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 # Data & code for Dehmelt, Meier, Hinz et al. 2020
-This repository contains data and code for our 2020 manuscript *"Gaze stabilisation behaviour is anisotropic across visual field locations in zebrafish"* by Dehmelt, Meier, Hinz et al. The corresponding author is Aristides B. Arrenberg, aristides.arrenberg@uni-tuebingen.de.
+This repository contains data and code for our 2020 manuscript *"Gaze stabilisation behaviour is anisotropic across visual field locations in zebrafish"* by Dehmelt, Meier, Hinz et al. The corresponding author is [Aristides B. Arrenberg](mailto:aristides.arrenberg@uni-tuebingen.de).
 It contains pre-processed data in MAT files, and MATLAB code to reproduce all our parts of Figures 3-6, as well as Figure 3-figure supplement 5. **File paths are hard-coded in the M files**; so please edit the appropriate strings to match your own folder architecture.