#104 Problem with Umlauten

1 год назад открыта fux_1789 · комментариев: 4
Jan van Dick прокомментировал 1 год назад

Currently, at least procedure definitions with Umlauten in their names cannot be deleted.

Currently, at least procedure definitions with Umlauten in their names cannot be deleted.
Jan van Dick прокомментировал 1 год назад

This probably goes for all definitions (since they are not identified by uuids)

This probably goes for all definitions (since they are not identified by uuids)
Jan van Dick прокомментировал 1 год назад


  • use uuids for definitions
  • then it is also possible to check DublicateEntry (if not exists, but one with the same name does)
TODO: - use uuids for definitions - then it is also possible to check DublicateEntry (if not exists, but one with the same name does)
Moritz Drueke прокомментировал 1 год назад

The issue also occurs with names

The issue also occurs with names
Jan van Dick прокомментировал 1 год назад

But is this only a "problem" when displaying the name, or does what you describe actually affect usability?

But is this only a "problem" when displaying the name, or does what you describe actually affect usability?
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