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Martynas Dervinis vor 1 Jahr
1 geänderte Dateien mit 0 neuen und 3 gelöschten Zeilen
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+ 0 - 3

@@ -5,9 +5,6 @@ Intracellular membrane potential noise recordings in cortical pyramidal cells af
 ### recs
 ```recs``` folder holds data for all individual recordings in separate folders. Folders are named according to recording IDs: ```p103a```, ```p106b```, ```p108a```, ```p108b```, ```p108c```, ```p120b```, ```p122a```, ```p124b```, ```p125a```, ```p127c```, ```p128c```, ```p129a```, ```p131a```, ```p131c```. Recording IDs are formed by appending the animal ID with the slice ID letter. Each recording ID folder has the following structure:
-# minis-benchmarking-data
-Intracellular noise recordings and simulations of miniature excitatory postsynaptic potentials (mEPSPs) in cortical pyramidal cells. The data in this repository was used to produce the [manuscript](insert the link here) of the [minis](https://github.com/dervinism/minis) software benchamarking study.
 |**Folder name**          |**Description**   |
 |abf 	                    | *This folder contains Axon Binary Format files produced by simulating excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) and superimposing them on top of the filtered and smoothed intracellular membrane potential noise recordings. These files are produced by ```minis``` software running in the ```Simulate``` mode. ```minis``` in turn calls ```simulateDetectEvaluate``` function which performs the simulation, runs the ```minis``` detection algorithm on the noise + simulated EPSP time series data, and evaluates detection performance using signal detection measures. There are 4 simulated files per each test condition as described in the manuscript. File name parts identifying different conditions are listed below the table.*|