123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140 |
- function [ idx, pos_map_ordered, pos_map, pos_map_trial, pos_map_trial_norm, pos_map_norm_min, pos_map_norm_max]...
- = PosMap_ordered( tcs, deconv, behavior, varargin )
- % position firing maps are calculated for the entire session
- % then reshape to position bins x trials
- % check PlotPosMapTcs.m
- % default
- nBins = 100;
- nSmooth = 3;
- n_lowpass = 0.3;
- n_medf = 10;
- use_deconv = false;
- use_lowpass = true;
- unit_list = 1:size(deconv,2);
- % parse input parameters
- % Parse parameter list
- for i = 1:2:length(varargin),
- if ~ischar(varargin{i}),
- error(['Parameter ' num2str(i+2) ' is not a property']);
- end
- switch(lower(varargin{i}))
- case 'nsmooth'
- nSmooth = varargin{i+1};
- if ~isscalar(nSmooth) || length(nSmooth) > 2,
- error('Incorrect value for property ''nSmooth''');
- end
- case 'unit_list',
- unit_list = varargin{i+1};
- if ~isvector(unit_list),
- error('Incorrect value for property ''unit_list''');
- end
- case 'use_deconv',
- use_deconv = varargin{i+1};
- if ~islogical(use_deconv) || length(use_deconv) > 2,
- error('Incorrect value for property ''use_deconv''');
- end
- case 'use_lowpass'
- use_lowpass = varargin{i+1};
- if ~islogical(use_lowpass)
- error('Incorrect value for property ''use_lowpass''');
- end
- otherwise,
- error(['Unknown property ''' num2str(varargin{i}) '''']);
- end
- end
- nUnit = length(unit_list);
- trial = behavior.trial;
- nTrial = max(trial);
- nBins_alltrial = [nBins*nTrial 1];
- ts_beh = behavior.ts;
- pos_cum = behavior.pos_cum;
- ok = trial > 0;
- ts_beh = ts_beh(ok);
- pos_cum = pos_cum(ok);
- pos_cum = (pos_cum-pos_cum(1))/(pos_cum(end)-pos_cum(1));
- if isrow(ts_beh)
- ts_beh = ts_beh';
- end
- if isrow(pos_cum)
- pos_cum = pos_cum';
- end
- ts_pos_beh = [ts_beh, pos_cum./max(pos_cum)];
- ts_tcs = (tcs.tt)';
- ok = ts_tcs >= ts_beh(1) & ts_tcs <= ts_beh(end);
- ts_tcs = ts_tcs(ok);
- if isrow(ts_tcs)
- ts_tcs = ts_tcs';
- end
- if use_lowpass
- ratio = lowpass(tcs.ratio, n_lowpass);
- else
- ratio = medfilt1(double(tcs.ratio), n_medf);
- end
- pos_map = zeros(nUnit, nBins(1));
- pos_map_norm_min = zeros(nUnit, 1);
- pos_map_norm_max = zeros(nUnit, 1);
- pos_map_ordered = zeros(nUnit, nBins(1));
- pos_map_trial = zeros(nTrial, nBins, nUnit);
- pos_map_trial_norm = zeros(nTrial, nBins, nUnit);
- unit_order = [];
- if ~use_deconv
- ratio = ratio(ok, :);
- y = ratio;
- else
- deconv = deconv(ok, :);
- y = deconv;
- end
- for iunit = 1:nUnit
- id_unit = unit_list(iunit);
- y_this = y(:, id_unit);
- map = Map(ts_pos_beh, [ts_tcs, y_this], 'smooth', nSmooth, 'nBins', nBins_alltrial);
- pos_map_tmp = reshape(map.z, nBins, nTrial);
- pos_map_tmp = pos_map_tmp';
- pos_map_trial(:,:,iunit) = pos_map_tmp;
- [max_val, ~] = max(pos_map_tmp, [], 2);
- [min_val, ~] = min(pos_map_tmp, [], 2);
- norm_val = max_val - min_val;
- ok = norm_val > 0.1; % silent trials, normalized by 1 (i.e. 0/1 = 0)
- pos_map_tmp(~ok, :) = 0;
- norm_val(~ok) = 1;
- pos_map_tmp = bsxfun(@minus, pos_map_tmp, min_val);
- pos_map_trial_norm(:,:,iunit) = bsxfun(@rdivide, pos_map_tmp, norm_val);
- a = mean(pos_map_tmp,1);
- pos_map(iunit, :) = a;
- pos_map(iunit, :) = (a-min(a))/(max(a)-min(a));
- pos_map_norm_min(iunit, :) = min(a);
- pos_map_norm_max(iunit, :) = max(a);
- [~, idx] = max(pos_map(iunit, :));
- unit_order = cat(1, unit_order, [id_unit, idx]);
- end
- [~, idx] = sort(unit_order(:, 2));
- for iunit = 1:nUnit
- i = idx(iunit);
- pos_map_ordered(iunit, :) = pos_map(i, :);
- end
- end