relacsplugins.cfg 13 KB

  1. *Metadata
  2. Recording:
  3. Recording quality: [ Good, Poor, Fair, Good ]
  4. Comment : same cell as before
  5. Experimenter : [ Carolin Sachgau, Fabian Sinz, Juan Sehuanes, Carolin Sachgau, Jie Zhang, Jan Grewe, Fabian Sinz, Fabian Sinz, Jan Grewe, Jan Benda ]
  6. WaterTemperature : 27.1°C
  7. WaterConductivity: 232uS/cm
  8. Cell:
  9. CellType (Cell type) : [ I-Cell, E-Cell, unkown, E-cell, E-cell superficial, I-Cell, P-unit, Ampullary, T-unit ]
  10. Structure (Recording location): [ Brain, Nerve, Brain ]
  11. BrainRegion : [ ELL, Torus, n.A., ELL ]
  12. BrainSubRegion : [ LS, LS, CLS, CMS, MS ]
  13. Depth : -1131um
  14. Lateral position : 1.2mm
  15. Transverse section : -5
  16. Subject:
  17. Species : [ Apteronotus leptorhynchus, Apteronotus albifrons, Apteronotus leptorhynchus ]
  18. Gender (Sex): [ unknown, unknown, Male, Female ]
  19. Size : 13cm
  20. Weight : 5.3g
  21. Identifier : "2013lepto005"
  22. -Preparation-:
  23. Type : [ in vivo, in vivo, slice ]
  24. Anaesthesia : true
  25. Anaesthetic (Drug) : MS 222
  26. AnaestheticDose (Concentration): 125mg/l
  27. LocalAnaesthesia : true
  28. LocalAnaesthetic (Drug) : Lidocaine
  29. Immobilization : true
  30. Immobilization (Drug) : Tubocurarin 5mg/L
  31. ImmobilizationDose : 75ul
  32. *Control: Session
  33. ephys: true
  34. *Control: AmplifierControl
  35. initmode : [ Bridge, Current-clamp, Voltage-clamp, Manual selection ]
  36. resistancescale: 1
  37. maxresistance : 100MOhm
  38. buzzpulse : 750ms
  39. adjust : false
  40. *Control: SpectrumAnalyzer
  41. intrace : [ V-1, EOD, LocalEOD-1, GlobalEFieldStimulus ]
  42. origin : [ before end of data, before signal, after signal ]
  43. offset : 0ms
  44. duration: 1000ms
  45. size : [ "1024", "64", "128", "256", "512", "1024", "2048", "4096", "8192", "16384", "32768", "65536", "131072", "262144", "524288", "1048576" ]
  46. overlap : true
  47. window : [ Hanning, Bartlett, Blackman, Blackman-Harris, Hamming, Hanning, Parzen, Square, Welch ]
  48. fmax : 500Hz
  49. decibel : true
  50. pmin : -50dB
  51. *Model: PUnitModel
  52. General:
  53. EOD:
  54. eodtype : [ Sine, None, Sine, Apteronotus, Eigenmannia ]
  55. eodfreq : 800Hz
  56. eodfreqsd : 10Hz
  57. eodfreqtau : 10000s
  58. eodlocalamplitude : 1mV/cm
  59. eodglobalamplitude: 1mV/cm
  60. localstimulusgain : 1.00
  61. globalstimulusgain: 0.00
  62. stimulusgain : 1.00
  63. Spikes:
  64. voltagescale: 0.5
  65. Spike generator:
  66. spikemodel: [ Wang-Buzsaki, Stimulus, Morris-Lecar, Hodgkin-Huxley, Connor, Wang-Buzsaki ]
  67. noised : 0
  68. deltat : 0.05ms
  69. integrator: [ Euler, Midpoint, Runge-Kutta 4 ]
  70. Voltage-gated current 1 - activation only:
  71. gmc : 0
  72. emc : -90mV
  73. mvmc : -40mV
  74. mwmc : 10mV
  75. taumc: 10ms
  76. Voltage-gated current 2 - activation and inactivation:
  77. gmhc : 0
  78. emhc : -90mV
  79. mvmhc : -40mV
  80. mwmhc : 10mV
  81. taummhc: 10ms
  82. pmmhc : 1
  83. hvmhc : -40mV
  84. hwmhc : 10mV
  85. tauhmhc: 10ms
  86. pmhhc : 1
  87. *Model: Stimulus
  88. Input:
  89. gain : 1
  90. offset: 0muA/cm^2
  91. *Model: Morris-Lecar
  92. General:
  93. params: [ Custom, Type I, Type II ]
  94. Calcium current:
  95. gca : 4nS
  96. eca : 120mV
  97. mvca: -1.2mV
  98. mkca: 18mV
  99. Potassium current:
  100. gk : 8nS
  101. ek : -84mV
  102. mvk : 12mV
  103. mkk : 17.4mV
  104. mphik: 0.067kHz
  105. Leak current:
  106. gl: 2nS
  107. el: -60mV
  108. c : 20pF
  109. Input:
  110. timescale: 10
  111. gain : 1
  112. offset : 40muA/cm^2
  113. *Model: Hodgkin-Huxley
  114. Sodium current:
  115. gna: 120mS/cm^2
  116. ena: 50mV
  117. Potassium current:
  118. gk: 36mS/cm^2
  119. ek: -77mV
  120. Leak current:
  121. gl : 0.3mS/cm^2
  122. el : -54.4mV
  123. c : 1muF/cm^2
  124. phi: 1
  125. Input:
  126. gain : 1
  127. offset: 0muA/cm^2
  128. *Model: Connor
  129. Sodium current:
  130. gna: 120mS/cm^2
  131. ena: 50mV
  132. Potassium current:
  133. gk: 20mS/cm^2
  134. ek: -77mV
  135. A current:
  136. gka: 47mS/cm^2
  137. eka: -80mV
  138. Leak current:
  139. gl : 0.3mS/cm^2
  140. el : -22mV
  141. c : 1muF/cm^2
  142. phi: 1
  143. Input:
  144. gain : 1
  145. offset: 0muA/cm^2
  146. *Model: Wang-Buzsaki
  147. Sodium current:
  148. gna: 35mS/cm^2
  149. ena: 55mV
  150. Potassium current:
  151. gk: 9mS/cm^2
  152. ek: -90mV
  153. Leak current:
  154. gl : 0.1mS/cm^2
  155. el : -65mV
  156. c : 1muF/cm^2
  157. phi: 5
  158. Input:
  159. gain : 1
  160. offset: 0muA/cm^2
  161. *Event Detector: Spikes-1
  162. Detector:
  163. minthresh: 7.5mV
  164. decay : 1sec
  165. ratio : 5%
  166. testwidth: false
  167. maxwidth : 2.0ms
  168. Indicators:
  169. resolution : 0.10mV
  170. log : true
  171. trendthresh: 10%
  172. trendtime : 2.0sec
  173. *Event Detector: EOD
  174. threshold : 0.47mV
  175. interpolation: [ linear interpolation, closest datapoint, linear interpolation, linear fit, quadratic fit ]
  176. *Event Detector: Chirps
  177. minthresh: 10Hz
  178. *Event Detector: LocalEOD-1
  179. threshold : 0.5mV
  180. interpolation: [ linear interpolation, closest datapoint, linear interpolation, linear fit, quadratic fit ]
  181. *Event Detector: LocalBeat-1
  182. minthresh: 0.100mV
  183. *Event Detector: GlobalEFieldStimulus
  184. threshold : 9.1352mV
  185. interpolation: [ linear interpolation, closest datapoint, linear interpolation, linear fit, quadratic fit ]
  186. *RePro: Pause
  187. duration: 1000ms
  188. repeats : 1
  189. savedata: false
  190. *RePro: Record
  191. duration: 1000ms
  192. repeats : 0
  193. *RePro: SaveTraces
  194. General:
  195. duration: 1000ms
  196. repeats : 0
  197. savedata: false
  198. split : false
  199. Analog input traces:
  200. trace-V-1 : true
  201. trace-EOD : true
  202. trace-LocalEOD-1 : true
  203. trace-GlobalEFieldStimulus: true
  204. Events:
  205. events-Spikes-1 : true
  206. events-EOD : true
  207. events-Chirps : true
  208. events-LocalEOD-1 : true
  209. events-LocalBeat-1-1 : true
  210. events-LocalBeat-1-2 : true
  211. events-GlobalEFieldStimulus: true
  212. *RePro: SetInputGain
  213. intrace : [ V-1, EOD, LocalEOD-1, GlobalEFieldStimulus ]
  214. gainindex : 0
  215. interactive: true
  216. *RePro: SetOutput
  217. outtrace : [ GlobalEField, GlobalEFieldAM, V, I ]
  218. value : 0V
  219. interactive: false
  220. *RePro: Spectrogram
  221. intrace : [ V-1, EOD, LocalEOD-1, GlobalEFieldStimulus ]
  222. width : 100ms
  223. step : 0ms
  224. tmax : 10s
  225. duration: 0s
  226. size : [ "1024", "64", "128", "256", "512", "1024", "2048", "4096", "8192", "16384", "32768", "65536", "131072", "262144", "524288", "1048576" ]
  227. overlap : true
  228. window : [ Hanning, Bartlett, Blackman, Blackman-Harris, Hamming, Hanning, Parzen, Square, Welch ]
  229. powermax: true
  230. fmax : 2000Hz
  231. pmax : 0dB
  232. pmin : -50dB
  233. *RePro: TransferFunction
  234. Stimulus:
  235. outtrace : [ GlobalEField, GlobalEFieldAM, V, I ]
  236. offsetbase: [ custom, current ]
  237. offset : 0V
  238. amplitude : 1V
  239. intensity : 1
  240. fmax : 1000Hz
  241. duration : 1000ms
  242. pause : 1000ms
  243. repeats : 100
  244. Analysis:
  245. intrace : [ V-1, EOD, LocalEOD-1, GlobalEFieldStimulus ]
  246. size : [ "1024", "64", "128", "256", "512", "1024", "2048", "4096", "8192", "16384", "32768", "65536", "131072", "262144", "524288", "1048576" ]
  247. overlap : true
  248. window : [ Hanning, Bartlett, Blackman, Blackman-Harris, Hamming, Hanning, Parzen, Square, Welch ]
  249. plotstdevs : true
  250. plotcoherence: true
  251. *RePro: Wait
  252. absdate: false
  253. date : ~
  254. days : 0days
  255. time : "00:00:00.000"
  256. *RePro: BridgeTest
  257. amplitude: 1V
  258. duration : 10ms
  259. pause : 100ms
  260. *RePro: CapacityCompensation
  261. amplitude : 1V
  262. duration : 200ms
  263. frequency : 100Hz
  264. skipcycles: 10
  265. pause : 100ms
  266. *RePro: Beats
  267. Stimulation:
  268. duration : 10seconds
  269. pause : 20seconds
  270. ramp : 0.5seconds
  271. deltafrange : "10"
  272. deltafshuffle: [ Up, Down, AlternateInUp, AlternateInDown, AlternateOutUp, AlternateOutDown, Random, PseudoRandom ]
  273. fixeddf : false
  274. amplitude : 1mV/cm
  275. repeats : 10
  276. fakefish : 0Hz
  277. Chirps:
  278. generatechirps : false
  279. chirpsize : 100Hz
  280. chirpwidth : 100ms
  281. chirpampl : 0%
  282. chirpkurtosis : 1
  283. chirpfrequencies: ~
  284. chirptimesfile : ~
  285. Analysis:
  286. before : 1seconds
  287. after : 1seconds
  288. averagetime : 1seconds
  289. showstimulus: false
  290. split : false
  291. savetraces : false
  292. *RePro: CalibEField
  293. General:
  294. reset : false
  295. resetval : 0.1
  296. am : false
  297. beatfreq : 20Hz
  298. frequency: 600Hz
  299. duration : 600ms
  300. pause : 10ms
  301. Range:
  302. amplsel : [ contrast, amplitude ]
  303. targetcontrast : 20%
  304. mincontrast : 10%
  305. maxcontrast : 40%
  306. targetamplitude: 1mV/cm
  307. minamplitude : 0.5mV/cm
  308. maxamplitude : 2mV/cm
  309. numintensities : 10
  310. *RePro: JAR
  311. Stimulation:
  312. duration : 10seconds
  313. pause : 10seconds
  314. ramp : 0.5seconds
  315. deltafstep : 2Hz
  316. deltafmax : 12Hz
  317. deltafmin : -12Hz
  318. deltafrange : ~
  319. deltafshuffle: [ Up, Down, AlternateInUp, AlternateInDown, AlternateOutUp, AlternateOutDown, Random, PseudoRandom ]
  320. repeats : 200
  321. Amplitudes:
  322. amplsel : [ contrast, absolute ]
  323. contrastmax : 20%
  324. contrastmin : 10%
  325. contraststep: 20%
  326. amplmin : 1mV/cm
  327. amplmax : 2mV/cm
  328. amplstep : 1mV/cm
  329. S&timulus:
  330. genstim : true
  331. sinewave: true
  332. file : ~
  333. sigstdev: 1
  334. warpfile: false
  335. fakefish: 0Hz
  336. A&nalysis:
  337. before : 1seconds
  338. after : 8seconds
  339. savetraces : true
  340. jaraverage : 500ms
  341. chirpaverage: 20ms
  342. eodsavetime : 1000ms
  343. *RePro: LinearField
  344. duration: 1s
  345. *RePro: ManualJAR
  346. duration : 10seconds
  347. ramp : 0.5seconds
  348. fakefish : 0Hz
  349. before : 1seconds
  350. after : 1seconds
  351. averagetime: 1seconds
  352. split : false
  353. savetraces : false
  354. *RePro: BaselineActivity
  355. Timing:
  356. duration: 300ms
  357. repeats : 0
  358. Analysis:
  359. isimax : 20ms
  360. isistep : 0.2ms
  361. ratedt : 0.05ms
  362. ratetmax: 2ms
  363. Files:
  364. eodduration : 2000ms
  365. saveeodtrace: false
  366. saveeodtimes: false
  367. Control:
  368. auto : [ never, once, always ]
  369. adjust: false
  370. *RePro: Chirps
  371. Chirp parameter:
  372. nchirps : 10
  373. beatpos : 10
  374. beatstart : 0.25
  375. minspace : 200ms
  376. firstspace : 200ms
  377. chirpsize : 60Hz
  378. chirpwidth : 14ms
  379. chirpampl : 2%
  380. chirpsel : [ generated, from file ]
  381. chirpkurtosis: 1
  382. file : [ /home/efish/Desktop/doublePeakChirp.dat, ~, /home/efish/Desktop/doublePeakChirp.dat ]
  383. Beat parameter:
  384. deltaf : 200Hz
  385. contrast: 20%
  386. am : true
  387. sinewave: true
  388. playback: false
  389. pause : 1000ms
  390. repeats : 6
  391. Analysis:
  392. sigma : 2ms
  393. adjust: false
  394. *RePro: FICurve
  395. Test-Intensities:
  396. duration : 400ms
  397. maxintfac : 120%
  398. minintfac : 80%
  399. nints : 16
  400. repeats : 1
  401. blockrepeats : 10
  402. singlerepeats: 1
  403. intshuffle : [ AlternateOutUp, Up, Down, AlternateInUp, AlternateInDown, AlternateOutUp, AlternateOutDown, Random, PseudoRandom ]
  404. intincrement : -2
  405. Pre-Intensities:
  406. preduration : 0ms
  407. maxpreintfac : 140%
  408. minpreintfac : 60%
  409. npreints : 3
  410. preintshuffle: [ AlternateInDown, Up, Down, AlternateInUp, AlternateInDown, AlternateOutUp, AlternateOutDown, Random, PseudoRandom ]
  411. Control:
  412. am : true
  413. pause : 1000ms
  414. delay : 200ms
  415. onsettime : 50ms
  416. rangeintincrement: 4
  417. minrate : 40Hz
  418. minratefrac : 15%
  419. adjust : false
  420. *RePro: FileStimulus
  421. Stimulus:
  422. file : [ /home/efish/stimuli/whitenoise/gwn300Hz50s0.3.dat, ~, /home/efish/stimuli/whitenoise/gwn300Hz50s0.3.dat ]
  423. sigstdev : 0.3
  424. duration : 10000ms
  425. pause : 1000ms
  426. amplsel : [ contrast, absolute ]
  427. contrast : 10%
  428. amplitude: 1mV/cm
  429. am : true
  430. repeats : 22
  431. Additional noise:
  432. noisetype : [ none, Gaussian-White, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck ]
  433. uppercutoff : 600Hz
  434. lowercutoff : 0Hz
  435. noisetau : 10ms
  436. noisecontrast: 5%
  437. noiseampl : 80mV/cm
  438. Analysis:
  439. binwidth: 5ms
  440. before : 0ms
  441. after : 0ms
  442. plotpsd : false
  443. psdsize : [ "256", "64", "128", "256", "512", "1024", "2048", "4096", "8192", "16384", "32768", "65536", "131072", "262144", "524288", "1048576" ]
  444. adjust : false
  445. *RePro: SAM
  446. Stimulus:
  447. duration: 400ms
  448. pause : 100ms
  449. freqsel : [ absolute, relative to EOD, absolute ]
  450. deltaf : 20Hz
  451. contrast: 10%
  452. repeats : 0
  453. am : false
  454. sinewave: true
  455. Analysis:
  456. skip : 0.5Periods
  457. ratebins: 10
  458. before : 0ms
  459. after : 0ms
  460. adjust : false
  461. *Attenuator-0
  462. gain : 2.8693
  463. offset: 0
  464. *Attenuator-1
  465. gain : 0.10279
  466. offset: 0