CTR_1110_NY.vmrk 554 B

  1. Brain Vision Data Exchange Marker File, Version 1.0
  2. [Common Infos]
  3. Codepage=UTF-8
  4. DataFile=CTR_1110_NY.eeg
  5. [Marker Infos]
  6. ; Each entry: Mk<Marker number>=<Type>,<Description>,<Position in data points>,
  7. ; <Size in data points>, <Channel number (0 = marker is related to all channels)>
  8. ; Fields are delimited by commas, some fields might be omitted (empty).
  9. ; Commas in type or description text are coded as "\1".
  10. Mk1=New Segment,,1,1,0,20220905095137588225
  11. Mk2=Stimulus,S 85,3098,1,0
  12. Mk3=Stimulus,S255,3099,1,0
  13. Mk4=Stimulus,S 4,3252,1,0