Browse Source

[DATALAD] Recorded changes

Lea Waller 9 hours ago
1 changed files with 318 additions and 0 deletions
  1. 318 0

+ 318 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+#$ -N halfpipe
+#$ -q compute7.q
+#$ -j y
+#$ -o halfpipe.log.txt
+#$ -cwd
+#$ -pe smp 2 -binding linear
+#$ -l h_rt=48:0:0
+#$ -l virtual_free=20480M
+#$ -t 101-10000
+set -e
+set -x
+dataset_directory=$(mktemp -d)
+bids_directory=$(mktemp -d)
+synthseg_directory=$(mktemp -d)
+halfpipe_directory=$(mktemp -d)
+read -r -a files < <(sed -n "${SGE_TASK_ID}p" ${base_directory}/tasks.txt)
+for file in "${files[@]}"; do
+    ln -s "${file}" "${dataset_directory}"
+mamba run --name clinica \
+    clinica convert ukb-to-bids \
+    "${dataset_directory}" \
+    "${clinical_directory}" \
+    "${bids_directory}"
+t1w_file=$(find "${bids_directory}" -name "*_T1w.nii.gz" -print -quit)
+mv -v "${t1w_file}" "${synthseg_directory}/t1w.nii.gz"
+singularity run \
+    --bind "${synthseg_directory}" \
+    ${synthseg_container} \
+    --i "${synthseg_directory}/t1w.nii.gz" \
+    --o "${synthseg_directory}/synthseg.nii.gz" \
+    --robust \
+    --cpu --threads 1
+singularity exec \
+    --bind "${synthseg_directory}" \
+    ${halfpipe_container} \
+    antsApplyTransforms \
+    --dimensionality 3 \
+    --input "${synthseg_directory}/synthseg.nii.gz" \
+    --reference-image "${synthseg_directory}/t1w.nii.gz" \
+    --output "${synthseg_directory}/synthseg_in_t1w_space.nii.gz" \
+    --interpolation MultiLabel \
+    --verbose
+singularity exec \
+    --bind "${base_directory}" \
+    --bind "${synthseg_directory}" \
+    ${halfpipe_container} \
+    ${base_directory}/ \
+    "${synthseg_directory}/t1w.nii.gz" \
+    "${synthseg_directory}/synthseg_in_t1w_space.nii.gz" \
+    "${t1w_file}"
+cat <<EOF >"${halfpipe_directory}/spec.json"
+    "halfpipe_version": "1.2.2.post1.dev535+gc31d205",
+    "schema_version": "3.0",
+    "timestamp": "2023-08-08_16-01",
+    "global_settings": {
+        "dummy_scans": 0,
+        "slice_timing": true,
+        "use_bbr": null,
+        "skull_strip_algorithm": "none",
+        "run_mriqc": false,
+        "run_fmriprep": true,
+        "run_halfpipe": true,
+        "fd_thres": 0.5,
+        "anat_only": false,
+        "write_graph": false,
+        "hires": false,
+        "run_reconall": false,
+        "t2s_coreg": false,
+        "medial_surface_nan": false,
+        "bold2t1w_dof": 9,
+        "fmap_bspline": true,
+        "force_syn": false,
+        "longitudinal": false,
+        "regressors_all_comps": false,
+        "regressors_dvars_th": 1.5,
+        "regressors_fd_th": 0.5,
+        "skull_strip_fixed_seed": false,
+        "skull_strip_template": "OASIS30ANTs",
+        "aroma_err_on_warn": false,
+        "aroma_melodic_dim": -200,
+        "sloppy": false
+    },
+    "files": [
+        {
+            "metadata": {},
+            "datatype": "bids",
+            "path": "${bids_directory}"
+        },        
+        {
+            "suffix": "events",
+            "path": "${bids_directory}/task-{task}_events.tsv",
+            "extension": ".tsv",
+            "datatype": "func"
+        }
+    ],
+    "settings": [
+        {
+            "ica_aroma": true,
+            "smoothing": {
+                "fwhm": 6.0
+            },
+            "grand_mean_scaling": {
+                "mean": 10000.0
+            },
+            "bandpass_filter": {
+                "hp_width": 125.0,
+                "lp_width": null,
+                "type": "gaussian"
+            },
+            "name": "icaAromaSetting",
+            "filters": [
+                {
+                    "type": "tag",
+                    "action": "include",
+                    "values": [
+                        "facesshapesemotion"
+                    ],
+                    "entity": "task"
+                }
+            ],
+            "output_image": false
+        },
+        {
+            "ica_aroma": false,
+            "smoothing": {
+                "fwhm": 6.0
+            },
+            "grand_mean_scaling": {
+                "mean": 10000.0
+            },
+            "bandpass_filter": {
+                "hp_width": 125.0,
+                "lp_width": null,
+                "type": "gaussian"
+            },
+            "confounds_removal": [
+                "(trans|rot)_[xyz]"
+            ],
+            "name": "motionParametersSetting",
+            "filters": [
+                {
+                    "type": "tag",
+                    "action": "include",
+                    "values": [
+                        "facesshapesemotion"
+                    ],
+                    "entity": "task"
+                }
+            ],
+            "output_image": false
+        },
+        {
+            "ica_aroma": false,
+            "smoothing": {
+                "fwhm": 6.0
+            },
+            "grand_mean_scaling": {
+                "mean": 10000.0
+            },
+            "bandpass_filter": {
+                "hp_width": 125.0,
+                "lp_width": null,
+                "type": "gaussian"
+            },
+            "name": "noConfoundsSetting",
+            "filters": [
+                {
+                    "type": "tag",
+                    "action": "include",
+                    "values": [
+                        "facesshapesemotion"
+                    ],
+                    "entity": "task"
+                }
+            ],
+            "output_image": false
+        }
+    ],
+    "features": [
+        {
+            "name": "icaAroma",
+            "setting": "icaAromaSetting",
+            "contrasts": [
+                {
+                    "type": "t",
+                    "name": "faceNegVsControl",
+                    "values": {
+                        "Face": 1.0,
+                        "Shape": -1.0
+                    }
+                }
+            ],
+            "hrf": "dgamma",
+            "conditions": [
+                "Face",
+                "Shape"
+            ],
+            "type": "task_based",
+            "high_pass_filter_cutoff": 125.0
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "motionParameters",
+            "setting": "motionParametersSetting",
+            "contrasts": [
+                {
+                    "type": "t",
+                    "name": "faceNegVsControl",
+                    "values": {
+                        "Face": 1.0,
+                        "Shape": -1.0
+                    }
+                }
+            ],
+            "hrf": "dgamma",
+            "conditions": [
+                "Face",
+                "Shape"
+            ],
+            "type": "task_based",
+            "high_pass_filter_cutoff": 125.0
+        },
+        {
+            "name": "noConfounds",
+            "setting": "noConfoundsSetting",
+            "contrasts": [
+                {
+                    "type": "t",
+                    "name": "faceNegVsControl",
+                    "values": {
+                        "Face": 1.0,
+                        "Shape": -1.0
+                    }
+                }
+            ],
+            "hrf": "dgamma",
+            "conditions": [
+                "Face",
+                "Shape"
+            ],
+            "type": "task_based",
+            "high_pass_filter_cutoff": 125.0
+        }
+    ],
+    "models": []
+singularity run \
+    --contain \
+    --cleanenv \
+    --bind /tmp \
+    ${halfpipe_container} \
+    --workdir "${halfpipe_directory}" \
+    --skip-spec-ui \
+    --nipype-n-procs "$(nproc)" \
+    --keep none
+mask_file=$(find "${derivatives_directory}" -name "*_desc-brain_mask.nii.gz" \( -not -name "*space*" \) -print -quit)
+report_file=$(find "${halfpipe_directory}/reports" -name "*_skull_strip_report*svg" -print -quit)
+singularity exec \
+    --bind /tmp \
+    ${halfpipe_container} \
+    python ${base_directory}/ \
+    --mask-file "${mask_file}" \
+    --background-file "${synthseg_directory}/t1w.nii.gz" \
+    --output-file "${report_file}"
+subject_id=$(basename "$(find "${derivatives_directory}"/fmriprep/* -maxdepth 0 -print -quit)")
+fmriprep_directory=$(find "${derivatives_directory}"/fmriprep/"${subject_id}"/ses-* -maxdepth 0 -print -quit)
+transform_file=$(find "${derivatives_directory}" -name "*${transform_suffix}" -print -quit)
+jacobian_file=$(dirname "${transform_file}")/$(basename "${transform_file}" ${transform_suffix})_jacobian.nii.gz
+singularity exec \
+    --cleanenv \
+    --bind /tmp \
+    ${halfpipe_container} \
+    python ${base_directory}/ \
+    --transform-file "${transform_file}" \
+    --output-file "${jacobian_file}"
+mapfile -t anat_files < <(find "${fmriprep_directory}"/anat \( -name "*.nii.gz" -o -name "*.json" \) -not -name "*_desc-preproc_T1w.nii.gz" -print)
+tar --verbose \
+    --create \
+    --dereference \
+    --file="${tar_file}" \
+    "${halfpipe_directory}"/reports/"${subject_id}" \
+    "${derivatives_directory}"/halfpipe/"${subject_id}" \
+    "${fmriprep_directory}"/func \
+    "${anat_files[@]}"
+zstd --ultra --threads=0 -22 "${tar_file}"
+rm "${tar_file}"
+rm -rf "${dataset_directory}" "${bids_directory}" "${halfpipe_directory}"