123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444 |
- """Figure 4 and some 4S1 plots, use run -i fig4.py"""
- mvimeasures = ['meanrate', 'meanrate02', 'meanrate35', 'blankmeanrate',
- 'meanburstratio', 'blankmeanburstratio']
- grtmeasures = ['meanrate', 'meanrate', 'meanrate', 'blankmeanrate',
- 'meanburstratio', 'blankmeanburstratio']
- mi = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([mvigrtmsustrs, STIMTYPES, [False, 'prestim', 'cond']],
- names=['msu', 'stimtype', 'blank'])
- fig4 = pd.DataFrame(index=mi, columns=['meanrate', 'meanburstratio'])
- ## NOTE: make sure that rows are not overwritten due to temporarily enabling iteration
- ## over st8 in any of the following loops!
- # strip, scatter and dumbbell plot movie vs grating FMI for applicable measures:
- np.random.seed(0) # to get identical horizontal jitter in strip plots on every run
- linmin, linmax, linstep = -1, 1, 1
- ticks = np.arange(linmin, linmax+linstep, linstep)
- for mvimeasure, grtmeasure in zip(mvimeasures, grtmeasures):
- measure = mvimeasure
- isblank = mvimeasure.startswith('blank')
- if isblank:
- measure = mvimeasure.split('blank')[1]
- axislabel = measure2axislabel[mvimeasure]
- axislabel = short2longaxislabel.get(axislabel, axislabel)
- if axislabel[0].islower():
- Axislabel = axislabel.capitalize()
- else:
- Axislabel = axislabel
- for st8 in ['none']:#ALLST8S:
- #mvifmis, grtfmis = [], []
- mvimaxfmis, grtmaxfmis, grtmaxfmi2s = [], [], []
- exmplis, exmplmsustrs, normlis = [], [], []
- # collect all movie FMIs:
- '''
- for mseustr in mvimseustrs:
- mvifmi = mviFMI[mvimeasure][mseustr, st8]
- if pd.isna(mvifmi):
- continue
- mvifmis.append(mvifmi)
- # collect all grating FMIs:
- for mseustr in grtmseustrs:
- grtfmi = grtFMI[grtmeasure][mseustr, st8]
- if pd.isna(grtfmi):
- continue
- grtfmis.append(grtfmi)
- '''
- # collect paired movie and grating max FMIs:
- keptmsui = 0
- for msustr in mvigrtmsustrs:
- mvimaxfmi = maxFMI[mvimeasure][msustr, st8, 'mvi']
- grtmaxfmi = maxFMI[grtmeasure][msustr, st8, 'grt']
- '''
- ## hack to replicate Steffen's code in R:
- if mvimeasure == 'meanrate':
- othermvimaxfmi = maxFMI['meanburstratio'][msustr, st8, 'mvi']
- othergrtmaxfmi = maxFMI['meanburstratio'][msustr, st8, 'grt']
- if pd.isna(othermvimaxfmi) or pd.isna(othergrtmaxfmi):
- continue
- '''
- if pd.isna(mvimaxfmi) or pd.isna(grtmaxfmi): # missing one or both maxFMI values
- continue
- if isblank: # add a second grtmaxfmi measure for blank cond
- blankname = 'blankcond' + measure
- grtmaxfmi2 = maxFMI[blankname][msustr, st8, 'grt']
- if pd.isna(grtmaxfmi2):
- continue
- else:
- grtmaxfmi2s.append(grtmaxfmi2)
- mvimaxfmis.append(mvimaxfmi)
- grtmaxfmis.append(grtmaxfmi)
- if measure in fig4.columns:
- assert mvimeasure == grtmeasure
- if isblank: # save both kinds of grt blank measures
- fig4.loc[msustr, 'mvi', 'prestim'][measure] = mvimaxfmi # save
- fig4.loc[msustr, 'grt', 'prestim'][measure] = grtmaxfmi # save
- fig4.loc[msustr, 'grt', 'cond'][measure] = grtmaxfmi2 # save
- else:
- fig4.loc[msustr, 'mvi', False][measure] = mvimaxfmi # save
- fig4.loc[msustr, 'grt', False][measure] = grtmaxfmi # save
- #if grtmeasure == 'meanburstratio' and grtmaxfmi > 0.8:
- # print('OUTLIER: %s grtmaxfmi=%g' % (msustr, grtmaxfmi))
- if msustr in msu2exmpli:
- exmplis.append(keptmsui)
- exmplmsustrs.append(msustr)
- else:
- normlis.append(keptmsui)
- keptmsui += 1 # manually increment
- #mvifmis = np.asarray(mvifmis)
- #grtfmis = np.asarray(grtfmis)
- mvimaxfmis = np.asarray(mvimaxfmis)
- grtmaxfmis = np.asarray(grtmaxfmis)
- grtmaxfmi2s = np.asarray(grtmaxfmi2s)
- assert len(mvimaxfmis) == len(grtmaxfmis)
- npairs = len(mvimaxfmis)
- '''
- ## strip plot movie and grating FMIs, for all mseus:
- f, a = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
- wintitle('FMI %s nat movie grating stripplot %s' % (mvimeasure, st8))
- # plot y=0 line:
- a.axhline(y=0, ls='--', marker='', color='lightgray', zorder=-np.inf)
- data = pd.DataFrame(data={'stimtype':['Movie']*len(mvifmis)+['Grating']*len(grtfmis),
- 'FMI':np.concatenate([mvifmis, grtfmis])})
- sns.stripplot(x='stimtype', y='FMI', data=data, jitter=True, clip_on=False,
- marker='.', color='None', edgecolor=st82clr[st8], size=np.sqrt(50))
- # exclude extreme +/- 1 FMI values from mean and ttest:
- #mvifmisnon1 = mvifmis[abs(mvifmis) != 1]
- #grtfmisnon1 = grtfmis[abs(grtfmis) != 1]
- # plot mean with short horizontal lines:
- #meanmvifmi, meangrtfmi = mvifmisnon1.mean(), grtfmisnon1.mean()
- #a.plot([-0.25, 0.25], [meanmvifmi, meanmvifmi], '-', lw=2, c='red', zorder=np.inf)
- #a.plot([0.75, 1.25], [meangrtfmi, meangrtfmi], '-', lw=2, c='red', zorder=np.inf)
- a.set_xlabel('')
- a.set_ylabel('%s FMI' % Axislabel)
- a.set_ylim(-1, 1)
- t, p = ttest_ind(mvifmisnon1, grtfmisnon1, equal_var=False) # non-paired t-test
- a.add_artist(AnchoredText('p$=$%.2g' % p, loc='upper center', frameon=False))
- # connect the dots:
- x = np.array([[0]*npairs, [1]*npairs])
- y = np.array([mvimaxfmis, grtmaxfmis])
- a.plot(x, y, '-', c='k', alpha=0.2, lw=1)
- # due to jitter, dots don't perfectly connect. Can get actual data using:
- #mvixy, grtxy = a.collections[0].get_offsets(), a.collections[1].get_offsets()
- # but some of those points aren't paired, which makes it complicated
- '''
- ## strip plot paired movie and grating max FMIs:
- if mvimeasure == 'meanrate': # 2 column wide strip plot
- f, a = plt.subplots(figsize=(figsize[0]*1.35, figsize[1]*1.5))
- elif mvimeasure == 'blankmeanrate': # 3 column wide strip plot
- f, a = plt.subplots(figsize=(figsize[0]*1.9, figsize[1]*1.5))
- elif mvimeasure == 'blankmeanburstratio': # 3 column normal width strip plot
- f, a = plt.subplots(figsize=(figsize[0]*1.4, figsize[1]))
- else:
- f, a = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
- wintitle('maxFMI %s movie grating stripplot' % mvimeasure)
- # plot y=0 line:
- a.axhline(y=0, ls='--', marker='', color='lightgray', zorder=-np.inf)
- datad = {'Movie':mvimaxfmis, 'Grating':grtmaxfmis}
- if isblank:
- datad = {'Movie':mvimaxfmis, 'Grating':grtmaxfmis,
- 'GratingCond':grtmaxfmi2s}
- data = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(datad, orient='index').transpose()
- sns.stripplot(ax=a, data=data, clip_on=False, marker='.',
- color='None', edgecolor='black', size=np.sqrt(50))
- # get fname of appropriate LMM .cvs file:
- if mvimeasure == 'meanrate' and grtmeasure == 'meanrate':
- fname = os.path.join('stats', 'figure_4a_pred_means.csv')
- elif mvimeasure == 'blankmeanrate' and grtmeasure == 'blankmeanrate':
- fname = os.path.join('stats', 'figure_4b_pred_means.csv')
- elif mvimeasure == 'meanburstratio' and grtmeasure == 'meanburstratio':
- fname = os.path.join('stats', 'figure_4_S1e_pred_means.csv')
- elif mvimeasure == 'blankmeanburstratio' and grtmeasure == 'blankmeanburstratio':
- fname = os.path.join('stats', 'figure_4_S1f_pred_means.csv')
- else:
- print("WARNING: No LMM stats for (mvimeasure=%s, grtmeasure=%s)"
- % (mvimeasure, grtmeasure))
- fname = None
- if fname:
- try:
- df = pd.read_csv(fname)
- foundregression = True
- except FileNotFoundError:
- print('Missing file: %s' % fname)
- foundregression = False
- if foundregression:
- # fetch LMM means from .csv:
- meanmvimaxfmi = df['mvi'][0]
- meangrtmaxfmi = df['grt'][0]
- # plot mean with short horizontal lines:
- a.plot([-0.25, 0.25], [meanmvimaxfmi, meanmvimaxfmi], '-', lw=2, c='red',
- zorder=np.inf)
- a.plot([0.75, 1.25], [meangrtmaxfmi, meangrtmaxfmi], '-', lw=2, c='red',
- zorder=np.inf)
- if isblank:
- meangrtmaxfmi2 = df['grt0c'][0]
- a.plot([1.75, 2.25], [meangrtmaxfmi2, meangrtmaxfmi2], '-', lw=2, c='red',
- zorder=np.inf)
- a.set_ylabel('%s FMI' % Axislabel)
- #if measure.startswith('meanrate'):
- # a.set_ylim(-0.6, 1)
- # a.set_yticks([-0.5, 0, 0.5, 1])
- #else:
- a.set_ylim(-1, 1)
- a.set_yticks([-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1])
- a.spines['bottom'].set_position(('outward', 5))
- a.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False)
- a.tick_params(bottom=False)
- # connect the dots:
- if isblank:
- x = np.array([[0]*npairs, [1]*npairs, [2]*npairs])
- y = np.array([mvimaxfmis, grtmaxfmis, grtmaxfmi2s])
- else:
- x = np.array([[0]*npairs, [1]*npairs])
- y = np.array([mvimaxfmis, grtmaxfmis])
- signs = np.sign(y)
- nonsignchangeis = signs[0] == signs[1]
- posslopeis = (signs[0] < 0) & (signs[1] > 0)
- negslopeis = (signs[0] > 0) & (signs[1] < 0)
- #signchangeis = signs[0] != signs[1]
- a.plot(x[:, nonsignchangeis], y[:, nonsignchangeis], '-', c='k', alpha=0.2, lw=1)
- a.plot(x[:, posslopeis], y[:, posslopeis], '--', c='k', alpha=1.0, lw=1)
- a.plot(x[:, negslopeis], y[:, negslopeis], '-', c='k', alpha=1.0, lw=1)
- #a.plot(x[:, signchangeis], y[:, signchangeis], '-', c='k', alpha=1.0, lw=1)
- # due to jitter, dots don't perfectly connect. Can get actual data using:
- #mvixy, grtxy = a.collections[0].get_offsets(), a.collections[1].get_offsets()
- ## scatter plot movie vs. grating max FMIs:
- '''
- f, a = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
- wintitle('maxFMI %s movie grating scatter' % mvimeasure)
- # plot x=0 and y=0 lines:
- a.axhline(y=0, ls='--', marker='', color='lightgray', zorder=-np.inf)
- a.axvline(x=0, ls='--', marker='', color='lightgray', zorder=-np.inf)
- # plot y=x line:
- xyline = [linmin, linmax], [linmin, linmax]
- a.plot(xyline[0], xyline[1], '--', color='gray', zorder=-1)
- # plot normal (non-example) points:
- a.scatter(grtmaxfmis[normlis], mvimaxfmis[normlis], clip_on=False,
- marker='.', c='None', edgecolor=st82clr[st8], s=DEFSZ)
- # plot example points, one at a time:
- for exmpli, msustr in zip(exmplis, exmplmsustrs):
- marker = exmpli2mrk[msu2exmpli[msustr]]
- c = exmpli2clr[msu2exmpli[msustr]]
- sz = exmpli2sz[msu2exmpli[msustr]]
- lw = exmpli2lw[msu2exmpli[msustr]]
- a.scatter(grtmaxfmis[exmpli], mvimaxfmis[exmpli], marker=marker, c=c, s=sz, lw=lw)
- # exclude extreme +/- 1 FMI values from mean and ttest:
- non1is = (abs(grtmaxfmis) != 1) & (abs(mvimaxfmis) != 1)
- grtmaxfmisnon1 = grtmaxfmis[non1is]
- mvimaxfmisnon1 = mvimaxfmis[non1is]
- # plot mean:
- a.scatter(np.mean(grtmaxfmisnon1), np.mean(mvimaxfmisnon1),
- c='red', edgecolor='red', s=50, marker='^')
- a.set_xlabel('Grating %s FMI' % axislabel)
- a.set_ylabel('Movie %s FMI' % axislabel)
- a.set_xlim(linmin, linmax)
- a.set_ylim(linmin, linmax)
- a.set_xticks(ticks)
- a.set_yticks(a.get_xticks()) # make log scale y ticks the same as x ticks
- a.minorticks_off()
- a.set_aspect('equal')
- a.spines['left'].set_position(('outward', 4))
- a.spines['bottom'].set_position(('outward', 4))
- t, p = ttest_rel(grtmaxfmisnon1, mvimaxfmisnon1) # paired t-test
- a.add_artist(AnchoredText('p$=$%.2g' % p, loc='lower right', frameon=False))
- '''
- ## dumbbell plot:
- '''
- f, a = plt.subplots(figsize=DUMBBELLFIGSIZE)
- wintitle('maxFMI %s movie grating dumbbell' % mvimeasure)
- # plot x=0 line:
- a.axvline(x=0, ls='--', marker='', color='lightgray', zorder=-np.inf)
- # plot horizontal lines:
- mvimaxfmisortis = mvimaxfmis.argsort() # y vals for hlines
- npairs = len(mvimaxfmis)
- ys = np.arange(npairs)
- xmvis, xgrts = mvimaxfmis[mvimaxfmisortis], grtmaxfmis[mvimaxfmisortis]
- a.hlines(ys, xmvis, xgrts, zorder=-100)
- sz = 100
- # plot grt points:
- a.scatter(xgrts, ys, clip_on=False, marker='.', c='white',
- edgecolor=st82clr[st8], s=sz)
- # plot mvi points:
- a.scatter(xmvis, ys, clip_on=False, marker='.', c=st82clr[st8], s=sz)
- a.set_xlabel('%s FMI' % Axislabel)
- a.set_ylabel('Neurons')
- a.set_xlim(linmin, linmax)
- a.set_ylim(-1, npairs)
- a.set_xticks(ticks)
- a.set_yticks([])
- a.spines['left'].set_position(('outward', 4))
- a.spines['left'].set_visible(False)
- '''
- '''
- # plot CDFs of spatial suppression index for blankscreen movies/gratings wrt full screen
- # movies/gratings, for meanrate and meanburstratio, for control and opto conditions:
- stimtype2resp = {'mvi':mviresp, 'grt':grtresp}
- for stimtype in ['mvi', 'grt']:
- resp = stimtype2resp[stimtype]
- if stimtype == 'mvi':
- resp = resp.xs('nat', level='kind') # dereference movie 'kind' index level
- for measure in ['meanrate', 'meanburstratio']:
- f, a = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
- wintitle('SSI %s %s blank vs fullscreen CDF' % (stimtype, measure))
- opto2SSI = {}
- for opto in OPTOS:
- rows = resp.xs(['none', opto], level=['st8', 'opto']) # only mseu index left
- fullscreen = rows[measure]
- blank = rows['blank'+measure]
- SSI = (blank - fullscreen) / (blank + fullscreen)
- SSI = np.float64(SSI[SSI.notna()].values) # pull float array out of object Series
- opto2SSI[opto] = SSI
- SSIbins = list(np.unique(SSI)) + [10]
- fb = opto2fb[opto].capitalize()
- a.hist(SSI, bins=SSIbins, density=True, histtype='step',
- cumulative=True, clip_on=True, lw=1.5,
- label=fb, color=opto2clr[opto], alpha=1)
- a.set_xlabel('Spatial suppression index')
- a.set_ylabel('Cumulative probability')
- #a.legend(frameon=False)
- a.set_xlim(-1, 1)
- a.set_ylim(0, 1.01)
- a.set_yticks([0, 0.5, 1])
- #a.spines['left'].set_position(('outward', 4))
- _, KS_p = ks_2samp(opto2SSI[False], opto2SSI[True])
- txt = '$\mathregular{p_{KS}=%.2g}$' % KS_p # prob that distribs are the same
- a.add_artist(AnchoredText(txt, loc='lower right', frameon=False))
- # stripplot spatial suppression index for blankscreen movies/gratings wrt full screen
- # movies/gratings, for meanrate and meanburstratio, for both opto conditions, for all mseu:
- stimtype2resp = {'mvi':mviresp, 'grt':grtresp}
- for measure in ['meanrate', 'meanburstratio']:
- opto2SSI = {}
- for stimtype in ['mvi', 'grt']:
- resp = stimtype2resp[stimtype]
- if stimtype == 'mvi':
- resp = resp.xs('nat', level='kind') # dereference movie 'kind' index level
- for opto in OPTOS:
- rows = resp.xs(['none', opto], level=['st8', 'opto']) # only mseu index left
- fullscreen = rows[measure]
- blank = rows['blank'+measure]
- SSI = (blank - fullscreen) / (blank + fullscreen)
- #SSI = (blank - fullscreen) / blank
- SSI = np.float64(SSI[SSI.notna()].values) # pull float array out of object Series
- opto2SSI[opto] = SSI
- # stripplot:
- SSIons, SSIoffs = opto2SSI[True], opto2SSI[False]
- f, a = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
- wintitle('SSI %s %s blank vs fullscreen stripplot' % (stimtype, measure))
- data = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'Feedback':SSIoffs, 'Suppression':SSIons},
- orient='index').transpose()
- sns.stripplot(ax=a, data=data, clip_on=False, marker='.',
- color='None', edgecolor='black', size=np.sqrt(50))
- # exclude extreme +/- 1 SSI values from mean:
- SSIonsnon1 = SSIons[abs(SSIons) != 1]
- SSIoffsnon1 = SSIoffs[abs(SSIoffs) != 1]
- # plot mean with short horizontal lines:
- meanSSIon, meanSSIoff = SSIonsnon1.mean(), SSIoffsnon1.mean()
- a.plot([-0.25, 0.25], [meanSSIoff, meanSSIoff], '-', lw=2, c='red', zorder=np.inf)
- a.plot([0.75, 1.25], [meanSSIon, meanSSIon], '-', lw=2, c='red', zorder=np.inf)
- a.set_ylabel('Spatial suppression index')
- a.set_ylim(-1, 1)
- a.spines['bottom'].set_position(('outward', 5))
- a.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False)
- a.tick_params(bottom=False)
- # stripplot FMI spatial suppression index for blankscreen movies/gratings wrt full screen
- # movies/gratings, for meanrate and meanburstratio, for all mseu:
- stimtype2FMI = {'mvi':mviFMI, 'grt':grtFMI}
- for measure in ['meanrate', 'meanburstratio']:
- stimtype2SSI = {}
- for stimtype in ['mvi', 'grt']:
- FMI = stimtype2FMI[stimtype]
- rows = FMI.xs('none', level='st8') # only mseu index left
- fullscreen = rows[measure]
- blank = rows['blank'+measure]
- SSI = (blank - fullscreen) / (abs(blank) + abs(fullscreen))
- #SSI = (blank - fullscreen) / blank
- SSI = np.float64(SSI[SSI.notna()].values) # pull float array out of object Series
- stimtype2SSI[stimtype] = SSI
- # plot CDF:
- f, a = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
- wintitle('SSI %s %s FMI blank vs fullscreen' % (stimtype, measure))
- SSIbins = list(np.unique(SSI)) + [10]
- a.hist(SSI, bins=SSIbins, density=True, histtype='step',
- cumulative=True, clip_on=True, lw=1.5, color='black', alpha=1)
- a.set_xlabel('FMI spatial suppression index')
- a.set_ylabel('Cumulative probability')
- #a.legend(frameon=False)
- a.set_xlim(-1, 1)
- a.set_ylim(0, 1.01)
- a.set_yticks([0, 0.5, 1])
- #a.spines['left'].set_position(('outward', 4))
- # stripplot:
- mviSSI, grtSSI = stimtype2SSI['mvi'], stimtype2SSI['grt']
- f, a = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
- wintitle('SSI %s FMI blank vs fullscreen stripplot' % measure)
- data = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'Movie':mviSSI, 'Grating':grtSSI},
- orient='index').transpose()
- sns.stripplot(ax=a, data=data, clip_on=False, marker='.',
- color='None', edgecolor='black', size=np.sqrt(50))
- # exclude extreme +/- 1 SSI values from mean:
- mviSSInon1 = mviSSI[abs(mviSSI) != 1]
- grtSSInon1 = grtSSI[abs(grtSSI) != 1]
- # plot mean with short horizontal lines:
- meanmvifmi, meangrtfmi = mviSSInon1.mean(), grtSSInon1.mean()
- a.plot([-0.25, 0.25], [meanmvifmi, meanmvifmi], '-', lw=2, c='red', zorder=np.inf)
- a.plot([0.75, 1.25], [meangrtfmi, meangrtfmi], '-', lw=2, c='red', zorder=np.inf)
- a.set_ylabel('FMI spatial suppression index')
- a.set_ylim(-1, 1)
- a.spines['bottom'].set_position(('outward', 5))
- a.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False)
- a.tick_params(bottom=False)
- # dumbbell plot FMI spatial suppression index for blankscreen movies/gratings wrt full screen
- # movies/gratings, for meanrate and meanburstratio, for all mseu:
- for measure in ['meanrate', 'meanburstratio']:
- stimtype2SSI = {}
- for stimtype in ['mvi', 'grt']:
- rows = maxFMI.xs(['none', stimtype], level=['st8', 'stimtype']) # only msu index left
- fullscreen = rows[measure]
- blank = rows['blank'+measure]
- SSI = (blank - fullscreen) / (abs(blank) + abs(fullscreen))
- #SSI = (blank - fullscreen) / blank
- SSI = np.float64(SSI.values) # pull float array out of object Series
- stimtype2SSI[stimtype] = SSI
- mviSSI, grtSSI = stimtype2SSI['mvi'], stimtype2SSI['grt']
- keepis = pd.notna(mviSSI) & pd.notna(grtSSI) # remove any unit that has NaN in either stim
- mviSSI, grtSSI = mviSSI[keepis], grtSSI[keepis]
- f, a = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
- wintitle('SSI %s maxFMI blank vs fullscreen stripplot dumbbell' % measure)
- # plot x=0 line:
- a.axvline(x=0, ls='--', marker='', color='lightgray', zorder=-np.inf)
- # plot horizontal lines:
- mviSSIsortis = mviSSI.argsort() # y vals for hlines
- npairs = len(mviSSI)
- ys = np.arange(npairs)
- xmvis, xgrts = mviSSI[mviSSIsortis], grtSSI[mviSSIsortis]
- a.hlines(ys, xmvis, xgrts, zorder=-100)
- sz = 100
- # plot grt points:
- a.scatter(xgrts, ys, marker='.', c='white', edgecolor=st82clr[st8], s=sz)
- # plot mvi points:
- a.scatter(xmvis, ys, marker='.', c=st82clr[st8], s=sz)
- axislabel = measure2axislabel[measure]
- if axislabel[0].islower():
- Axislabel = axislabel.capitalize()
- else:
- Axislabel = axislabel
- a.set_xlabel('%s FMI SSI' % Axislabel)
- a.set_ylabel('Neurons')
- #a.set_xlim(linmin-eps, linmax+eps)
- a.set_ylim(-1, npairs)
- #a.set_xticks(ticks)
- a.set_yticks([])
- '''