datacite.yml 1.2 KB

  1. authors:
  2. -
  3. firstname: "Asaph"
  4. lastname: "Zylbertal"
  5. -
  6. firstname: "Anat"
  7. lastname: "Kahan"
  8. -
  9. firstname: "Yoram"
  10. lastname: "Ben-Shaul"
  11. -
  12. firstname: "Yosef"
  13. lastname: "Yoram"
  14. -
  15. firstname: "Shlomo"
  16. lastname: "Wagner"
  17. title: "Prolonged intracellular Na+ dynamics govern electrical activity in accessory olfactory bulb mitral cells"
  18. description: |
  19. Data used for article figures and Matlab code for rendering them. Run fig_x_render to render article figure x.
  20. keywords:
  21. - Action potentials
  22. - Neuronal dendrites
  23. - Neurons
  24. - Fluorescence imaging
  25. - Electrical stimulation
  26. - Simulation and modeling
  27. - Fluorescence microscopy
  28. - Membrane potential
  29. license:
  30. name: "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License"
  31. url: ""
  32. references:
  33. -
  34. id: "doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1002319"
  35. reftype: "IsSupplementTo"
  36. citation: "Zylbertal A, Kahan A, Ben-Shaul Y, Yarom Y, Wagner S (2015) Prolonged Intracellular Na+ Dynamics Govern Electrical Activity in Accessory Olfactory Bulb Mitral Cells. PLoS Biol 13(12): e1002319."
  37. resourcetype: Dataset
  38. templateversion: 1.2