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- function [S s] = circ_var(alpha, w, d, dim)
- % s = circ_var(alpha, w, d, dim)
- % Computes circular variance for circular data
- % (equ. 26.17/18, Zar).
- %
- % Input:
- % alpha sample of angles in radians
- % [w number of incidences in case of binned angle data]
- % [d spacing of bin centers for binned data, if supplied
- % correction factor is used to correct for bias in
- % estimation of r]
- % [dim compute along this dimension, default is 1]
- %
- % If dim argument is specified, all other optional arguments can be
- % left empty: circ_var(alpha, [], [], dim)
- %
- % Output:
- % S circular variance 1-r
- % s angular variance 2*(1-r)
- %
- % PHB 6/7/2008
- %
- % References:
- % Statistical analysis of circular data, N.I. Fisher
- % Topics in circular statistics, S.R. Jammalamadaka et al.
- % Biostatistical Analysis, J. H. Zar
- %
- % Circular Statistics Toolbox for Matlab
- % By Philipp Berens, 2009
- % berens@tuebingen.mpg.de - www.kyb.mpg.de/~berens/circStat.html
- if nargin < 4
- dim = 1;
- end
- if nargin < 3 || isempty(d)
- % per default do not apply correct for binned data
- d = 0;
- end
- if nargin < 2 || isempty(w)
- % if no specific weighting has been specified
- % assume no binning has taken place
- w = ones(size(alpha));
- else
- if size(w,2) ~= size(alpha,2) || size(w,1) ~= size(alpha,1)
- error('Input dimensions do not match');
- end
- end
- % compute mean resultant vector length
- r = circ_r(alpha,w,d,dim);
- % apply transformation to var
- S = 1 - r;
- s = 2 * S;