datacite.yml 1.7 KB

  1. authors:
  2. -
  3. firstname: Nóra
  4. lastname: Csikós
  5. affiliation: 'Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Budapest, Hungary'
  6. id:
  7. -
  8. firstname: Bela
  9. lastname: Petro
  10. affiliation: 'Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary'
  11. id:
  12. -
  13. firstname: Petia
  14. lastname: Kojouharova
  15. affiliation: 'Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Budapest, Hungary'
  16. id:
  17. -
  18. firstname: 'Zsófia Anna'
  19. lastname: Gaál
  20. affiliation: 'Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Budapest, Hungary'
  21. id:
  22. -
  23. firstname: István
  24. lastname: Czigler
  25. affiliation: 'Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Budapest, Hungary'
  26. id:
  27. title: 'Automatic change detection in interwoven equences: A visual mismatch negativity study'
  28. description: 'EEG data and ANOVA results for the Automatic change detection in interwoven equences: A visual mismatch negativity study manuscript'
  29. keywords:
  30. - 'visual mismatch negativity'
  31. - 'event-related potentials'
  32. - 'automatic processing'
  33. license:
  34. name: 'Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Public Domain Dedication'
  35. url: ''
  36. funding:
  37. - 'Ministry of Innovation and Technology of Hungary, National Research, Development and Innovation Fund, OTKA_K grant, no.119587'
  38. references:
  39. -
  40. id: 'DOI:tba'
  41. reftype: IsSupplementTo
  42. citation: 'Csikós N, Petro B, Kojouharova P, Gaál Zs A, Czigler I: Automatic change detection in interwoven equences: A visual mismatch negativity study. In preparation.'
  43. resourcetype: Dataset
  44. templateversion: 1.2