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Data & code for Dehmelt, Meier, Hinz et al. 2020

This repository contains data and code for our 2020 manuscript "Gaze stabilisation behaviour is anisotropic across visual field locations in zebrafish" by Dehmelt, Meier, Hinz et al. The corresponding author is Aristides B. Arrenberg.

It contains pre-processed data in MAT files, and MATLAB code to reproduce all our parts of Figures 3-6, as well as Figure 3-figure supplement 5. File paths are hard-coded in the M files; so please edit the appropriate strings to match your own folder architecture.

It also contains examples of raw data files, namely tab-separated TXT eye tracking data files. These match the conventions described in our published protocol, "Evoking and tracking zebrafish eye movement in multiple larvae with ZebEyeTrack" by Dehmelt et al., Nature Protocols 2018.

Upon publication of the manuscript in a peer-reviewed journal, all files will be published under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (see the LICENSE file above).