123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186 |
- """Collect rasters of responses for all LGN opto experiments as a function of stimulus type
- (movies, gratings), run state, and opto state. Then, calculate various measures and save
- results to DataFrames. Some variables (DataFrames and mseu string lists) can be optionally
- saved to and loaded from .pickle files to avoid long and unnecessary recalculation times.
- Run this script at the IPython/Jupyter command line; the `-i` runs scripts in IPython's
- namespace instead of an empty one:
- `run -i main.py`
- `pvmvis` (default), `ntsrmvis` or `negntsrmvis` can be provided as an `--exptype=` argument
- to this script, to load and later plot PV-Cre (most of the paper), Ntsr1-Cre (Fig1S4),
- or Ntsr negative (Fig1S5) data, respectively.
- """
- import os
- import sys
- import argparse
- from numpy import pi
- from numpy.random import choice
- import scipy.stats
- from scipy.stats import (linregress, ttest_rel, ttest_ind, ttest_1samp, wilcoxon,
- ks_2samp)
- from scipy.stats.mstats import gmean
- from scipy.optimize import least_squares
- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredText
- from matplotlib.ticker import ScalarFormatter, FormatStrFormatter
- import seaborn as sns
- import pandas as pd
- from util import (load, load_all, save, export2csv,
- desat, axes_disable_scientific,
- ms2msstr, msu2msustr, mseustr2msustr, mseustrs2msustrs, mseustr2mstr,
- mseustrs2mstrs, mseustr2msestr, mseustrs2msestrs,
- findmse, fitmodel, residual_rsquared, linear_loss, get_max_snr,
- intround, split_tranges, wrap_raster,
- cf, saveall, wintitle, simpletraster,
- raster2psth, raster2freqcomp, sparseness, reliability, snr_baden2016,
- get_psth_peaks_gac, vector_OSI, percentile_ci, sum_of_gaussians)
- ## Define constants:
- EXPTYPE = 'pvmvis' # pvmvis, ntsrmvis, negntsrmvis
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- # parse command-line arguments:
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Main script for natfeedback paper')
- parser.add_argument("--exptype", help="pvmvis, ntsrmvis, negntsrmvis")
- args = parser.parse_args()
- EXPTYPE = args.exptype or EXPTYPE
- print('*** EXPTYPE: %r' % EXPTYPE)
- RATETHRESH = 0.01 # mean firing rate threshold for unit inclusion, across all trial types, Hz
- SNRTHRESH = 0.015
- SGNF2ALPHA = {True: 1, False: 0.4}
- # visual drive unit inclusion criteria for gratings, ignores st8 and opto:
- VDNCRIT = 1 # min num points in tuning curve that are at least VDZCRIT sems away from spont rate
- VDZCRIT = 2.5
- PSTHBASELINEMEDIANX = 2 # PSTH median multiplier to estimate baseline
- PSTHPEAKMINTHRESH = 3 # PSTH peak detection threshold relative to estimated baseline, Hz
- STIMTYPES = 'mvi', 'grt'
- stimtype2axislabel = {'grt':'grating', 'mvi':'movie'}
- MVIKINDS = 'nat',
- STIMTYPESPLUSALL = list(STIMTYPES) + ['mvi+grt'] # strings
- STIMTYPESPLUSALLI = list(STIMTYPES) + [slice(None)] # for use as indices
- # iterate over run states in this order:
- ST8S = ['run', 'sit'] # excludes 'none'
- ALLST8S = ['none', 'run', 'sit']
- ST8COMBOS = [['none'], ['run', 'sit'], ['run', 'sit']]
- OPTOCOMBOS = [[False, True], [False], [True]]
- st82crit = {'run':'(run_speed > 1).mean() > 0.5',
- 'sit':'(run_speed < 0.25).mean() > 0.5',
- 'none':'none'}
- rungreen = '#' + ''.join([ format(val, '02x') for val in [66, 168, 117] ])
- sitorange = '#' + ''.join([ format(val, '02x') for val in [235, 115, 9] ])
- st82clr = {'run':rungreen, 'sit':sitorange, 'none':'black'}
- st82alpha = {None:1, 'run':1, 'sit':0.5} # sitting is like suppression, so desaturate colour
- st82clrmap = {'run':plt.cm.Greens, 'sit':plt.cm.Oranges, 'none':plt.cm.Greys}
- # define example mseus and their colors:
- green = '#007f00' # deep green
- violet = '#9f3fff' # pure violet (7f00ff) is a little too dark
- darkblue = '#000064' # control condition
- optoblue = '#2a7fff' # light shade of blue for opto condition
- black = '#000000'
- asterisk = 5, 2, 0 # 5 sided, asterisk style, 0 deg rotation, has rounded corners though
- DEFSZ = 50 # default scatter plot point size (open points)
- exmpli2clr = {1:violet, 2:green, 3:optoblue} # example neurons 1, 2, 3
- # use different marker shapes to help distinguish example points:
- exmpli2mrk = {1:'x', 2:'+', 3:asterisk}
- exmpli2sz = {1:60, 2:70, 3:60} # marker size
- exmpli2lw = {1:2, 2:2, 3:2} # (marker) line width
- fig1exmpli = 1 # fig1 uses example neuron 1
- fig5exmpli = 1 # fig5 uses example neuron 1
- # designate movie example units:
- pvmvimseu2exmpli = {'PVCre_2018_0003_s03_e03_u51':1, # example neuron 1
- 'PVCre_2017_0008_s12_e06_u56':2, # example neuron 2
- }
- ntsrmvimseu2exmpli = {'Ntsr1Cre_2019_0008_s03_e04_u18':1,
- }
- exptype2mviexmplis = {'pvmvis':pvmvimseu2exmpli, 'ntsrmvis':ntsrmvimseu2exmpli}
- mvimseu2exmpli = exptype2mviexmplis[EXPTYPE]
- # designate grating example units:
- pvgrtmseu2exmpli = {'PVCre_2018_0003_s03_e02_u51':1, # example neuron 1
- 'PVCre_2018_0003_s05_e02_u164':3, # example neuron 3
- }
- ntsrgrtmseu2exmpli = {'Ntsr1Cre_2019_0008_s06_e02_u46':1,
- }
- exptype2grtexmplis = {'pvmvis':pvgrtmseu2exmpli, 'ntsrmvis':ntsrgrtmseu2exmpli}
- grtmseu2exmpli = exptype2grtexmplis[EXPTYPE]
- mvimsu2exmpli = { mseustr2msustr(k):v for k, v in mvimseu2exmpli.items() }
- grtmsu2exmpli = { mseustr2msustr(k):v for k, v in grtmseu2exmpli.items() }
- msu2exmpli = {**mvimsu2exmpli, **grtmsu2exmpli} # merge the two
- burstclr = 'red'
- OPTOS = False, True
- opto2tuni = {False:0, True:1} # for indexing into tun_params field in Tuning table
- opto2fb = {None:'', False:'feedback', True:'suppression'}
- opto2clr = {None:darkblue, False:darkblue, True:optoblue}
- opto2alpha = {None:1, False:1, True:0.5} # with opto, feedback is removed, so desaturate colour
- modmeasures = ['meanrate', 'meanrate02', 'meanrate35', 'blankmeanrate', 'blankcondmeanrate',
- 'meanburstratio', 'blankmeanburstratio', 'blankcondmeanburstratio',
- 'spars', 'rel', 'meanpkw', 'snr']
- modmeasuresnoblankcond = modmeasures.copy()
- modmeasuresnoblankcond.remove('blankcondmeanrate')
- modmeasuresnoblankcond.remove('blankcondmeanburstratio')
- modmeasuresnoblank = modmeasuresnoblankcond.copy()
- modmeasuresnoblank.remove('blankmeanrate')
- modmeasuresnoblank.remove('blankmeanburstratio')
- measure2axislabel = {'meanrate':'FR', 'meanrate02':'FR', 'meanrate35':'FR',
- 'blankmeanrate':'FR', 'blankcondmeanrate':'FR',
- 'meanburstratio':'burst ratio', 'blankmeanburstratio':'burst ratio',
- 'blankcondmeanburstratio':'burst ratio',
- 'spars':'sparseness', 'rel':'reliability',
- 'meanpkw':'mean peak width', 'snr':'SNR'}
- measure2axisunits = {'meanrate':' (spk/s)', 'meanrate02':' (spk/s)', 'meanrate35':' (spk/s)',
- 'meanpkw':' (s)'}
- short2longaxislabel = {'FR':'Firing rate'}
- fmodes = ['', 'nb', 'b', 'nr'] # (narrow) firing modes
- fmode2txt = {'':'all', 'nb':'nonburst', 'b':'burst', 'nr':'nonrand'}
- # Tuning table keys used for gratings:
- ivs_order = 'grat_orientation, opto1'
- tun_model = 'sum_of_gaussians'
- model = 'threshlin' # linear or threshlin
- relaverage = 'mean' # reliability averaging method: mean or median
- DEFAULTFIGURESIZE = 2.8, 2.8 # normal
- DUMBBELLFIGSIZE = 3.3, 4.4 # dumbbell plots
- OFFSETS = -0.5, 0.75 # wide raster time offsets, sec
- OFFSETS02 = 0, -3 # limits to spikes from t=0 to 2 s, assuming 5 sec movies
- OFFSETS35 = 3, 0 # limits to spikes from t=3 to 5 s
- NTRIALSMVIGRT = 120 # limit movies to first 120 trials for more direct comparison with gratings
- binw, tres, kernel = 0.02, 0.001, 'gauss' # for calculating PSTHs, sec
- psthplottres = 0.010 # sec
- ssx = intround(psthplottres / tres) # subsample factor to get the desired plot tres
- # ON/OFF/transient classification:
- PDT = 0.050 # propagation delay time for movie onset (s)
- WINDT = 0.20 # duration separating start of pre and PDT, and PDT and end of post (s)
- EXCLTR = 0, 2*PDT # time range around PDT to treat as transient response
- assert EXCLTR[0] <= PDT <= EXCLTR[1]
- # load data from pickles:
- subfolder = EXPTYPE if EXPTYPE != 'pvmvis' else ''
- name2val = load_all(subfolder=subfolder)
- locals().update(name2val)