123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301 |
- classdef CExp < handle
- % class of experiment
- % store experiment data, structure, procedure etc
- % 10 July, 2011
- % Created by: Z. Shi, shi@lmu.de
- % ver. 0.2
- % 21 June, 2012
- % add option: Continue. If will continue run experiment with given subject name
- % add additional Data variable
- %
- %constructor: two ways to initialize:
- % constant method:
- % p1, repetition,
- % p2, factors
- % adapative method:
- % p1, alpha
- % p2, beta
- %optional parameters: blockReptition, blockFactors;
- % adaptive method:maxTrials,maxRespRev, gamma, lambda
- properties
- sName = 'test'; %subject information
- sAge = 20;
- sGender = 'f';
- sPara; %additional parameter
- eType = 1; % 1 - constant stimuli; 2- bayesian adaptive method
- % type 1
- seq; % sequences of the trials
- resp; % corresponding responses
- aData; % store additional data, can be anything...
- % only for type 2
- beta;
- alpha;
- gamma;
- lambda;
- maxTrls; %maximum trial number
- maxRev; % maximum reversal number
- % index
- curTrl; %current trial index
- curIntensity;
- practice;
- % other information
- startTime;
- endTime;
- end
- methods
- function obj = CExp(p1,p2,varargin)
- % constant method:
- % p1, repetition,
- % p2, factors
- % adapative method:
- % p1, alpha
- % p2, beta
- %optional parameters: blockRepetition, blockFactors;
- % adaptive method:maxTrials,maxRespRev, gamma, lambda
- p = inputParser;
- p.addOptional('eType','c', @(x) any(strcmpi(x,{'c','a'})));
- p.addParamValue('blockRepetition',1,@(x) x>0);
- p.addParamValue('blockFactors', [], @isnumeric);
- p.addParamValue('maxTrials', 40, @isnumeric);
- p.addParamValue('maxRespRev',8, @isnumeric);
- p.addParamValue('gamma',0.025,@(x) min(x)>=0);
- p.addParamValue('lambda',0.025, @(x) x>=0);
- p.addParamValue('practice',5, @(x) x>=0);
- p.parse(varargin{:});
- if p.Results.eType == 'c' %constant method
- obj.eType = 1;
- obj.curTrl = 1;
- obj.seq = obj.genTrials(p1,p2,p.Results.blockRepetition,p.Results.blockFactors);
- obj.resp = [];
- obj.maxTrls = length(obj.seq);
- else % adaptive method
- obj.alpha = p1;
- obj.beta = p2;
- obj.gamma = p.Results.gamma;
- obj.lambda = p.Results.lambda;
- obj.maxTrls = p.Results.maxTrials;
- obj.maxRev = p.Results.maxRespRev;
- obj.practice = p.Results.practice;
- obj.eType = 2;
- obj.curTrl = 1;
- obj.seq = zeros(obj.maxTrls,2);
- obj.resp = [];
- end
- end
- function obj = guessThreshold(obj,x)
- obj.seq(1,1:2) = [x 0];
- obj.curIntensity = x;
- end
- function obj = setResp(obj,resp)
- obj.resp(obj.curTrl,1:size(resp,2)) = resp;
- obj.curTrl = obj.curTrl+1;
- end
- function curSeq = getCondition(obj)
- curSeq = obj.seq(obj.curTrl,:);
- end
- function obj = updateThreshold(obj, p_target)
- % logistic function
- % p = Logistic(x, alpha, beta, gamma, lambda)
- % alpha - threshold
- % beta - slope
- % gamma - chance performance / fa
- % lambda - lapsing rate
- % Based on MLP toolbox
- % updated intensity and fa are stored in obj.seq
- if obj.curTrl < obj.practice
- % practice
- ra = randperm(length(obj.alpha));
- obj.seq(obj.curTrl,1)= obj.alpha(ra(1));
- obj.seq(obj.curTrl,2) = obj.gamma(1);
- else
- ll=zeros(length(obj.alpha), 1);
- x = obj.seq(obj.practice:max(obj.curTrl-1,1),1);
- responses = obj.resp(obj.practice:max(obj.curTrl-1,1));
- % calculate the likelihood of each psychometric function
- for i=1:length(obj.alpha)
- for j=1:length(obj.gamma)
- ll(i, j)=CalculateLikelihood(obj,x, responses, obj.alpha(i), obj.gamma(j));
- end
- end
- % find the most likely psychometric function
- [i, j]=find(ll==max(max(ll)));
- if length(i)+length(j) > 2
- i = i(1);
- j = j(1);
- end;
- % calculate the level of the stimulus at p_target performance
- % using inverse logistic function
- obj.curIntensity = obj.alpha(i)-(1/obj.beta)*log(((1-obj.lambda-obj.gamma(j))./(p_target-obj.gamma(j)))-1);
- obj.seq(obj.curTrl,1)= obj.curIntensity;
- obj.seq(obj.curTrl,2) = obj.gamma(j);
- end
- end
- function bFinish = canStop(obj)
- if obj.eType == 2
- bFinish = 0;
- revnum = sum(abs(diff(obj.resp(obj.practice:obj.curTrl-1,1))));
- if revnum > obj.maxRev
- bFinish = 1;
- end
- if obj.curTrl > obj.maxTrls
- bFinish = 1;
- end
- else
- disp('This is only available for adaptive method');
- end
- end
- function ll=CalculateLikelihood(obj,x, responses, alpha, gamma)
- if obj.eType == 2
- warning off
- ll = 0;
- % calculate logistic probablity
- p=gamma+((1-obj.lambda-gamma).*(1./(1+exp(obj.beta.*(alpha-x)))));
- ll = sum(log(p(responses ==1)))+ sum(log(1-p(responses == 0)));
- else
- disp('This is only available for adaptive method');
- end
- end
- function h = plotLogistic(obj, a, g)
- %plot a logistic function for specify parameter, only available
- %for adaptive method
- if obj.eType == 2
- x = obj.alpha;
- if nargin < 2
- a = median(obj.alpha);
- g = median(obj.gamma);
- end
- y = g+((1-obj.lambda-g).*(1./(1+exp(obj.beta.*(a-x)))));
- h = figure;
- plot(x,y);
- else
- disp('This is only available for adaptive method');
- h = -1;
- end
- end
- function trials=genTrials(obj,withinblock_repetitions, withinblock_factors, betweenblock_repetitions, betweenblock_factors)
- % syntax: genTrials(withinblock_repetition, betweenblock_repetition, withinblock_factors, [ betweenblock_factors])
- % eg: genTrials(2, [2 3],10); generate two factors (2 levels and 3 levels resp. ) with within block repetition 2 and between block repetition 10
- % coded by: strongway
- rand('seed',sum(clock*100));
- if nargin < 3
- error('Incorrect number of arguments for genTrials function');
- elseif nargin == 3
- betweenblock_repetitions = 1;
- betweenblock_factors = [];
- elseif nargin == 4
- % when there's only betweenblock_repetitions, which is equal to swap
- % between block repetitions and factors -strongway 14. Dec. 2006
- betweenblock_factors = betweenblock_repetitions;
- betweenblock_repetitions = 1;
- end
- trials = [];
- block_design = [];
- numblock = betweenblock_repetitions;
- if ~isempty(betweenblock_factors)
- block_design = fullfact(betweenblock_factors);
- block_design = repmat(block_design, betweenblock_repetitions,1);
- idxb = randperm(length(block_design));
- block_design = block_design(idxb,:);
- numblock = length(block_design);
- end
- for iblock = 1:numblock
- %generate within block trials
- inblock_trials = fullfact(withinblock_factors);
- inblock_trials = repmat(inblock_trials,withinblock_repetitions,1);
- idx=randperm(size(inblock_trials,1));
- inblock_trials = inblock_trials(idx,:);
- if ~isempty(block_design)
- %add between factors
- blockwise_factors = repmat(block_design(iblock,:),length(inblock_trials),1);
- inblock_trials = [inblock_trials blockwise_factors];
- end
- trials = [trials; inblock_trials];
- end
- end
- function obj = subInfo(obj,sp1,sp2)
- % Get Subject information, sp1 and sp2 for additional parameters caption and parameters.
- promptParameters = {'Subject Name', 'Age', 'Gender (F or M?)'};
- defaultParameters = {'test', '20','F'};
- if nargin == 2
- promptParameters = [promptParameters, sp1];
- defaultParameters = {'test', '20','F','[]'};
- end
- if nargin == 3
- promptParameters = [promptParameters, sp1];
- defaultParameters = {'test', '20','F',sp2};
- end
- sub = inputdlg(promptParameters, 'Subject Info ', 1, defaultParameters);
- obj.sName = sub{1};
- obj.sAge = eval(sub{2});
- obj.sGender = sub{3};
- if nargin >= 2
- obj.sPara = eval(sub{4});
- end
- obj.startTime = now;
- % if it is continue, read the data
- if nargin == 3 && strcmp(sp1,'continue')
- if obj.sPara == 1
- subfile = ['data' filesep obj.sName '.mat'];
- if ~exist(subfile)
- error('No such data file');
- else
- load(subfile); % trials, expInfo, seq, resp
- %restore the data
- obj.seq = seq;
- obj.resp = resp;
- obj.aData = aData;
- obj.curTrl = length(obj.resp)+1;
- clear trials expInfo aData seq resp;
- end
- else % new subject, check if there is already a file
- subfile = ['data' filesep obj.sName '.mat'];
- if exist(subfile)
- error('Data file already exist');
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function saveData(obj,filename)
- if nargin<2
- filename = obj.sName;
- end
- obj.endTime = now;
- if ~isdir('data')
- mkdir('data'); %create a directory for storing files
- end
- seq = obj.seq;
- resp = obj.resp;
- trials = [seq(1:length(obj.resp),:), resp];
- expInfo.name = obj.sName;
- expInfo.age = obj.sAge;
- expInfo.sex = obj.sGender;
- expInfo.para = obj.sPara;
- expInfo.time = [obj.startTime, obj.endTime];
- aData = obj.aData;
- save(['data' filesep filename],'trials','expInfo','aData','seq','resp');
- end
- end
- end