#19 Finalize generation of surgery sheet

1 ano atrás foi aberto por fux_1789 · 3 comentários

There are a few leftover questions concerning the surgery sheet:

  • Must the new section "viruses, ..." also be added to the surgery sheet?
  • When is the death drug applied?
There are a few leftover questions concerning the surgery sheet: - Must the new section "viruses, ..." also be added to the surgery sheet? - When is the death drug applied?
Jan van Dick comentado 1 ano atrás

Also, the e-mail address is currently missing.

Also, the e-mail address is currently missing.
Jan van Dick citou este problema em um commit 1 ano atrás
Jan van Dick comentado 1 ano atrás

Take the death_drug information from the sacrifice-procedure (= procedure, where matching default entry has days_after_surgerty=-1.

Take the death_drug information from the `sacrifice`-procedure (= procedure, where matching default entry has `days_after_surgerty=-1`.
Jan van Dick comentado 1 ano atrás

Check formate of some table heading

Check formate of some table heading
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