123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197 |
- function main
- % This experiment is to examine the difference between ASP and TN groups
- % using reproduction and central tendency effect.
- % coded by Strongway (shi@lmu.de)
- % date: 25th July., 2018
- % experiment related parameters
- para.viewDistance = 57; % viewing distance 57 cm
- para.monitor = 22; % monitor size
- para.fntSize = 24; % font size
- para.bkColor = [128,128,128]; % background color
- para.fColorCircle = [128,128,0]; % foreground color
- para.fColorRectangle = [0,200,200]; % white color
- para.fColorW = [200];
- para.green = [0, 192, 0];
- para.red = [192, 0, 0];
- para.xPosition = 0; % 0 degree above
- para.yPosition = 0; % 0 degree above
- para.iti = [0.8, 1]; % range of inter-trial interval
- para.iprp = 0.5; % inter production-reproduction interval
- para.xyFeedbackArray = [-2,0; -1, 0; 0, 0; 1, 0; 2, 0]; % location of feedback array
- para.fbRange = [-100, -0.3; -0.3, -0.1; -0.1, 0.1; 0.1, 0.3; 0.3, 100]; %feedback range with respect to the reproduction error
- para.withFeedback = true;
- para.vSize = 10; % 10 degree
- para.vFeedDivid = 10;
- nTrlsBlk = 25;
- numHalfTrial = 250;
- %[para.nDurations(1,:) , para.nDurations(2,:)] = genDurSeq(numHalfTrial, 1);
- %[withblkFactors, nDurs] = size(para.nDurations);
- %sessionType = withblkFactors;% 1: short matched to circle and long matched to square
- %inBlkRep = 1; %inblock repetition
- try
- % kb = CInput('k',[1], {'downArrow'});
- kb = CInput('m'); % replace with mouse
- myexp = CExp(1, numHalfTrial, 'blockFactors', 2,...
- 'blockRepetition',1);
- % acquire subject information
- myexp.subInfo('Sequence', '1');
- % load sequence w1 from subfolder 'seqs'
- load(['seqs', filesep, 'seq', num2str(myexp.sPara)],'w1');
- % Dur, session, ntrl, nblock
- %production duration, session (1= predictive sequence, 2 = non predictive sequence)
- myexp.seq( myexp.seq(:, 2) == 1, 1) = w1;
- myexp.seq( myexp.seq(:, 2) == 2, 1) = w1(randperm( length(w1) ) ); % randomized sequence
- % set second column ad block number, 4th colum as block information
- myexp.seq(:,3) = 1: myexp.maxTrls; % trial sequence no.
- myexp.seq(:,4) = floor((myexp.seq(:,3)-1)/nTrlsBlk) + 1;
- v = CDisplay('bgColor',para.bkColor,'fontSize',para.fntSize,'monitorSize',para.monitor,...
- 'viewDistance',para.viewDistance,'fullWindow',1, 'skipSync',1);
- HideCursor;
- % create stimuli
- para.vObjCircle = v.createShape('circle',para.vSize,para.vSize,'color',para.fColorCircle);
- para.vObjRectangle = v.createShape('rectangle',para.vSize,para.vSize,'color',para.fColorRectangle);
- % create feedback stimuli
- vGreenDisk = v.createShape('circle', para.vSize/para.vFeedDivid, para.vSize/para.vFeedDivid, 'color',para.green);
- vRedDisk = v.createShape('circle', para.vSize/para.vFeedDivid, para.vSize/para.vFeedDivid, 'color',para.red);
- vDiskFrame = v.createShape('circle',para.vSize/para.vFeedDivid, para.vSize/para.vFeedDivid, 'color',para.fColorW,'fill',0);
- para.vFullFrames = [vDiskFrame, vDiskFrame, vDiskFrame, vDiskFrame, vDiskFrame];
- para.vFullDisks = [vRedDisk, vGreenDisk, vGreenDisk, vGreenDisk, vRedDisk];
- %initialize text
- infoText = init_text;
- % start instruction
- v.dispText(infoText.instruction);
- kb.wait;
- WaitSecs(2);
- for iTrl = 1:myexp.maxTrls
- %get current condition
- cond = myexp.getCondition; % duration, range
- curDuration = cond(1); % current standard
- %start trial presentation
- results = trialPresentation(v,kb, cond, curDuration, para);
- %store results
- myexp.setResp(results);%
- % debugging
- if kb.wantStop
- break;
- end
- % ITI 0.8-1 seconds
- WaitSecs(para.iti(1) + (para.iti(2)-para.iti(1))*rand);
- if mod(iTrl,nTrlsBlk) == 0
- v.dispText(infoText.startBlock);
- kb.wait;
- end
- if iTrl == numHalfTrial
- myexp.saveData; %save data
- v.dispText(infoText.sessionBreak);
- kb.wait;
- WaitSecs(2);
- kb.wait;
- end
- end
- myexp.saveData; %save data
- v.dispText(infoText.thankyou);
- kb.wait;
- v.close;
- ShowCursor;
- catch ME
- % debugging
- v.close;
- disp(ME.message);
- disp(ME.stack);
- for i=1:length(ME.stack)
- disp(ME.stack(i).name);
- disp(ME.stack(i).line);
- end
- v.close;
- ShowCursor;
- end
- end
- function results = trialPresentation(v, kb, cond, curDuration, para)
- v.dispFixation(20);
- WaitSecs(0.500); %at least 500 ms
- % initiated by key pressing, and measured by key release
- v.dispFixation(5,2); % change fixation from cross to a dot
- [key, keyInitTime] = kb.response;
- dispObj = para.vObjCircle;
- v.dispItems([para.xPosition, para.yPosition], dispObj,[para.vSize para.vSize],0,0); % draw texture
- [vbl, vInitTime] = v.flip;
- WaitSecs(curDuration - 0.005); % 5 ms earlier, so make sure to clear next frame on time.
- [vbl, vStopTime] = v.flip(1);
- keyReleaseTime = kb.keyRelease;
- v.flip(1); %clear screen
- phyDuration = vStopTime - vInitTime; %visual duration
- proDuration = keyReleaseTime - keyInitTime; %key production
- % reproduction
- WaitSecs(para.iprp); %wait at least 250 ms
- v.dispFixation(5,2);
- [key, keyInitTime] = kb.response;
- v.dispItems([para.xPosition, para.yPosition], dispObj,[para.vSize para.vSize],0,0);
- [vbl, vInitTime] = v.flip;
- keyReleaseTime = kb.keyRelease;
- [vbl, vStopTime]=v.flip(1);
- repDuration = keyReleaseTime - keyInitTime; % key reproduction
- repVDuration = vStopTime - vInitTime; % visual reproduction
- %store results
- results = [curDuration, phyDuration, proDuration, repVDuration, repDuration];
- if para.withFeedback
- % present a feedback display
- feedbackDisplay = para.vFullFrames;
- delta = (repDuration - phyDuration)/phyDuration;
- % find the range of the error
- cIdx = para.fbRange > delta; % column index of left and right boundary
- idx = find(xor(cIdx(:,1),cIdx(:,2)));
- feedbackDisplay(idx(1)) = para.vFullDisks(idx(1));
- WaitSecs(0.25); % wait 250 ms
- v.dispItems(para.xyFeedbackArray, feedbackDisplay,[para.vSize/para.vFeedDivid para.vSize/para.vFeedDivid]); % draw texture
- WaitSecs(0.500); % display the feedback for 500 ms
- v.flip;
- end
- end
- function infoText = init_text
- % specify experimental text
- infoText.instruction = [ 'Erklärung \n\n',...
- 'Die folgende Sitzung starten Sie durch Drücken der linken Maustaste. ', ...
- 'Bitte fixieren Sie das Kreuz in der Mitte des Bildschirms. ' ...
- 'Nach einer sehr kurzen Zeit wird das Kreuz zu einem Punkt. Nun kann das Experiment starten. ', ...
- 'Halten Sie nun die Maustaste solange gedrückt wie Sie den gelben Kreis sehen. Bitte achten Sie genau auf die Dauer. ', ...
- 'Der Kreis verschwindet automatisch. Lassen Sie die Maustaste wieder los sobald der Kreis verschwindet. ' ...
- 'Nachdem Sie nun wieder den kleinen Punkt sehen sollen Sie die Dauer des gelben Kreises reproduzieren. ' ...
- 'Hierfür halten Sie die Maustaste solange gedrückt wie Sie die Dauer eingeschätzt haben. ' ...
- 'Der gelbe Kreis erscheint dabei als Hilfsmittel. \n'];
- infoText.blockInfo = 'Bitte machen Sie eine Pause. Wenn Sie bereit sind drücken Sie die Maustaste. \n ';
- infoText.endTrial = 'Bitte lassen Sie die Maustaste los';
- infoText.production = '+';
- infoText.reproduction = '+';
- infoText.sessionBreak = ' Die erste Sitzung ist beendet! Bitte öffnen Sie die Tür und machen eine kurze Pause! \n';
- infoText.startBlock = ' Bitte machen Sie eine Pause! \n\n Bitte drücken Sie die Maustaste um den Block zu starten.\n';
- infoText.goingon = ' Bitte machen Sie eine Pause! \n\n Bitte drücken Sie die Maustaste um den Block fortzufahren.';
- infoText.thankyou = 'Das Experiment ist beendet! \nVielen herzlichen Dank!';
- end