123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160 |
- function [target_window,circle_r] = PlotTuningCurve(ev,ts,cnd,varargin)
- %PlotTuningCurve(ev, ts , cnd,varargin)
- % Functions for ploting tuning curve, the ev is the event time, ts is the
- % spike's timestamp
- %
- iod = @utils.inputordefault;
- pre = iod('pre',0,varargin);
- post = iod('post',1,varargin);
- binsz = iod('binsz',0.01,varargin);
- krn = iod('krn',0.1,varargin);
- tar_pre = iod('tar_pre',0.25,varargin);
- tar_post = iod('tar_post',0.25,varargin);
- target_time = iod('target_time',[],varargin);% the time point as the center of the tuning curve time window
- clr = iod('color',[0 0 0],varargin);
- titlestr = iod('titlestr',[],varargin);
- sub_cnd = iod('sub_cnd',[],varargin);
- r_lim = iod('rlim',[],varargin);
- isplot = iod('isplot',1,varargin);
- savedir = iod('savedir',[],varargin);
- cellid = iod('cellid',0,varargin);
- ax = iod('ax',[],varargin);
- circle_r = iod('circle_r',[],varargin);
- [headlength,varargin]=iod('headlength',3,varargin);
- [headstyle,varargin]=iod('headstyle','cback3',varargin);
- [linewidth,varargin] = iod('linewidth',2,varargin);
- if iscell(cnd)
- %cnd_nan = cellfun(@(x)isnan(x), cnd);
- cnd_nan = cellfun(@(x)strcmp(x,'null'), cnd);
- %cnd(cnd_nan) = 'NaN';
- cnd = categorical(cnd);
- n_cnd = categories(cnd);
- else
- cnd = categorical(cnd);
- n_cnd = categories(cnd);
- end
- if ~isempty(sub_cnd) && iscell(cnd)
- %cnd_nan = cellfun(@(x)isnan(x), cnd);
- sub_cnd_nan = cellfun(@(x)strcmp(x,'null'), sub_cnd);
- %cnd(cnd_nan) = 'NaN';
- sub_cnd = categorical(sub_cnd);
- n_sub_cnd = categories(sub_cnd);
- else
- sub_cnd = categorical(sub_cnd);
- n_sub_cnd = categories(sub_cnd);
- end
- if isscalar(krn)
- dx=ceil(5*krn);
- kx=-dx:binsz:dx;
- krn=normpdf(kx,0, krn);
- if isempty(find(kx==0, 1))
- error('Your binsz needs to divide 1 second into interger # of bins');
- end
- krn(kx<0)=0;
- krn=krn/sum(krn);
- end
- [Y,x]=stats.spike_filter(ev,ts,krn,'pre',pre,'post',post,'kernel_bin_size',binsz);
- % [refY,x] = stats.spike_filter(ref_ev,ts,krn,'pre',pre,'post',post,'kernel_bin_size',binsz);
- ymn = nan(numel(n_cnd),numel(x));
- for ci=1:numel(n_cnd)
- ref=cnd==n_cnd(ci);
- y=Y(ref,:);
- ymn(ci,:) = nanmean(y,1);
- end
- if isempty(target_time) %is the user is not prividing target_time for doing tuning curve, we find a time window with maxinum variance
- % take nanvar?
- [~,I] = sort(nanvar(ymn));
- target_time = x(I(end));
- end
- target_window = [max([x(1),target_time-tar_pre]),min([x(end),target_time+tar_post])];
- % get firing rate in the target_window
- tar_fr = nan(numel(n_cnd),1);
- tar_se = nan(numel(n_cnd),1);
- for ci = 1:numel(n_cnd)
- ref = cnd==n_cnd(ci);
- tar_fr(ci) = nanmean(stats.qcount(ts,ev(ref)+target_window(1),ev(ref)+target_window(2))./(target_window(2)-target_window(1)));
- tar_se(ci) = nanstd(stats.qcount(ts,ev(ref)+target_window(1),ev(ref)+target_window(2))./(target_window(2)-target_window(1)))/(nansum(ref)^0.5);
- end
- if isempty(sub_cnd)
- angles = cellfun(@(x)utils.ExtractAngleInfo('MidC',cellstr(x),'Rat'), n_cnd);
- else
- angles = cellfun(@(x,y)utils.ExtractAngleInfo(cellstr(x),cellstr(y),'Rat'), n_cnd,{n_sub_cnd{1};n_sub_cnd{2};n_sub_cnd{1};n_sub_cnd{2}});
- end
- [~ ,sort_index]=sort(angles);% angles from MidR, counterclockwise
- sort_index = [sort_index;sort_index(1)];
- theta = angles(sort_index);
- [x1, y1] = pol2cart(theta, tar_fr(sort_index)); % Convert To Cartesian
- vecsum = nanmean([x1,y1],1);
- [x2, y2] = pol2cart(theta, tar_fr(sort_index)-tar_se(sort_index));
- [x3,y3] = pol2cart(theta,tar_fr(sort_index)+tar_se(sort_index));
- [~,temp] = max(tar_fr(sort_index));
- max_theta = theta(temp);
- if isplot
- if isempty(ax)
- ax = draw.jaxes();
- else
- axes(ax);
- end
- hold on;
- if isempty(circle_r)
- circle_r = ceil(nanmax(abs(tar_fr))*1.1);
- end
- lim = circle_r;% axis limits
- set(gca,'XTickLabel',[],'YTickLabel',[],'XTick',[],'YTick',[],'XColor','none','YColor','none','XLim',[-lim lim],'YLim',[-lim lim]);
- % start plotting
- draw_circle(ax,0,0,circle_r);
- draw_lines(ax,0,0,angles,circle_r,headstyle,linewidth,headlength);
- p_out = patch(x3,y3,clr + [0.8 0.8 0.8], 'EdgeColor','none') ; % Outer std % Fill Area Between Radius Limits
- p_in = patch(x2,y2,[1 1 1],'EdgeColor','none');% Inner std
- p_mean = plot(x1, y1, '-o','MarkerSize',2,'MarkerFaceColor',clr,'MarkerEdgeColor',clr,'Color',clr); %mean line
- text(0,-lim,[titlestr,' ',num2str(circle_r),' Hz '],'HorizontalAlignment','center','VerticalAlignment','bottom');
- else
- h = nan;
- end
- if ~isempty(savedir)
- print('-dpdf','-r300',figh, fullfile(savedir,sprintf('tune.cell.%d.pdf',cellid)));
- saveas(figh, fullfile(savedir,sprintf('tune.cell.%d.png',cellid)));
- end
- end
- function draw_circle(ax,x,y,r)
- %x and y are the coordinates of the center of the circle
- %r is the radius of the circle
- %0.01 is the angle step, bigger values will draw the circle faster but
- %you might notice imperfections (not very smooth)
- ang=0:0.01:2*pi;
- xp=r*cos(ang);
- yp=r*sin(ang);
- plot(ax,x+xp,y+yp,'Color','k');
- plot(ax,x,y,'Color','k'); % Center of the Circle
- end
- function draw_lines(ax,x,y,angles,r,headstyle,linewidth,headlength)
- ax_left = ax.Position(1);
- ax_bot = ax.Position(2);
- ax_wid = ax.Position(3);
- ax_hei = ax.Position(4);
- xp = r.* cos(angles);
- yp = r.* sin(angles);
- for ii = 1:6
- clr = draw.get_dirpos_clrs(utils.ang2name(angles(ii)));
- x_start = (x+xp(ii)*0.9-ax.XLim(1))/(ax.XLim(2)-ax.XLim(1))*ax_wid+ax_left;
- x_end = (x+xp(ii)*1.2-ax.XLim(1))/(ax.XLim(2)-ax.XLim(1))*ax_wid+ax_left;
- y_start = (y+yp(ii)*0.9-ax.YLim(1))/(ax.YLim(2)-ax.YLim(1))*ax_hei+ax_bot;
- y_end = (y+yp(ii)*1.2-ax.YLim(1))/(ax.YLim(2)-ax.YLim(1))*ax_hei+ax_bot;
- annotation('arrow',[x_start,x_end],[y_start,y_end],'Color',clr{1},'HeadStyle',headstyle,'LineWidth',linewidth,'HeadLength',headlength,'HeadWidth',5);
- end
- end