Scheduled service maintenance on November 22

On Friday, November 22, 2024, between 06:00 CET and 18:00 CET, GIN services will undergo planned maintenance. Extended service interruptions should be expected. We will try to keep downtimes to a minimum, but recommend that users avoid critical tasks, large data uploads, or DOI requests during this time.

We apologize for any inconvenience. 4.9 KB

  1. import os
  2. import json
  3. import numpy as np
  4. import pandas as pd
  5. from statsmodels.sandbox.descstats import sign_test
  6. from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
  7. from regmaxsn.core.matplotlibRCParams import mplPars
  8. import seaborn as sns
  9. sns.set(rc=mplPars)
  10. def regmaxsPerfVsNoise(parFile, anisoThresh):
  11. plt.ion()
  12. with open(parFile) as fle:
  13. parsList = json.load(fle)
  14. transErrs = pd.DataFrame()
  15. perfDF = pd.DataFrame()
  16. for parInd, par in enumerate(parsList):
  17. refSWC = par['refSWC']
  18. resFile = par['resFile']
  19. testSWC = par["testSWC"]
  20. if testSWC.find("NoiseStd") < 0:
  21. print("{} has testSWC {} without noise.Ignoring it!".format(parFile, testSWC))
  22. else:
  23. NoiseStdStrInd = testSWC.find("NoiseStd")
  24. RandTransStdInd = testSWC.find("RandTrans")
  25. noiseStd = int(testSWC[NoiseStdStrInd + 8: RandTransStdInd])
  26. origJSON = '{}{}.json'.format(testSWC[:NoiseStdStrInd], testSWC[RandTransStdInd:-4])
  27. if os.path.isfile(origJSON):
  28. with open(origJSON, 'r') as fle:
  29. pars = json.load(fle)
  30. scales = np.array(pars['scale'])
  31. else:
  32. raise (IOError('File not found: {}'.format(origJSON)))
  33. scalesOrdered = np.sort(scales)
  34. scalesRelative = np.mean([scalesOrdered[0] / scalesOrdered[1],
  35. scalesOrdered[0] / scalesOrdered[2],
  36. scalesOrdered[1] / scalesOrdered[2]])
  37. testName = resFile[:-4]
  38. thresh = par['gridSizes'][-1]
  39. print('Doing ' + repr((refSWC, resFile)))
  40. refPts = np.loadtxt(refSWC)[:, 2:5]
  41. testPtsFull = np.loadtxt(resFile)
  42. testPts = testPtsFull[:, 2:5]
  43. if refPts.shape[0] != testPts.shape[0]:
  44. print('Number of points do not match for ' + refSWC + 'and' + resFile)
  45. continue
  46. ptDiff = np.linalg.norm(refPts - testPts, axis=1)
  47. transErrs = transErrs.append(pd.DataFrame({'Pairwise Distance in $\mu$m': ptDiff,
  48. 'Exp. Name': testName,
  49. "Node ID": testPtsFull[:, 0],
  50. "Noise Std": noiseStd}),
  51. ignore_index=True)
  52. t, p = sign_test(ptDiff, thresh)
  53. oneSidedP = 0.5 * p
  54. signCloserThanSmallestVoxelSize = t < 0 and oneSidedP < 0.05
  55. notSignFartherThanSVS = not (t > 0 and oneSidedP < 0.01)
  56. tempDict = {"Job Number": parInd, "resFile": resFile, "refSWC": refSWC,
  57. "t Statistic": t, "One Sided p value": oneSidedP,
  58. "Pairwise distance significantly smaller than smallest voxel size":
  59. signCloserThanSmallestVoxelSize,
  60. "Pairwise distance not significantly larger than smallest voxel size":
  61. notSignFartherThanSVS,
  62. "Noise Std": noiseStd,
  63. "Level of Anisotropic scaling": scalesRelative}
  64. perfDF = perfDF.append(tempDict, ignore_index=True)
  65. perfDFAnisoFiltered = perfDF.loc[perfDF["Level of Anisotropic scaling"] > anisoThresh, :]
  66. perfNoiseDF = perfDFAnisoFiltered[["Noise Std", "Pairwise distance significantly smaller than smallest voxel size"]]
  67. perfVsNoise = perfNoiseDF.groupby("Noise Std").agg(lambda x: 100 * x.sum() / float(x.shape[0]))
  68. worstPerfNoiseDF = perfDFAnisoFiltered[["Noise Std", "Pairwise distance not significantly larger than smallest voxel size"]]
  69. worstPerfVsNoise = worstPerfNoiseDF.groupby("Noise Std").agg(lambda x: 100 * x.sum() / float(x.shape[0]))
  70. fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 11.2))
  71. #, perfVsNoise.values, width=1.5)
  72. ax.plot(perfVsNoise.index.values, perfVsNoise.values, 'r-o')
  73. # ax.plot(worstPerfVsNoise.index.values, worstPerfVsNoise.values, 'b-s',
  74. # label="\% of tests with significant number \nof pairwise distances not greater than \nlowest voxel size")
  75. ax.set_ylabel("\% of tests with significant number \nof pairwise distances smaller than \nlowest voxel size")
  76. ax.set_xticks(perfVsNoise.index.values)
  77. ax.set_xlabel("Noise Standard deviation ($\mu$ m)")
  78. ax.legend(loc='best')
  79. ax.set_ylim(-10, 110)
  80. fig.tight_layout()
  81. return fig
  82. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  83. if __name__ == '__main__':
  84. import sys
  85. assert len(sys.argv) == 3, 'Improper usage! Please use as \n' \
  86. '\'python {} <parFile> <minimum allowed level of anisotropic scaling>\''.format(sys.argv[1])
  87. parFile = sys.argv[1]
  88. anisoThesh = float(sys.argv[2])
  89. fig = regmaxsPerfVsNoise(parFile, anisoThesh)
  90. raw_input("Press any key to close the figure and exit....")