123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286 |
- function fhand=shadeplot2(x,y1,y2,varargin)
- %
- % shadeplot2(x,y1,y2,settings)
- % plots two shaded regions without the use of alpha, this allows the renderer to be
- % set as painters rather than openGL, giving a vector rather than raster image.
- % use shadeplot to quickly view graphs and choose colors, use shadeplot2 for final
- % rendered plot.
- % calls my_shadeplot over and over again onto the same figure to draw each region
- % relies on find_blocks in order to find contiguous regions of overlapping and
- % non-overlapping regions.
- % relies on mydeal to instantiate variables from structure called "options"
- % relies on find_xcross for interpolating between boundaries of overlapping and
- % non-overlapping regions.
- % x - x vector
- % y1 - 2 by x vector, 1st row contains lower bound, 2nd row contains upper bounds
- % y2 - "
- % options
- % .colors - 3x3 matrix, each row is an rgb color for y1, y2, and intersection, respectively
- % .fhand - figure handle to plot into, if not specified creates new one
- %
- % Written by Joseph Jun, 09.23.2008
- %
- pairs={ 'colors' [0.498*ones(1,3); 0.898*ones(1,3); 0.647*ones(1,3)];...
- 'fhand' [];...
- };
- parseargs(varargin, pairs);
- if isempty(fhand)
- fhand=axes;
- end
- if size(x,1)>size(x,2), x=x'; end
- if size(y1,1)>size(y1,2), y1=y1'; end
- if size(y2,1)>size(y2,2), y2=y2'; end
- nx=length(x);
- isOverlap=true(1,nx); % true whenever bounds overlap
- dy.ll=y1(1,:)-y2(1,:); % the four combinations of differences between lower and upper bounds of curve 1 and 2
- dy.lh=y1(1,:)-y2(2,:);
- dy.hl=y1(2,:)-y2(1,:);
- dy.hh=y1(2,:)-y2(2,:);
- blocks.non = dy.lh>0 | dy.hl<0; % all bins where curves do not overlap
- blocks.o12 = dy.hh>0 & dy.lh<0 & dy.ll>0; % curves overlap with 1 on top
- blocks.o21 = dy.hh<0 & dy.hl>0 & dy.ll<0; % curves overlap with 2 on top
- blocks.i12 = dy.hh<=0 & dy.ll>=0; % curves overlap with 1 inside of 2
- blocks.i21 = dy.hh>=0 & dy.ll<=0; % curves overlap with 2 inside of 1
- % calculate curves of overlapping regions
- % c1 and c2 are 1D vectors that define upper (c2) and lower (c1) bounds of overlapped curves
- c2(blocks.o12)=y2(2,blocks.o12); % 1 over 2
- c1(blocks.o12)=y1(1,blocks.o12);
- c2(blocks.o21)=y1(2,blocks.o21); % 2 over 1
- c1(blocks.o21)=y2(1,blocks.o21);
- c2(blocks.i12)=y1(2,blocks.i12); % 1 inside 2
- c1(blocks.i12)=y1(1,blocks.i12);
- c2(blocks.i21)=y2(2,blocks.i21); % 2 inside 1
- c1(blocks.i21)=y2(1,blocks.i21);
- % fill in non-overlapping points for interpolation of boundaries between blocks
- temp=blocks.non & dy.lh>=0;
- c1(temp)=y1(1,temp);
- c2(temp)=y2(2,temp);
- temp=blocks.non & dy.hl<=0;
- c1(temp)=y2(1,temp);
- c2(temp)=y1(2,temp);
- hold on;
- % -------- first plot y1 then y2 as shade plots
- my_shadeplot(x,y1(1,:),y1(2,:),{colors(1,:),fhand,1});
- my_shadeplot(x,y2(1,:),y2(2,:),{colors(2,:),fhand,1});
- % -------- next plot over the two curves wherever there is an overlap (must be done in blocks)
- if sum(~blocks.non)>0
- [b,v]=find_blocks(blocks.non); % each row of b has where blocks are, v has whether block is overlapping (false) or non (true)
- nb=length(v);
- for k=1:nb
- if ~v(k)
- if sum(b(k,:))>1
- my_shadeplot(x(b(k,:)), c1(b(k,:)),c2(b(k,:)), {colors(3,:),fhand,1});
- end
- end
- end
- end
- % -------- now worry about interpolation inbetween discretization
- % ---- first detect any intersection of lines
- isll = dy.ll.*[dy.ll(2:end) dy.ll(end)]<0;
- islh = dy.lh.*[dy.lh(2:end) dy.lh(end)]<0;
- ishl = dy.hl.*[dy.hl(2:end) dy.hl(end)]<0;
- ishh = dy.hh.*[dy.hh(2:end) dy.hh(end)]<0;
- inds=find(isll | islh | ishl | ishh);
- ninds=length(inds);
- for k=1:ninds
- il=inds(k);
- ir=inds(k)+1;
- xl=x(il);
- xr=x(ir);
- templateType=0;
- % ---- check to see what kind of overlap exists, create new labeled lines that push
- % intersections into templates
- if y1(2,il)<y2(1,il)
- gy=[y1(1,il) y1(1,ir); y1(2,il) y1(2,ir)];
- ry=[y2(1,il) y2(1,ir); y2(2,il) y2(2,ir)];
- templateType=1;
- elseif y2(2,il)<y1(1,il)
- ry=[y1(1,il) y1(1,ir); y1(2,il) y1(2,ir)];
- gy=[y2(1,il) y2(1,ir); y2(2,il) y2(2,ir)];
- templateType=1;
- elseif y1(1,il)>y2(1,il) && y1(1,il)<y2(2,il) && y1(2,il)>y2(2,il)
- gy=[y1(1,il) y1(1,ir); y1(2,il) y1(2,ir)];
- ry=[y2(1,il) y2(1,ir); y2(2,il) y2(2,ir)];
- templateType=2;
- elseif y2(1,il)>y1(1,il) && y2(1,il)<y1(2,il) && y2(2,il)>y1(2,il)
- ry=[y1(1,il) y1(1,ir); y1(2,il) y1(2,ir)];
- gy=[y2(1,il) y2(1,ir); y2(2,il) y2(2,ir)];
- templateType=2;
- elseif y1(1,il)>y2(1,il) && y1(1,il)<y2(2,il) && y1(2,il)>y2(1,il) && y1(2,il)<y2(2,il)
- gy=[y1(1,il) y1(1,ir); y1(2,il) y1(2,ir)];
- ry=[y2(1,il) y2(1,ir); y2(2,il) y2(2,ir)];
- templateType=3;
- elseif y2(1,il)>y1(1,il) && y2(1,il)<y1(2,il) && y2(2,il)>y1(1,il) && y2(2,il)<y1(2,il)
- ry=[y1(1,il) y1(1,ir); y1(2,il) y1(2,ir)];
- gy=[y2(1,il) y2(1,ir); y2(2,il) y2(2,ir)];
- templateType=3;
- end
- [xll yll]=calc_xcross([xl xr],gy(1,:),[xl xr],ry(1,:));
- [xlh ylh]=calc_xcross([xl xr],gy(1,:),[xl xr],ry(2,:));
- [xhl yhl]=calc_xcross([xl xr],gy(2,:),[xl xr],ry(1,:));
- [xhh yhh]=calc_xcross([xl xr],gy(2,:),[xl xr],ry(2,:));
- if xll<xl || xll>xr, xll=[]; yll=[]; end
- if xlh<xl || xlh>xr, xlh=[]; ylh=[]; end
- if xhl<xl || xhl>xr, xhl=[]; yhl=[]; end
- if xhh<xl || xhh>xr, xhh=[]; yhh=[]; end
- switch templateType
- case 1 % case where green is below red and not intersecting
- if isempty(xll)
- if isempty(xhh), px=[xhl xr xr]; py=[yhl gy(2,2) ry(1,2)];
- else px=[xhl xhh xr xr]; py=[yhl yhh ry(2,2) ry(1,2)];
- end
- else
- if isempty(xhh), px=[xhl xr xr xll]; py=[yhl gy(2,2) gy(1,2) yll];
- else
- if isempty(xlh), px=[xhl xhh xr xr xll]; py=[yhl yhh ry(2,2) ry(1,2) yll];
- else px=[xhl xhh xlh xll]; py=[yhl yhh ylh yll];
- end
- end
- end
- case 2 % case where green straddles red from below
- if ~isempty(xlh)
- px=[xl xl xlh]; py=[gy(1,1) ry(2,1) ylh];
- else
- if isempty(xll)
- px=[xl xl xhh xr xr]; py=[gy(1,1) ry(2,1) yhh gy(2,2) gy(1,2)];
- else
- if isempty(xhh)
- px=[xl xl xr xr xll]; py=[gy(1,1) ry(2,1) ry(2,2) ry(1,2) yll];
- else
- if isempty(xhl)
- px=[xl xl xhh xr xr xll]; py=[gy(1,1) ry(2,1) yhh gy(2,2) ry(1,2) yll];
- else
- px=[xl xl xhh xhl xll]; py=[gy(1,1) ry(2,1) yhh yhl yll];
- end
- end
- end
- end
- case 3
- if isempty(xhh)
- if isempty(xhl)
- px=[xl xl xr xr xll]; py=[gy(1,1) gy(2,1) gy(2,2) ry(1,2) yll];
- else
- px=[xl xl xhl xll]; py=[gy(1,1) gy(2,1) yhl yll];
- end
- else
- if isempty(xll)
- if isempty(xlh)
- px=[xl xl xhh xr xr]; py=[gy(1,1) gy(2,1) yhh ry(2,2) gy(1,2)];
- else
- px=[xl xl xhh xlh]; py=[gy(1,1) gy(2,1) yhh ylh];
- end
- else
- px=[xl xl xhh xr xr xll]; py=[gy(1,1) gy(2,1) yhh ry(2,2) ry(1,2) yll];
- end
- end
- end
- patch(px,py,colors(3,:),'linestyle','none');
- end
- % -------- return a VECTOR graphic hurray!
- set(gcf,'renderer','painters');
- function h=my_shadeplot(x,y1,y2,opt)
- % function h=shadeplot(x,y1,y2,opt)
- % you need x, sorry
- % y1, y2 can be for example lower and upper confidence intervals.
- % opt={color, fighandle, alpha}
- if nargin <4
- h=axes;
- clr='k';
- alp=0.5;
- else
- h=opt{2};
- alp=opt{3};
- clr=opt{1};
- end
- y2=y2(:)-y1(:);
- y1=y1(:);
- Y=[y1, y2];
- h1=area(h,x,Y);
- set(h1(2),'EdgeColor','none','FaceColor',clr);
- if ~isempty(alp), alpha(alp); end
- set(h1(1),'EdgeColor','none','FaceColor','none');
- function [b,v]=find_blocks(x)
- %
- % [b,v]=find_blocks(x)
- % x - single dimensional vector, assumed to be row
- % b - boolean matrix containing one row for each discovered block,
- % and one column for each element of x, true means that element belongs in the block
- %
- x=x(:)';
- nx=length(x);
- cval=x(1);
- block_beg=1;
- nblocks=0;
- if isnumeric(x(end)), x(end+1)=x(end)+1;
- else x(end+1)=~x(end);
- end
- for k=1:(nx+1)
- if x(k)~=cval
- nblocks=nblocks+1;
- b(nblocks,:)=false(1,nx);
- b(nblocks,block_beg:(k-1))=true;
- block_beg=k;
- v(nblocks)=cval;
- cval=x(k);
- end
- end
- if block_beg==1, b=true(1,nx); end
- v=v';
- function [xstar,ystar]=calc_xcross(x,y,u,v)
- %
- % [xstar,ystar]=calc_xcross(x,y,u,v)
- % calculates where two lines cross and value at meeting point
- % x - 2 element vector, defines x-coord of 1st line
- % y - 2 element vector, defines y-coord of 1st line
- % u - 2 element vector, defines x-coord of 2nd line
- % v - 2 element vector, defines y-coord of 2nd line
- %
- y0=(y(1)*x(2)-y(2)*x(1))/(x(2)-x(1));
- v0=(v(1)*u(2)-v(2)*u(1))/(u(2)-u(1));
- a=(y(2)-y(1))/(x(2)-x(1));
- b=(v(2)-v(1))/(u(2)-u(1));
- xstar=(y0-v0)/(b-a);
- ystar=y0+a*xstar;