Raw resting-state EEG data (in "Raw_EEG" folder) and extracted MSE (Multiscale Entropy in "MSE_Data" folder) and SPD (Spectral Power Density in "SPD_Data" folder) data for the following manuscript:
Title: Resting-state neural dynamics changes in older adults with post-COVID syndrome and the modulatory effect of cognitive training and sex
Authors: Boglárka Nagy, Andrea B. Protzner, Balázs Czigler, Zsófia Anna Gaál
Every folder contains the data of the three examined experimental groups separately: Healthy old-female, Post-COVID old-female, Post-COVID old-male
Every subject has a separate folder with their pre- and post-training data.
EEG filenames for healthy participants: TSsubjectcoded-1/2-n - 1 is pre-training (e.g. TS01d-1-n), 2 is post-training data (e.g. TS01d-2-n)
EEG filenames for post-COVID patients: CTR_subjectcode_NY - 3 digit subjectcode is pre-training data (e.g. 101, 201), 4 digit subjectcode is post-training data (e.g. 1101, 2201)