creat_cont_orth_card_model.m 619 B

  1. function output=creat_cont_orth_card_model
  2. % this function returns a what remains of a continuous models after being
  3. % orthogonalized from the cardinal model
  4. clear all;
  5. a=creatcontmodel;
  6. b=creat_u_d_model;
  7. c=creat_l_r_model;
  8. d=b+c;
  9. a=zscore(a)
  10. d=zscore(d)
  11. e1(:,1)=(a(:))
  12. e1(:,2)=(d(:))
  13. f1=spm_orth(e1)
  14. g1=reshape(f1(:,2),16,16)
  15. e2(:,2)=(a(:))
  16. e2(:,1)=(d(:))
  17. f2=spm_orth(e2)
  18. g2=reshape(f2(:,2),16,16)
  19. % figure;
  20. % subplot(1,3,1)
  21. % imagesc(d)
  22. % title('1')
  23. %
  24. % subplot(1,3,2)
  25. % imagesc(a)
  26. % title('2')
  27. %
  28. % subplot(1,3,3)
  29. % imagesc(g2)
  30. % title('output')
  31. output=g2
  32. end