G-Node DOI doi

Cerebellar activity predicts vocalization in fruit bats Matlab variable with LFP and Spike data recorded from the cerebellum during the production of echolocation and social calls in bats

Actualizado hace 2 semanas

Actualizado hace 2 semanas

Bulk RNA-sequencing data of mouse suprachiasmatic nucleus and habenula at 4 different timepoints throughout the day in resilient, susceptible and stress-naive phenotypes following chronic social defeat stress

Actualizado hace 2 semanas

Dataset that was used in Confais et al. 2020 (doi: 10.1093/texcom/tgaa017) to study the relationship between LFP beta oscillation amplitude and firing rate of individual neurons in macaque motor cortex. The data was obtained in two adult male Rhesus macaques, and includes LFP and single neuron activity, hand movement trajectories and behavioral events.

Actualizado hace 3 semanas

Larger Brains and Relatively Smaller Cerebella in Asian Compared to African Savanna Elephants

Actualizado hace 1 mes

This repository is about the classification of local field potentials data across different laminar layers and spectral frequency bands for different task engagement conditions during a change detection task.

Actualizado hace 1 mes

Spike train data from marmoset retinal ganglion cells under stimulation with Ricker stripes for tomographic subunit detection as well as under spatiotemporal white noise.

Actualizado hace 1 mes

This repository is about the analysis of behavioral and neural data about perceived wealth and difficulty in decision-making.

Actualizado hace 1 mes

Actualizado hace 2 meses

Actualizado hace 2 meses

Local field potentials recorded from the visual and auditory cortices of male and female C57Bl/6J mice - including pilot data with arbaclofen

Actualizado hace 2 meses

The components of an electrical synapse as revealed by expansion microscopy of a single synaptic contact.

Actualizado hace 2 meses

Actualizado hace 2 meses

Neural effects of dopaminergic compounds revealed by multi-site electrophysiology and interpretable machine-learning

Actualizado hace 3 meses

Repository of mouse LFP and video data during threat-and-escape paradigm for CBRAIN recording environment.

Actualizado hace 3 meses