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Daniel Justin Powell 4a4ec61bba Update '' 3 gadi atpakaļ
LICENSE 46ff482a1a Initial commit 3 gadi atpakaļ 4a4ec61bba Update '' 3 gadi atpakaļ


CabPK and MCN1 data

Each folder contains .abf files for a given experiment. File names are: notebook#_page#_file# (e.g. 942_089_0045 is notebook# 942, page 89, file 45); notebook hardcopy is located in Eve Marder's lab. Specific files used in each experiment can be found in the uploaded excel file under that experiment's sheet tab. Digital copies of notebook data are also available by contacting the Marder Lab lab manager.

Files from data collected in Mike Nusbaum's lab (UPenn) are labeled by the date they were collected and condition (e.g. CabPK (CabPK superfusion) or CabPK_CCAP (CabPK+CCAP superfusion). Folders containing these files are 872_116, 872_121, 872_130, 901_018, 901_022, 901_026, 901_029, 901_032, 901_035. These folders contain .smr files.