figureCone20190604gin.m 30 KB

  1. function hd = coneAnalysis
  2. datachoice = 'visual field'; % for main figure
  3. % datachoice = 'retina'; % for supplementary figure
  4. warning('off','MATLAB:interp1:UsePCHIP')
  5. % deactivating the following cbrewer warning:
  6. % Warning: INTERP1(...,'CUBIC') will change in a future release. Use INTERP1(...,'PCHIP') instead.
  7. % > In interp1>sanitycheckmethod (line 265)
  8. % In interp1>parseinputs (line 401)
  9. % In interp1 (line 80)
  10. % In interpolate_cbrewer (line 31)
  11. % In cbrewer (line 101)
  12. % In heatmap20180823 (line 21)
  13. % global globalparam
  14. close all
  15. cd(['..\..\data\Fig6 cone data\'])
  16. % Define which character sequences identify the different types of data file.
  17. filestring.all = 'allCones';
  18. = 'Blue';
  19. = 'Green';
  20. = 'Red';
  21. filestring.uv = 'UV';
  22. % Manually set max. cone density per square mm, as in Zimmermann et al.
  23. maxdensity = 35000;
  24. % Manually select data files, and automatically check their names.
  25. switch datachoice
  26. case 'visual field'
  27. fileselection = {'VisualFieldProjection_Red_8dpf.txt', ...
  28. 'VisualFieldProjection_Green_8dpf.txt','VisualFieldProjection_Blue_8dpf.txt', ...
  29. 'VisualFieldProjection_UV_8dpf.txt','VisualFieldProjection_allCones_8dpf.txt'};
  30. case 'retina'
  31. fileselection = {'DensityinRetina_Red_8dpf.txt', ...
  32. 'DensityinRetina_Green_8dpf.txt','DensityinRetina_Blue_8dpf.txt', ...
  33. 'DensityinRetina_UV_8dpf.txt','DensityinRetina_allCones_8dpf.txt'};
  34. end
  35. occurrence = struct('all',[],'blue',[],'green',[],'red',[],'uv',[]);
  36. for file = 1:numel(fileselection)
  37. occurrence.all = [occurrence.all, ~isempty(strfind(fileselection{file},filestring.all))];
  38. = [, ~isempty(strfind(fileselection{file},];
  39. = [, ~isempty(strfind(fileselection{file},];
  40. = [, ~isempty(strfind(fileselection{file},];
  41. occurrence.uv = [occurrence.uv, ~isempty(strfind(fileselection{file},filestring.uv))];
  42. end
  43. % Check whether each type of file was selected exactly once.
  44. if sum(occurrence.all) == 0
  45. disp(['None of the file names contain the characters ''',filestring.all,'''.'])
  46. elseif sum(occurrence.all) > 1
  47. error(['More than one file name contains the characters ''',filestring.all,'''!'])
  48. else
  49. datafile.all = fileselection{find(occurrence.all)}; %#ok<FNDSB>
  50. end
  51. if sum( == 0
  52. disp(['None of the file names contain the characters ''',,'''.'])
  53. elseif sum( > 1
  54. error(['More than one file name contains the characters ''',,'''!'])
  55. else
  56. = fileselection{find(}; %#ok<FNDSB>
  57. end
  58. if sum( == 0
  59. disp(['None of the file names contain the characters ''',,'''.'])
  60. elseif sum( > 1
  61. error(['More than one file name contains the characters ''',,'''!'])
  62. else
  63. = fileselection{find(}; %#ok<FNDSB>
  64. end
  65. if sum( == 0
  66. disp(['None of the file names contain the characters ''',,'''.'])
  67. elseif sum( > 1
  68. error(['More than one file name contains the characters ''',,'''!'])
  69. else
  70. = fileselection{find(}; %#ok<FNDSB>
  71. end
  72. if sum(occurrence.uv) == 0
  73. disp(['None of the file names contain the characters ''',filestring.uv,'''.'])
  74. elseif sum(occurrence.uv) > 1
  75. error(['More than one file name contains the characters ''',filestring.uv,'''!'])
  76. else
  77. datafile.uv = fileselection{find(occurrence.uv)}; %#ok<FNDSB>
  78. end
  79. % % Fit centres from FitAzimElev20181217.txt:
  80. % leftnormmaxazim = 74.1675;
  81. % leftnormmaxelev = 5.9175;
  82. % leftnormmeanazim = 74.9488;
  83. % leftnormmeanelev = 5.7009;
  84. % leftnormratioazim = 74.9490;
  85. % leftnormratioelev = 5.7007;
  86. % rightnormmaxazim = -72.0633;
  87. % rightnormmaxelev = 7.3858;
  88. % rightnormmeanazim = -71.1931;
  89. % rightnormmeanelev = 7.5766;
  90. % rightnormratioazim = -71.1933;
  91. % rightnormratioelev = 7.5767;
  92. leftazim_body = -80.2647;
  93. leftelev_body = 6.0557;
  94. rightazim_body = +77.0306;
  95. rightelev_body = -1.9776;
  96. % Median eye position, pooled once, from positionAnalysis20181217.m:
  97. leftmedianazim = +6.2450;
  98. rightmedianazim = -9.8760;
  99. leftmeanazim = +5.2455;
  100. rightmeanazim = -9.8840;
  101. leftstdazim = 6.1703;
  102. rightstdazim = 6.5227;
  103. leftsemazim = 0.2472;
  104. rightsemazim = 0.2613;
  105. % Median vertical eye position, from figureVertical20190225.m:
  106. leftmeanelev = 3.4937; % meanmeanposition.UUH(:,:,1);
  107. rightmeanelev = 4.8735; % meanmeanposition.UUH(:,:,2);
  108. % Corrected to eye-centred visual field angles:
  109. leftazim_eye = abs(leftazim_body - leftmeanazim);
  110. leftelev_eye = leftelev_body - leftmeanelev;
  111. rightazim_eye = abs(rightazim_body - rightmeanazim);
  112. rightelev_eye = rightelev_body - rightmeanelev;
  113. % Create one figure panel per file, and all plots on it.
  114. datapresent = fieldnames(datafile);
  115. % Reorder field names to reflect desired arrangement of panels on figure.
  116. datapresent = {datapresent{[4 3 2 5 1]}};
  117. for typeindex = 1:numel(datapresent)
  118. conetype = datapresent{typeindex};
  119. textfile = datafile.(conetype);
  120. switch datachoice
  121. case 'visual field'
  122. conedata = importdata(textfile) * maxdensity;
  123. case 'retina'
  124. conedata = importdata(textfile);
  125. end
  126. switch datachoice
  127. case 'visual field'
  128. conedata = rot90(conedata,3); % so up is at top, anterior to the left
  129. case 'retina'
  130. conedata = rot90(conedata,1); % so up is at bottom, anterior to the right
  131. end
  132. conedata(conedata==0) = NaN; % consider nonzero data only, i.e. from the true area of the retina
  133. switch datachoice
  134. case 'visual field'
  135. % Undo approximate correction by Takeshi, then apply a more precise one:
  136. offsetAzimTakeshi = 8;
  137. offsetElevTakeshi = 5;
  138. offsetAzimAccurate = abs(leftmedianazim);
  139. offsetElevAccurate = leftmeanelev;
  140. resolutionAzim = size(conedata,2)/360;
  141. resolutionElev = size(conedata,1)/180;
  142. discreteShiftAzim = round((offsetAzimTakeshi-offsetAzimAccurate)/resolutionAzim);
  143. discreteShiftElev = round((offsetElevTakeshi-offsetElevAccurate)/resolutionElev);
  144. nandata = NaN(size(conedata));
  145. % Execute shift (min/max sanitise indices in case shift is negative):
  146. nandata(max(1,1-discreteShiftElev):min(end,end-discreteShiftElev), ...
  147. max(1,1-discreteShiftAzim):min(end,end-discreteShiftAzim)) = ...
  148. conedata(max(1,1+discreteShiftElev):min(end,end+discreteShiftElev), ...
  149. max(1,1+discreteShiftAzim):min(end,end+discreteShiftAzim));
  150. % Overwrite original data:
  151. conedata = nandata;
  152. case 'retina'
  153. % Cannot apply correction, as VF filter used by Takeshi is unknown.
  154. end
  155. % cd(['C:\Users\dehmelt\Dropbox\Documents\MATLAB\', ...
  156. % '201808 SphereAnalysis'])
  157. %
  158. % numelevation = size(conedata,1);
  159. % numazimuth = size(conedata,2);
  160. %
  161. % % The following four values represent the coordinates of the four corners
  162. % % of the 2D data sets provided by Baden lab (and are currently unknown).
  163. % elevation.max = 90;
  164. % elevation.min = -90;
  165. % azimuth.max = 180;
  166. % azimuth.min = -180;
  167. % % Build an (NX*NY x 2) array, where NX is the number of azimuth values,
  168. % % NY is the number of elevation values, NX*NY is the total number of data
  169. % % points, and for each data point (each row), the azimuth (column 1) and
  170. % % elevation (column 2) are listed.
  171. % elevation.step = (elevation.max-elevation.min)/(numelevation-1);
  172. % azimuth.step = (azimuth.max-azimuth.min)/(numazimuth-1);
  173. % elevationlist = elevation.max:-elevation.step:elevation.min;
  174. % azimuthlist = azimuth.max:-azimuth.step:azimuth.min;
  175. % predictor = [];
  176. % for k = 1:numazimuth
  177. % predictor = [predictor; ...
  178. % repmat(azimuthlist(k),[numelevation 1]), elevationlist'];
  179. % end
  180. % % One raw data value per data point, might have to be reformatted to match
  181. % % the order in which the list of data azimuths/elevations in "predictor" is
  182. % % being created. Predictor goes top-to-bottom, left-to-right.
  183. % response = conedata(:);
  184. %
  185. % offset = 0;
  186. % amplitude = 1;
  187. % meanazimuth = 90;
  188. % meanelevation = 0;
  189. % concentration = 1;
  190. %
  191. % globalparam.offset = offset;
  192. % globalparam.amplitude = amplitude;
  193. % globalparam.concentration = concentration;
  194. %
  195. %
  196. % figure(1)
  197. % % imagesc(conedata)
  198. % surf(conedata)
  199. % shading flat
  200. % axis square
  201. % colormap(cbrewer('div','PRGn',100))
  202. % hold on
  203. % plot([1,numazimuth],[numelevation/2 numelevation/2],'--w','LineWidth',2)
  204. % plot([numazimuth/2, numazimuth/2],[1,numelevation],'--w','LineWidth',2)
  205. % hold off
  206. % set(gca,'XTick',[1,numazimuth*[1/4,1/2,3/4,1]],'XTickLabel',{180 90 0 -90 -180})
  207. % set(gca,'YTick',[1,numelevation*[1/4,1/2,3/4,1]],'YTickLabel',{90 45 0 -45 -90})
  208. % xlabel('azimuth'),ylabel('elevation'),set(gcf,'Color',[1 1 1])
  209. % dataclim = get(gca,'CLim');
  210. hd.cone.fg = figure(1);
  211. hd.cone.fg.Position = [400 160 1000 700];
  212. % hd.cone.fg.Position = [500 50 540 380];
  213. hd.cone.fg.Color = [1 1 1];
  214.,1) = axes;
  215. if typeindex < 4
  216.,1).Position = [.11+(typeindex-1)*.29 .61 hd.cone.fg.Position([4 3])/3500];
  217. else
  218.,1).Position = [.19+(typeindex-4)*.42 .11 hd.cone.fg.Position([4 3])/3500];
  219. end
  220. az = 0:180/(size(conedata,1)-1):180;
  221. el = -90:180/(size(conedata,2)-1):90;
  222. % conedatanonnan = fliplr(flipud(conedata));
  223. conedatanonnan = conedata;
  224. conedatanonnan(isnan(conedatanonnan)) = 0;
  225. density = conv2(conedatanonnan,fspecial('gaussian',[100 100],3),'same');
  226. % surf(az,el,conv2(conedatanonnan,fspecial('gaussian',[100 100],10),'same'))
  227. % shading flat
  228. hold on
  229. if strcmp(datachoice,'retina') && typeindex == 5 % FD20190829 added as simple correction
  230. density = fliplr(density);
  231. end
  232. imagesc(az,el,density)
  233. % if strcmp(conetype,'all')
  234. % contour(az,el,density,'LevelStep',1e-1,'Color',.5*[1 1 1])
  235. % else
  236. % contour(az,el,density,'LevelStep',3e-2,'Color',.5*[1 1 1])
  237. % end
  238. contourlevels = (.1:.1:1) * max(max(density)); % increments = 10%-of-max.
  239. contour(az,el,density,contourlevels,'Color',.5*[1 1 1]);
  240. hold off
  241. % axis square
  242. % uistack(,2),'bottom')
  243. %,2) = copyobj(,1),hd.cone.fg)
  244.,1).XLim = [0,180];
  245.,1).YLim = [-90,90];
  246. oldclim =,1).CLim;
  247. % climcutoff = .8;
  248. climcutoff = .60;
  249. % climcutoff = 0;
  250.,1).CLim = [min(oldclim)+climcutoff*(max(oldclim)-min(oldclim)), ...
  251. max(oldclim)];
  252. switch datachoice
  253. case 'visual field'
  254.,1).XLabel.String = 'azimuth';
  255.,1).YLabel.String = 'elevation';
  256. case 'retina'
  257.,1).XLabel.String = 'x (a.u.)';
  258.,1).YLabel.String = 'y (a.u.)';
  259. end
  260. textfilesplit = strsplit(textfile,'_');
  261. switch textfilesplit{2}
  262. case 'allCones'
  263. densitylabel = 'all cones combined';
  264. case 'Green'
  265. densitylabel = 'green cones (mm^{-2})';
  266. case 'Red'
  267. densitylabel = 'red cones (mm^{-2})';
  268. case 'Blue'
  269. densitylabel = 'blue cones (mm^{-2})';
  270. case 'UV'
  271. densitylabel = 'ultraviolet cones';
  272. end
  273. % switch textfilesplit{2}
  274. % case 'allCones'
  275. % densitylabel = {'retinal density','(any cones)'};
  276. % case 'Green'
  277. % densitylabel = {'retinal density / mm^{-2}','(green cones)'};
  278. % case 'Red'
  279. % densitylabel = {'retinal density','(red cones)'};
  280. % case 'Blue'
  281. % densitylabel = {'retinal density','(blue cones)'};
  282. % case 'UV'
  283. % densitylabel = {'retinal density','(ultraviolet cones)'};
  284. % end
  285. % switch textfilesplit{2}
  286. % case 'allCones'
  287. % densitylabel = 'density (any cones)';
  288. % case 'Green'
  289. % densitylabel = 'density (green cones)';
  290. % case 'Red'
  291. % densitylabel = 'density (red cones)';
  292. % case 'Blue'
  293. % densitylabel = 'density (blue cones)';
  294. % case 'UV'
  295. % densitylabel = 'density (ultraviolet cones)';
  296. % end
  297.,1).Title.String = densitylabel;
  298.,1).Box = 'on';
  299. %,1).XTick = 0:15:180;
  300. %,1).YTick = -90:15:90;
  301. %,1).XTickLabel = {0,[],[],45,[],[],90,[],[],135,[],[],180};
  302. %,1).YTickLabel = {-90,[],[],-45,[],[],0,[],[],45,[],[],90};
  303. %,1).XTick = 0:45:180;
  304. %,1).YTick = -90:45:90;
  305. %,1).XTickLabel = {0,45,90,135,180};
  306. %,1).YTickLabel = {-90,-45,0,45,90};
  307.,1).XTick = 0:30:180;
  308.,1).YTick = -90:30:90;
  309. switch datachoice
  310. case 'visual field'
  311.,1).XTickLabel = {0,[],[],90,[],[],180};
  312.,1).YTickLabel = {-90,[],[],0,[],[],90};
  313. case 'retina'
  314.,1).XTickLabel = {0,[],[],[],[],[],1};
  315.,1).YTickLabel = {0,[],[],[],[],[],1};
  316. end
  317.,1).FontSize = 14;
  318.,1).TitleFontSizeMultiplier = 1;
  319.,1).TitleFontWeight = 'bold';
  320. %,1).Title.Interpreter = 'none';
  321.,1).Title.Interpreter = 'tex';
  322. % [,1).XLabel.FontSize, ...
  323. %,1).YLabel.FontSize, ...
  324. %,1).Title.FontSize, ...
  325. %,1).FontSize,
  326.,1).XGrid = 'on';
  327.,1).YGrid = 'on';
  328.,1).Layer = 'top';
  329. hold on
  330. plot([0,180],[0,0],'--k')
  331. plot([90,90],[-90,90],'--k')
  332. hold off
  333. % % leftnormmaxazimVF = abs(leftnormmaxazim - leftmedianazim);
  334. % % leftnormmeanazimVF = abs(leftnormmeanazim - leftmedianazim);
  335. % % leftnormratioazimVF = abs(leftnormratioazim - leftmedianazim);
  336. % % rightnormmaxazimVF = abs(rightnormmaxazim - rightmedianazim);
  337. % % rightnormmeanazimVF = abs(rightnormmeanazim - rightmedianazim);
  338. % % rightnormratioazimVF = abs(rightnormratioazim - rightmedianazim);
  339. hold on
  340. hd.cone.ob(1,1) = plot([153,165],[-65,-65],'k');
  341. hd.cone.ob(1,2) = plot([159,159],[-59,-71],'k');
  342. switch datachoice
  343. case 'visual field'
  344. hd.cone.ob(1,3) = text(153,-64.5,'A','HorizontalAlignment','right','VerticalAlignment','middle');
  345. hd.cone.ob(1,4) = text(166,-64.5,'P','HorizontalAlignment','left','VerticalAlignment','middle');
  346. hd.cone.ob(1,5) = text(159.2,-59.5,'U','HorizontalAlignment','center','VerticalAlignment','bottom');
  347. hd.cone.ob(1,6) = text(159.2,-69.5,'D','HorizontalAlignment','center','VerticalAlignment','top');
  348. case 'retina'
  349. hd.cone.ob(1,3) = text(153,-64.5,'P','HorizontalAlignment','right','VerticalAlignment','middle');
  350. hd.cone.ob(1,4) = text(166,-64.5,'A','HorizontalAlignment','left','VerticalAlignment','middle');
  351. hd.cone.ob(1,5) = text(159.2,-59.5,'D','HorizontalAlignment','center','VerticalAlignment','bottom');
  352. hd.cone.ob(1,6) = text(159.2,-69.5,'U','HorizontalAlignment','center','VerticalAlignment','top');
  353. end
  354. hold off
  355. % circle.radius = 40/2;
  356. % circle.xcentre = leftnormmaxazimVF; % pick preferred measure here
  357. % circle.ycentre = leftnormmaxelev; % pick preferred measure here
  358. % circle.x = -circle.radius:.1:circle.radius;
  359. % circle.y = sqrt(circle.x(1)^2-circle.x.^2);
  360. % hold on
  361. % plot([circle.xcentre + circle.x, fliplr(circle.xcentre + circle.x)], ...
  362. % [circle.ycentre + circle.y, circle.ycentre - circle.y],'-','LineWidth',3,'Color',0*[1 1 1])
  363. % plot([circle.xcentre + circle.x, fliplr(circle.xcentre + circle.x)], ...
  364. % [circle.ycentre + circle.y, circle.ycentre - circle.y],'-','LineWidth',2,'Color',1*[1 1 1])
  365. % hold off
  366. % boundary.angle = 64;
  367. % % centre.azimuth = leftnormmaxazimVF;
  368. % % centre.elevation = leftnormmaxelev;
  369. % centre.azimuth = rightazim;
  370. % centre.elevation = rightelev;
  371. % boundary.resolution = .01;
  372. % [boundary.azimuth,boundary.elevation] = ...
  373. % diskBoundary(centre.azimuth,centre.elevation,boundary.angle,boundary.resolution);
  374. % hold on
  375. % plot(boundary.azimuth,boundary.elevation,'-','LineWidth',3,'Color',0*[1 1 1])
  376. % plot(boundary.azimuth,boundary.elevation,'-','LineWidth',2,'Color',1*[1 1 1])
  377. % hold off
  378. boundary.angle = 40;
  379. % centre.azimuth = leftnormmaxazimVF;
  380. % centre.elevation = leftnormmaxelev;
  381. % centre.azimuth = leftazim_body;
  382. % centre.elevation = leftelev_body;
  383. centre.azimuth = abs(leftazim_body);
  384. centre.elevation = leftelev_body;
  385. switch datachoice
  386. case 'retina'
  387. centre.azimuth = 180-centre.azimuth;
  388. centre.elevation = -centre.elevation;
  389. end
  390. switch datachoice
  391. case 'visual field'
  392. boundary.resolution = .01;
  393. [boundary.azimuth,boundary.elevation] = ...
  394. diskBoundary(centre.azimuth,centre.elevation,boundary.angle,boundary.resolution);
  395. hold on
  396. plot(boundary.azimuth,boundary.elevation,'-','LineWidth',3,'Color',0*[1 1 1])
  397. plot(boundary.azimuth,boundary.elevation,'-','LineWidth',2,'Color',1*[1 1 1])
  398. hold off
  399. end
  400. mtp = 'o';
  401. msz = 100;
  402. mec = [0 0 0];
  403. % mfc = [.2 .8 .2];
  404. % mfa = .2;
  405. mfc = 1*[1 1 1];
  406. mfa = .5;
  407. hold on
  408. % hd.cone.ob(1,7) = scatter(rightazim,rightelev,msz,mtp, ...
  409. % 'MarkerEdgeColor',mec,'MarkerFaceColor',mfc,'MarkerFaceAlpha',mfa);
  410. hd.cone.ob(1,8) = scatter(centre.azimuth,centre.elevation,msz,mtp, ...
  411. 'MarkerEdgeColor',mec,'MarkerFaceColor',mfc,'MarkerFaceAlpha',.8);
  412. % hd.cone.ob(1,9) = scatter(leftnormratioazimVF,leftnormratioelev,msz,mtp, ...
  413. % 'MarkerEdgeColor',mec,'MarkerFaceColor',mfc,'MarkerFaceAlpha',mfa);
  414. % hd.cone.ob(1,10) = scatter(rightnormmaxazimVF,rightnormmaxelev,msz,mtp, ...
  415. % 'MarkerEdgeColor',mec,'MarkerFaceColor',mfc,'MarkerFaceAlpha',mfa);
  416. % hd.cone.ob(1,11) = scatter(rightnormmeanazimVF,rightnormmeanelev,msz,mtp, ...
  417. % 'MarkerEdgeColor',mec,'MarkerFaceColor',mfc,'MarkerFaceAlpha',mfa);
  418. % hd.cone.ob(1,12) = scatter(rightnormratioazimVF,rightnormratioelev,msz,mtp, ...
  419. % 'MarkerEdgeColor',mec,'MarkerFaceColor',mfc,'MarkerFaceAlpha',mfa);
  420. hold off
  421. if typeindex == 2 || typeindex == 3
  422.,1).YLabel.String = [];
  423.,1).YTickLabel = [];
  424. end
  425. switch conetype
  426. case 'blue'
  427. colormap(,1),cbrewer('seq','Blues',100))
  428. case 'green'
  429. colormap(,1),cbrewer('seq','Greens',100))
  430. case 'red'
  431. colormap(,1),cbrewer('seq','Reds',100))
  432. case 'uv'
  433. colormap(,1),cbrewer('seq','Purples',100))
  434. case 'all'
  435. colormap(,1),cbrewer('seq','Greys',100))
  436. end
  437.,2) = axes;
  438.,2).Position =,1).Position + ...
  439.,1).Position(3) * .28*[1 0 0 0];
  440. hd.cone.cbar(typeindex) = colorbar;
  441.,2).Colormap =,1).Colormap;
  442.,2).CLim =,1).CLim;
  443.,2).FontSize =,1).FontSize;
  444.,2).Color = 'none';
  445. [,2).XAxis.Visible,,2).YAxis.Visible] = deal('off');
  446. % colormap(cbrewer('div','PRGn',100))
  447. end
  448.,3) = axes;
  449.,3).Position = [8 0 1 1];
  450.,3).Color = 'none';
  451. [,3).XAxis.Visible,,3).YAxis.Visible] = deal('off');
  452. for typeindex = 1:numel(datapresent)
  453. parentpos =,1).Position;
  454. xpos = parentpos(1)+parentpos(3)/2;
  455. ypos = parentpos(2)+parentpos(4)*1.128;
  456. hd.cone.ob(3,typeindex) = text(xpos, ypos, 'retinal density / mm^{-2}');
  457. % hd.cone.ob(3,typeindex) = text(xpos, ypos, 'retinal density (µm^{-2})');
  458. hd.cone.ob(3,typeindex).FontWeight = 'normal';
  459. hd.cone.ob(3,typeindex).Interpreter = 'tex';
  460. hd.cone.ob(3,typeindex).FontSize =,1).FontSize;
  461. hd.cone.ob(3,typeindex).HorizontalAlignment = 'center';
  462. hd.cone.ob(3,typeindex).VerticalAlignment = 'bottom';
  463. end
  464. uistack(,3),'bottom')
  465.,4) = axes;
  466.,4).Position = [0 0 1 1];
  467.,4).Color = 'none';
  468. [,4).XAxis.Visible,,4).YAxis.Visible] = deal('off');
  469. for typeindex = 1:numel(datapresent)
  470. parentpos =,1).Position;
  471. % xpos = parentpos(1)+parentpos(3)*-.18;
  472. xpos = parentpos(1)+parentpos(3)*-.23;
  473. ypos = parentpos(2)+parentpos(4)*1.30;
  474. % hd.cone.ob(3,typeindex) = text(xpos, ypos, 'retinal density / mm^{-2}');
  475. switch typeindex
  476. case 1
  477. letterstring = 'a';
  478. case 4
  479. letterstring = 'b';
  480. case 5
  481. letterstring = 'c';
  482. otherwise
  483. letterstring = '';
  484. end
  485. hd.cone.ob(4,typeindex) = text(xpos, ypos, letterstring);
  486. hd.cone.ob(4,typeindex).FontWeight = 'bold';
  487. hd.cone.ob(4,typeindex).Interpreter = 'tex';
  488. hd.cone.ob(4,typeindex).FontSize =,1).FontSize * 18/14;
  489. hd.cone.ob(4,typeindex).HorizontalAlignment = 'right';
  490. hd.cone.ob(4,typeindex).VerticalAlignment = 'top';
  491. end
  492. uistack(,3),'bottom')
  493. [,1).TickLength] = deal([0 0]);
  494. % for k = 1:5, hd.cone.cbar(k,1).Position(1) =,1).Position(1) + .83*,1).Position(3); end
  495. runtime = clock;
  496. timestring = ['_', ...
  497. num2str(runtime(1),'%.4u'), ...
  498. num2str(runtime(2),'%.2u'), ...
  499. num2str(runtime(3),'%.2u'), ...
  500. '_', ...
  501. num2str(runtime(4),'%.2u'), ...
  502. num2str(runtime(5),'%.2u'), ...
  503. num2str(runtime(6),'%02.0f')];
  504. % savefig(2,['conefigure/',textfilesplit{2},timestring])
  505. % figure(2),print(['conefigure/',textfilesplit{2},timestring],'-depsc')
  506. % % figure(2),print(['conefigure/',textfilesplit{2},timestring],'-dtiff')
  507. % figure(2),print(['conefigure/',textfilesplit{2},timestring],'-dtiffn')
  508. % figure(2),print(['conefigure/',textfilesplit{2},timestring],'-dpng')
  509. end
  510. function [azimuthOut, elevationOut] = diskBoundary(azimuthIn, elevationIn, angleIn, resolutionIn)
  511. centre.azimuth = azimuthIn;
  512. centre.elevation = elevationIn;
  513. border.angle = angleIn / 2; % convert solid angle ("diameter") to "radius"
  514. border.resolution = resolutionIn;
  515. % The following equation describes orthodromic (or "great circle") distance as an angle:
  516. % arccos(sin(centre.elevation)*sin(border.elevation) + ...
  517. % cos(centre.elevation)*cos(border.elevation)*cos(border.azimuth-centre.azimuth)) = angle;
  518. % border.elevation = centre.elevation-border.angle/2 : .1 : centre.elevation+border.angle/2;
  519. intended = -90 : border.resolution : 90;
  520. % intended = (centre.elevation-border.angle) : border.resolution : (centre.elevation+border.angle);
  521. % "auxiliary" elevations are explicitly added to guarantee coverage near top/bottom of circle:
  522. auxiliary = centre.elevation + border.angle*[-1 1];
  523. % border.elevation = unique([intended,auxiliary]);
  524. limit = cosd([centre.elevation-border.angle centre.elevation+border.angle]);
  525. % intended = acosd(min(limit) : border.resolution : max(limit));
  526. % % XXX Not sure why the following line leads to half of the curve segments not being computed...
  527. % intended = [-acosd(0:border.resolution:1),acosd(1-border.resolution:-border.resolution:0)];
  528. % auxiliary = centre.elevation + border.angle*[-1 1];
  529. border.elevation = unique([intended,auxiliary]);
  530. % figure(6)
  531. % plot(intended)
  532. border.azimuth = centre.azimuth + ...
  533. acosd((cosd(border.angle) - sind(centre.elevation)*sind(border.elevation)) ./ ...
  534. (cosd(centre.elevation)*cosd(border.elevation)));
  535. % Eliminate complex elements...
  536. border.azimuth(imag(border.azimuth)~=0) = NaN; % This statement sometimes fails horribly.
  537. % border.azimuth(imag(border.azimuth)>1e-5) = NaN; % This statement is silly, but more stable.
  538. % ...and compute corresponding values for the second half of the boundary.
  539. border.azimuth = [border.azimuth, 2*centre.azimuth-border.azimuth];
  540. border.elevation = [border.elevation, border.elevation];
  541. border.azimuth = mod(border.azimuth+180,360)-180;
  542. % jump = diff(border.azimuth) > 10*border.resolution;
  543. % border.azimuth(jump) = NaN;
  544. % border.elevation(jump) = NaN;
  545. azimuthOut = border.azimuth;
  546. elevationOut = border.elevation;
  547. end
  548. % function combinedvalue = vonmisesfisher2param_centre(param,predictor)
  549. %
  550. % global globalparam
  551. %
  552. % convention = 'CCW';
  553. % dimension = 3;
  554. % radius = 1;
  555. % if size(predictor,2) == 2
  556. % predictor(:,3) = radius*ones(size(predictor(:,1)));
  557. % end
  558. % [x,y,z] = geo2car(predictor(:,1),predictor(:,2),predictor(:,3),convention);
  559. % direction = [x,y,z];
  560. %
  561. % numberofdistributions = 1; % <---
  562. % value = NaN(size(predictor,1),numberofdistributions);
  563. %
  564. % for k = 1:numberofdistributions
  565. %
  566. % meanazimuth = param(2*k-1);
  567. % meanelevation = param(2*k);
  568. %
  569. % offset = globalparam.offset(k);
  570. % amplitude = globalparam.amplitude(k);
  571. % concentration = globalparam.concentration(k);
  572. %
  573. % [meanx,meany,meanz] = geo2car(meanazimuth,meanelevation,radius,convention);
  574. % meandirection = [meanx,meany,meanz];
  575. %
  576. % bessel = concentration / ...
  577. % (2*pi * (exp(concentration) - exp(-concentration)));
  578. %
  579. % normalisation = concentration^(dimension/2 - 1) / ...
  580. % ((2*pi)^(dimension/2) * bessel);
  581. %
  582. % value(:,k) = normalisation * exp(concentration*meandirection*direction')';
  583. % value(:,k) = amplitude * value(:,k) + offset;
  584. %
  585. % badness = fitpenalty(meanazimuth,-180,180) + ...
  586. % fitpenalty(meanelevation,-90,90) + ...
  587. % fitpenalty(amplitude,0,Inf) + ...
  588. % fitpenalty(concentration,0,Inf);
  589. %
  590. % value(:,k) = value(:,k) + 1e3*badness;
  591. %
  592. % end
  593. %
  594. % combinedvalue = sum(value,2);
  595. %
  596. % end
  597. % function penalty = fitpenalty(value,lowerlimit,upperlimit)
  598. %
  599. % factor = 1;
  600. %
  601. % if value < lowerlimit
  602. %
  603. % penalty = factor*(lowerlimit-value).^1;
  604. %
  605. % elseif value > upperlimit
  606. %
  607. % penalty = factor*(value-upperlimit).^1;
  608. %
  609. % else
  610. %
  611. % penalty = 0;
  612. %
  613. % end
  614. %
  615. % end
  616. % function combinedvalue = oneVonMisesFisher(params,predictor)
  617. % %TWOVONMISESFISHER Evaluate two overlapping von Mises-Fisher distributions.
  618. % %
  619. % % VALUE = VONMISESFISHER computes the value of only one(!)
  620. % % spherical (p=3) von Mises-Fisher distributions at the chosen location.
  621. % %
  622. % % It is formatted to match the input/output structure required by the
  623. % % built-in non-linear regression function nlinfit.
  624. %
  625. % convention = 'CW';
  626. % dimension = 3;
  627. % radius = 1;
  628. % if size(predictor,2) == 2
  629. % predictor(:,3) = radius*ones(size(predictor(:,1)));
  630. % end
  631. % [x,y,z] = geo2car(predictor(:,1),predictor(:,2),predictor(:,3),convention);
  632. % direction = [x,y,z];
  633. %
  634. % numberofdistributions = 1; % <-- This is the only difference to "twoVonMisesFisher.m".
  635. % value = NaN(size(predictor,1),numberofdistributions);
  636. %
  637. % for k = 1:numberofdistributions
  638. %
  639. % offset = params(5*k-4);
  640. % amplitude = params(5*k-3);
  641. % meanazimuth = params(5*k-2);
  642. % meanelevation = params(5*k-1);
  643. %
  644. % meanelevation = 25; % HACK!
  645. %
  646. %
  647. % [meanx,meany,meanz] = geo2car(meanazimuth,meanelevation,radius,convention);
  648. % meandirection = [meanx,meany,meanz];
  649. % % meandirection = geo2car([params((-2:-1)+4*k),radius]);
  650. % concentration = params(5*k);
  651. %
  652. % bessel = concentration / ...
  653. % (2*pi * (exp(concentration) - exp(-concentration)));
  654. %
  655. % normalisation = concentration^(dimension/2 - 1) / ...
  656. % ((2*pi)^(dimension/2) * bessel);
  657. %
  658. % value(:,k) = normalisation * exp(concentration*meandirection*direction')';
  659. % value(:,k) = amplitude * value(:,k) + offset;
  660. %
  661. % % HACK to constrain values
  662. % if abs(meanazimuth) > 180 || ...
  663. % abs(meanelevation) > 90 || ...
  664. % amplitude < 0 || ...
  665. % concentration < 0
  666. %
  667. % value(:,k) = 1e10*ones(size(value(:,k)));
  668. %
  669. % end
  670. %
  671. % end
  672. %
  673. % combinedvalue = sum(value,2);
  674. %
  675. % end