#229 missing `requires_virus/medication`

opened 4 months ago by fux_1789 · 1 comments

Is seems to be possible for the entries requires_virus and requires_medication of protocol procedures to be missing. In that case the type becomes a str which makes it incomparable in lines ~109 and ~127 (requires_virus > 0).

I fixed this by assuming 0 if '' but a proper fix would:

  • change all incorrect entries (replace '' with 0)
  • don't allow missing entries for requires_virus and requires_medication
Is seems to be possible for the entries `requires_virus` and `requires_medication` of protocol procedures to be missing. In that case the type becomes a `str` which makes it incomparable in lines ~109 and ~127 (`requires_virus > 0`). I fixed this by assuming `0` if `''` but a proper fix would: - change all incorrect entries (replace `''` with `0`) - don't allow missing entries for `requires_virus` and `requires_medication`
Jan van Dick commented 4 months ago

This is now fixed.

A missing value is replace with 0 either when adding the procedure or when checking (to replace current missing values)

This is now fixed. A missing value is replace with `0` either when adding the procedure or when checking (to replace current missing values)
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