts',@isnumeric) % timestamps
- addRequired(prs,'sr',@isnumeric) % sampling rate
- addRequired(prs,'thr',@isnumeric) % discrimination threshold
- addOptional(prs,'resdir',['C:' filesep 'Balazs' filesep '_data' filesep 'Intan' filesep 'Tina' filesep],...
- @(s)ischar(s)|isempty(s)) % results directory
- addParameter(prs,'Filtering','enable',@(s)ischar(s)|...
- ismember(s,{'disable','enable'})) % switch for filtering
- parse(prs,data,ts,sr,thr,varargin{:})
- g = prs.Results;
- % File name
- savestr0 = ['save(''' g.resdir filesep 'TT'];
- % Sampling rate
- nqf = sr / 2; % Nyquist freq.
- deadtime = 0.00075; % 750 us dead time
- dtp = deadtime * sr; % dead time in data points
- % Waveform window
- win = [-0.0003 0.0006]; % -300 to 600 us
- winp = round(win*sr); % waveform window in data points
- % Threshold discrimintaion
- NumChannels = size(data,2); % number of channels - 16
- NumTetrodes = NumChannels / 4; % number of tetrodes - 4
- [tvdisc, tpeaks, AllTimeStamps, AllWaveForms] = deal(cell(1,NumTetrodes));
- for iT = 1:NumTetrodes
- [cvdisc, tdata, cpeaks] = deal(cell(1,4));
- for iC = 1:4
- chnum = (iT - 1) * 4 + iC; % current channel
- disp(['tetrode: ' num2str(iT) ' Channel: ' num2str(chnum)])
- cdata = data(:,chnum)'; % data from one channel
- if isequal(g.Filtering,'enable')
- [b,a] = butter(3,[700 7000]/nqf,'bandpass'); % Butterworth filter
- unit = filter(b,a,cdata); % filter
- elseif isequal(g.Filtering,'disable')
- unit = cdata;
- else
- error('oedisc:InputArg','Unsupported input argument for filtering.')
- end
- [cvdisc{iC}, cpeaks{iC}] = disc(-unit,thr); % discriminate (spike times)
- tdata{iC} = -unit; % data from the current tetrode
- end
- tvdisc{iT} = cell2mat(cvdisc);
- tpeaks{iT} = cell2mat(cpeaks);
- [tvdisc{iT}, inx] = sort(tvdisc{iT},'ascend'); % all spike times from one tetrode
- tpeaks{iT} = tpeaks{iT}(inx);
- % Dead time
- dtv = diff(tvdisc{iT}); % ISI
- dtpk = diff(tpeaks{iT}); % comparison of neighboring peaks
- while any(dtv<dtp)
- censor_inx = dtv < dtp; % ISI < dead time
- peak_comp = dtpk > 0;
- delete_inx1 = censor_inx & peak_comp;
- delete_inx2 = [0 censor_inx & ~peak_comp];
- tvdisc{iT}([find(delete_inx1) find(delete_inx2)]) = [];
- tpeaks{iT}([find(delete_inx1) find(delete_inx2)]) = [];
- dtv = diff(tvdisc{iT}); % ISI
- dtpk = diff(tpeaks{iT}); % comparison of neighboring peaks
- end
- tvdisc{iT}(tvdisc{iT}<=-winp(1)|tvdisc{iT}>=size(data,1)-winp(2)) = []; % we may lose some spikes near the ends of the file
- % Waveform
- winx = repmat(tvdisc{iT}(:)+winp(1),1,sum(abs(winp))) + repmat(0:sum(abs(winp))-1,length(tvdisc{iT}),1);
- wv = nan(size(winx,1),4,size(winx,2)); % waveforms: spikes x channels x time
- for iC = 1:4
- wv(:,iC,:) = tdata{iC}(winx); % waveform data
- end
- WaveForms = wv;
- AllWaveForms{iT} = WaveForms;
- % Spike times
- spike_times = ts(tvdisc{iT});
- TimeStamps = spike_times;
- AllTimeStamps{iT} = TimeStamps;
- savestr = [savestr0 num2str(iT) ''',''WaveForms'',''TimeStamps'');'];
- % Save
- if ~isempty(g.resdir)
- eval(savestr)
- end
- end